Why Zimmerman Must Be Lynched....

Started by redcliffsw, April 20, 2012, 07:51:34 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on April 20, 2012, 10:07:50 AM
Jar, I'm sorry, but that is my gut reaction to someone who stalks another person.  If he had done what he had been told to do, the boy would have gone back to where he was visiting.  He also could have observed from a distance that did not make the boy feel threatened. 
IF you had heard testimony, he didn't go after martin. He returned to his vehicle.  Sorry but that "myth" exploded today at the hearing.  The detective said that there was no evidence that zimmerman persued martin. 

QuoteAs for the boy, he should not have confronted the person who seemed to be stalking him, but should have proceeded to return to the house where he was known.  This man used excessive force when he pulled his gun on the boy.  I fail to see how a man of his size could have been threatened and overcome by a young man of this boy's small stature.  It will be interesting to see what happens.  I am betting that this Zimmerman gets off.

Excuse me? Martin was 17, not a boy.  HE was a boy in a mans body.  Your assumtion he was some weakling nerd is laughable. As a father who has had plenty of ample opportunity in stepping between two 17 year old boys, i can tell you that they can kill a man.  They are not harmless.  Secondly take a look at zimmermans head. This was not caused by a boy, but by a adult man.  we aren't alking 12 year old here.

QuoteAs for prejudging, Steve is doing the same thing by calling the young man a thug.  We all use language we don't really mean, don't we?
Yes he is a thug that made the mistake of bringing a fist fight to a gunfight.  I would have busted a cap in him too if he were on top of me smashing me into a sidewalk.  I don't give a rats ass about who persued whom.  The simple evidence is zimmerman had lacerations that proved he was attacked.  Martin didn't have anything proving he was attacked outside of the hole in him that zimmerman made after zimmerman was attacked. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: jarhead on April 20, 2012, 10:27:58 AM

Quote from Wilma:
I fail to see how a man of his size could have been threatened and overcome by a young man of this boy's small stature.

Oh boy !!! If what the News Talking Heads say is right, your "poor little boy " was 6 ft 3 inches tall. Guess by NBA standards that would qualify under "small stature" by my standards that is a "tall son of a gun.

LOL also tell that to those 17 year old marines that keep graduating from paris island. They are too much of a boy to kill somone!  too innocent ROTFLMAO. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


This case has nothing to do with black or white now. IT has everything to do with disarming citizens. They didn't get involved til they got wind of the stand your ground law. SOOOo the liberals had to jump on that and make it a massive issue by demonizing someone that fell under the law. 

All this is going to do if they convict zimmerman is cause those of us who are law abiding citizens to go out and buy a throw away gun.  That way we don't have to go through this crap zimmermans going through.  Bust a cap in your attacker and send the gun to the bottom of a well. Problem solved.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Seems to me that I am not the only one picking up misinformation.  What I have heard is on the major networks news, ABC, CBS and NBC, not the so-called news networks that have to relate the same story over and over and embellish on it just to have something to report.  I don't watch those channels.


Quote from: Wilma on April 20, 2012, 11:31:33 AM
What I have heard is on the major networks news, ABC, CBS and NBC, not the so-called news networks that have to relate the same story over and over and embellish on it just to have something to report.

Let me guess, you get all your local news from the good ole boy network and the Elk Konnected steering committee.  With access to the internet and radio, I'm sorry to hear you limit your information intake so greatly.  I hear Batson's is planning a sale on tin foil.  Line the windows.  Lord knows, we wouldn't want you being influenced by radio beams from any aliens.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on April 20, 2012, 11:31:33 AM
Seems to me that I am not the only one picking up misinformation.  What I have heard is on the major networks news, ABC, CBS and NBC, not the so-called news networks that have to relate the same story over and over and embellish on it just to have something to report.  I don't watch those channels.

Then you have not been paying attention. The photo i posted of the lacerations on Zimmermans head is from ABC. But you would hve to pay attention to the ABC logo on the photo to know that!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


We Are Screwed
A Thought Possibly Not
Unique to Fred Reed
April 5, 2012

Our current poster for successful racial policy is, as all the world probably knows, the shooting of the improbably named Travon Martin, black, by an Hispanic improbably named Zimmerman. The death has been improbably termed, by professional blacks, "genocide." Whatever happened to dictionaries, I wonder.

Perhaps the worst thing about the case is the appalling English it revealed, "He dont be doing nothing aint right he just...." Usually the brighter and more literate of a group spend time on the internet. Heaven help us. These inarticulate mutterings devoid of punctuation or any grasp of the structure of the language illustrate what we know but ignore: We are screwed. In 2012, in a technological society that sends space craft to Mars, we have millions of illiterates, or close enough that it doesn't make any difference.

This, not genocide, is the worst thing afflicting blacks. Years back I walked a foot beat with a cop on Capitol Hill. The cop started chatting with a black kid of maybe eleven. He suggested mildly that the boy ought to be home reading instead of hanging out on the street. "I ain't read no boo-oo-ook," said the child with infinite scorn. Exactly.

Also visible in the prop-wash of the shooting is the seething, unreasoning hatred for whites. Of course not all blacks hate whites equally, or at all. If you are white, the black economist next door probably doesn't hate you and wants for his children what you want for yours. Well and good. But I can show you parts, many parts, of Washington or Chicago or Los Angeles where, if you are white, you wouldn't last an hour after the sun went down.

The web groans under furious denunciations of Zimmerman as a racist, cracker, redneck thug, bigot. Various blacks vow revenge. The characteristic self-pity and sense of victimhood run in full flood without a trace of thought. If Jesse Jackson has been quoted correctly, he said, "blacks are under attack" and "targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business." Oh sure. Jackson, no fool, knows better, but plies his trade.

Practically speaking, it doesn't matter what happened to Trayvon. Millions of blacks are going to believe that an innocent upstanding young black kid was murdered by a racist white because he as black. The view is visceral, irrational, unconcerned with facts, and based on the bedrock of the understanding of blacks: We are victims of Whitey.

The facts are that racial attacks by blacks against whites, against Asians, are far, far more common than attacks by whites or Asians against blacks. A glance at the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, or the National Crime Victimization Survey, makes this obvious. Every cop knows it. I suspect that almost everyone knows it, though many don't want to say it.

Where does this lead?

A symptom of the underlying corruption of American society is that in matters racial neither the government nor the media are impartial. Both (if one regards media and government as separate entities) carefully bury horrific crimes by blacks against whites and Asians while amplifying any crime, real or imagined, by whites against blacks. This has gone on so long that whites in general must be aware of it.

But what effect does this highly directed coverage have on blacks of no education? On those who can't read or who read so poorly that they don't? In eight years as police reporter for the Washington Times, I went into many homes of urban blacks who had called the cops. I do not recall ever seeing a book. We are speaking of a people whose only source of information is television.

Which tells them over and over that innocent blacks are being killed, beaten, jailed, and falsely accused. Disposed to self-pity and more emotional than reasoning, they readily accept this message. It comes often from prominent blacks who maintain their power by ridiculous warnings of genocide and the like.

In all the outpourings of fury from blacks over the shooting, I have not encountered the slightest appreciation that it might have been a matter of self-defense. Not the slightest recognition that blacks indeed commit a great deal of violent crime and that whites might reasonably be wary of hooded young black males. The races are on utterly different pages.

Where does this leave us? The racial impasse is just that, an impasse, and not getting better. The hatred is deep and wide-spread. Television encourages it.

The very names of blacks reflect a profound distaste for European civilization, a desire for separate societies. Trayvon, Lateesha, Keeshawn—these all form part of an insuperable wall erected against a polity that blacks don't like and don't understand.

The divide extends to the White House. Obama said nothing unreasonable about the shooting, only that the country needed to get to the bottom of it. But he says nothing of the constant series of beatings and killings of whites by blacks. Various commentators have called him the first post-racial president. No. He is the first black president.

The policy of integration and the cult of diversity haven't worked. Over and over the hatred boils up and underlines the immiscibility of black and white. OJ, Rodney King, Travon, the Duke case, Towana Brawley, all the gang. Racial crimes against whites are buried, but now show up on Drudge in cell-phone videos. The races are not melding culturally. We have hate crime laws, unidirectional as they are, because we have hate crimes. We have to have laws forcing togetherness because we don't want togetherness.

Societies work best when they have a uniform culture. The next best thing is a dominant culture to which small numbers of people of similar culture must accommodate themselves. We see this in America with the Chinese, who are studious, industrious, abide by the laws, and do not set themselves in opposition to the ambient European ethos. They are few enough, similar enough, and quiet enough that it works.

But blacks are too many, too different, and too culturally raucous. Some syncretism occurs around the edges, yet even the middle classes of the two races mix seldom and somewhat awkwardly.

I do not see how things can change. The sprawling black regions of the cities are so homogeneous, so big, and so isolated from the white world, television aside, as not to be susceptible to outside influence. Whites do not go in, and blacks do not come out. A steady-state model of the universe, so to speak.

We are screwed.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I've been reading Fred Reed now for years... his exploits in Vietnam (which Jarhead would probably get a kick out of), his police columns in the Washington Times... and most of all, his nutty outlook on life.  Some may call him a well-traveled certified nut case and he would probably agree with that description.  Me, I think he's a poor mans Ernest Hemingway with a smelly cigar...Warph

Fred's Police Columns - He describes his nightly rides with the Capitol Hill Police and Arlington, VA Police Dept.:
"You may not like cops. Few do. They can be arrogant, impatient, rude. They can weary of a demanding, complaining public. Most are good people. A few are not. They are what we've got. They are out there, 24/7, with the psychopaths, the crash victims with the cartilage white where the flesh is gone, the week-old dead found by the reek, the snot, the blood, the cum, the maggots, the screaming half-crazed fifteen-year-old rape vtctims, the charred children caught in the fire with their guts exploded, the aged drunk women pissing in their pants in alleys and trying to crawl, the baby's brains on the windshield. You might get a bit odd too. You might get real damn odd. Think about it."


From Beginning to End
March 21, 2011

"In 1492 Columbus rediscovered America, and the settlers, destructively exploiting its vast resources, achieved a success which they attributed to their own near-miraculous virtues, some of which they actually had: courage, rude vigor, industry, and an independent spirit. Shortly after, they emerged from WWII unscathed due to the military genius embodied in two oceans while competitors—Europe, Russia, China, and Japan—lay prostrate. America's intact military and an economy up and running allowed the establishment of a fairly benign empire and an astonishing commercial dominance, both being attributed to near-miraculous virtues and regarded as permanent.

They didn't see it coming."

Read the rest of it here:  http://fredoneverything.net/AmericanHistory.shtml

Not bad: the entirety of US history in 14 short paragraphs.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I think it is Dr. M. Savage who has been chiming for years, "Borders, language & culture!", reiterating that without these, a nation ceases to exist as a sovereign.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Subculture Clash

By Daniel J. Flynn on 3.30.12

The sad story of two stereotypes, Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

America's gifts to the world include the airplane, the polio vaccine, jazz, the gated community, and saggy-drawed, gold-toothed gangsta chic. These last two contributions came into deadly conflict last month at the Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sanford, Florida.

America is the land of the free, home of the gate. When don't-tread-on-me meets law-and-order, unchecked liberty experiences the perils of lawlessness and over-the-top security discovers it in a jail cell. That's the sad story of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.

Gated communities are cul-de-sacs suffering from a more severe neurosis. For the roughly 94 percent of Americans who don't live in Fortress America, it's easy to stereotype the denizens of the enclaves as overly-suspicious people cowering behind walls. There, a stranger isn't a friend you've never met but a guy fixing to heist your flat-screen television. Residents behind the fences seem as eager to snitch to the homeowners association on a neighbor's gauche Christmas ornamentation as he is to speed-dial the police about an unfamiliar pedestrian.

George Zimmerman did nothing to disabuse ungated Americans of such stereotypes. Since 2004, he has called the authorities 46 times. Potholes, trash in the road, unfamiliar automobiles, and even open garage doors weren't safe from his phone fetish. This busybodyism ended tragically on February 26. The initiate of the community's citizen watch program pursued an African-American teenager after a 911 dispatcher advised him not to. The African-American teenager objected more vehemently to the pursuit. Zimmerman responded to the physical assault with a firearm. Might overreaction be an issue for him?

Zimmerman's victim is exactly the kind of person who the residents of the Retreat at Twin Lakes sought to retreat from.

Trayvon Martin's Twitter account is a world where friends are "n-ggas," women are "b-tches," and English is a foreign language. His nom-de-tweet, "No Limit N---a," boasted of new tattoos, habitually arriving late for class, and smoking marijuana. He made repeated, degrading, unprintable references to women and their anatomies. "F-K DA SKOOL, F-K DA LUNCH, ND MOST OF ALL F-K DA FACULTY," he said of his high school. His high school said of him that he vandalized the building, possessed a pot pipe, and stored a cache of jewelry -- including silver wedding bands -- and a burglar's tool in his locker.

Trayvon Martin may have looked like the president's son. He didn't act like it. (Hmmmm... or did he)

What happened in Sanford, Florida, was a culture clash, just not in the way that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Bobby Rush imagine it. The Martin-Zimmerman conflict wasn't a black-white issue, or even a black-Hispanic issue. It's the culture of the urban gangsta conflicting with the culture of gated living. One might say that the former created the latter. From all appearances, the Miami high school student and the suburban Orlando neighborhood watch captain appear as archetypes of these two American subcultures.

We judge the actors, just as the actors judged one another, on the basis of limited information. Zimmerman assumed the hooded teenager to be a hoodlum. Martin assumed that he could manhandle the shorter, pudgier, older man in a fistfight. Their stereotypes proved correct, but only to a point. If Martin appeared as a nogoodnik, nobody but a dentist could say that he was up to no good that night by merely buying Arizona Iced Tea and a pack of Skittles. If Zimmerman looked an easy mark for a pugilist, the assessment erred in overlooking his weapon amidst his physical attributes.

Americans may have misconceptions about teenagers exuding thug fashion and gated-life busybodies. But they, in turn, have misconceptions about America. The bastion-dweller sees in the very real gates that surround an illusion that blocks out civilization -- or perhaps walls it in. The thug behaves as a barbarian with the unrealistic expectation those in the way will behave in a civilized manner. We live in our cocoons -- until reality invades.

There's bad news for both archetypes. Fifty-three percent of births in the U.S. to women under 30 -- the motherhood demographic -- occur without a father married to the child's mother. Teenage boys blindly grasping at models of faux-masculinity -- such as beltless, pants-dragging prison fashion -- is sure to rise with it. Gated developments have been booming in recent decades where the population has been booming (in the West and South). What the unwelcome mat in front of these communities seeks to keep out encroaches.

George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were people. Now they're seen as clichés. This is their doing, not the media's.

The passionate partisans of both complain of the public's unfair stereotypes of them. A person who doesn't like being stereotyped shouldn't behave as one.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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