Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Poor, poor, littel Jarhead!  Head to your bunker and drink some of your whine. ;)


Who rattled your cage ? Thanks for the advice though---If your good sister, Rita, was here I would invite her into my bunker to partake of the fruit of the vine and we would have an intelligent conversation :angel:


Quote from: greatguns on May 01, 2012, 07:52:09 AM
Poor, poor, littel Jarhead!  Head to your bunker and drink some of your whine. ;)

You've been to the Amberg School of Socially Enlightened Discourse (A$$ED), I see.  What is it about smiley faces that make a comment like that less inflammatory, let alone on point regarding Elk Konnected success stories?  Poke, poke?!?

Perhaps you have some input on those specific, measurable results obtain by EK in their four pillared Public Squares community unification/organization programs.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Military travels don't count??...Well thank you so much for your support of our troops Diane. I'm sure they all would be happy to hear your opinion of them. East Coast manners...you bet. Soliders and dogs stay off the grass, huh?

You and Al are friends of Biden, pretty much says it all not to mention explains your outlook on things.

And since it was never answered I'll restate my question...

Can anyone name just one measurable, lasting improvement that was done by Elk Konnected, L.L.C that actually improves our county or brings our communities together?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Sorry Jar, You caught me in a really bad mood yesterday. I get so sick of the double standard you folks use. I get swiped and clawed by name and personally, but if I say something about it, I get the various lectures about big girl undies and the every ready "victim" business. Yet, If I say something in self defense or get in the first snipe for a change, it isn't judged in the same way. Frankly, I'm getting tired of some of the repetitive insults.  I really did laugh though when Varmit said the neighbors wanted their poodle back. That's really funny. I wonder what Varmit looks when he first gets out of the water? :P :P :P
 I still think it's very interesting  that some of you folks are are so stuck in the past you'd rather have a ghost area than have any progressive people out there actually do something. Do you really want to go back to kerosene lamps, dirt tracks in town, wood board sidewalks and the 1880's?You wan tthe diseases from back then too? You have plenty of Kansas folks right there who are forward thinking, you just don't want them to be.
   Some of your villages  have moved from somewhere else to be where they are now .Should you do that again?  Or perhaps follow Michigan's model?  Or make the entire county an over 65 community? That could be fun and might attract tourists. HA!
       Back to the thread title.This is the time of year when people, all volunteers ,clean up trash and junk that has accumulated from the winter. Trucks are volunteered, trash bags, drinks and snacks are donated and tons of junk disappears from the roadsides, creeks and rivers. Thanks to all who do that and to those who adopt roads everywhere to keep them cleaned up too. It really shows.

Diane Amberg

Varmit ,there you go again trying to make negative connections where none exist. How dare you think I don't support our military!    >:(   
   First of all, did you have to buy your own plane tickets? And here I thought our taxes paid for it. My travels around the states were paid for by me! Why must you look for negatives everywhere? Even Steve got paid for his traveling, as much as he apparently hated every minute of it. What a waste.
  Varmit, as for as your making personal comments about me again, you know where you can stick it. You have no idea about who I am and I'll never tell you either. I'll never answer any more questions about EK either, I already did and you chose not to accept them. It must be nice to be boss of the world
    All this smart mouth from someone who is named after fish eggs? Now that really is funny! No wonder you are touchy. I'm amazed you weren't picked on as a kid...or were you? ;) poke poke. Heh, heh, heh    Actually, I do know where the name comes from. It's an old one.


Hey Genuis, the military folks pay taxes also. 

Diane I know EXACTLY the type of person you are, that is, a liberal, progressive socialist. YOU said so yourself...

Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2012, 10:34:19 AM
  I still think it's very interesting  that some of you folks are are so stuck in the past you'd rather have a ghost area than have any progressive people out there actually do something. Do you really want to go back to kerosene lamps, dirt tracks in town, wooded board sidewalks and the 1880's?  You have plenty of Kansas folks nearby who are forward thinking, you just don't want them to be. Some of your places already have moved from somewhere else to be where they are now.Should you do that again?  Or perhaps follow Michigan's model?  Or make the entire county an over 65 community? That could be fun and might attract tourists. HA!

Only a progressive socialist would make the leap that anyone that doesn't like their programs is stuck in the 1880's.

As for EK not you or anyone else has answered the question relating to measurable lasting improvments. But Hey, I'll give you an "A" for your efforts of deflection.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Nope, I'm an Independent Moderate, leaning toward Libertarian. I'm just not fanatical or obsessed with it.
  You labeling me as something else might make you feel superior, but that doesn't make it true.  Why do you feel you have to label everyone?   Does that mean now I can call you a "radical ultra conservative evangelical survivalist blogger puppet?" Speaking of being brainwashed!
   I evaluate things and decide depending on whatever  circumstances may affect things. If facts and circumstances change, I may change my mind too.
   Sorry kid, ya can't pin me down or chain me to a category. I just won't stay there. People on here who can read and have some memory must be tired of hearing me say that, but some just will not accept me as me. Too bad.
   Hey genius, so do teachers!  All public employees do. But they don't give me free plane tickets  to exotic places  ;D  and there are people who will tell you that in some areas teachers go into combat every day. So What? Again, trying to make connections where there are none.
  Hm....I don't recall ever saying I'm a" progressive socialist." You'll have to show me. I said there are some progressive people out where you are, and as YOU keep reminding me, I'm not there, I'm here. yuk.yuk They ain't my programs, ya cute li'l rock squasher. Something about rocks does comes to mind. Your mind that is. I gotta million of 'em!. Now if you are finished with your silly name calling ritual, I have other things to see about. Maybe ya can send yur new wife back on ta stand up for ya again ;)


Jarhead, I am not in a cage.  I know that must disappoint you!  I will let the good one know you VOLUNTEERED her to go underground with you. ;)


Sorry Diane, but the ideals and values you have expressed on here on numerous occasions say otherwise as to your political leanings.  But you are right about one thing, folks on here know the truth.

As for you labeling me an "radical ultra conservative evangelical survivalist blogger puppet", you're right about all but the puppet bit. That you'll have to explain. As to the rest of it, yes I believe in God, Yes I am a survivalist, Yes I do "blog", and Yes I am hardcore in my beliefs. I see nothing wrong with any of those things.

And yet once again, can you name just one measurable, lasting improvement that EK has made to this county?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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