Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Adult Attention Deficit Disorder.  Coming to a forum near you soon.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Whoops! Steve, I meant to say Ross. I'm so sorry. Senior moment. I do apologize. Smack my hand if you wish. :-[
    As far as Varmit is concerned, good luck. I don't care what bait he takes or doesn't, but he needs to be responsible for what he says just like the rest of us are.


So let me get this straight, you call me a bully and yet won't state why to back up your claim? Oh well. It wasn't like you could anyway.
Question my reading comphresion? Go for it.
Call me a "sorry as**s" ...whatever.
There is one comment you made however that refers to my "troubled history" I was wondering what you meant by that exactly?
Also, how and when have I ever NOT taken responsibilty for what I have said?

Is this me taking the bait?...don't know, don't care.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: ELK@KC on April 20, 2012, 10:06:02 AM
You are correct about how how important it is to work with the young people, that is why we need to keep people Like Ken Libeau and Liz Hendricks in office. Not only are thay doing a great service by providing activities for all levels they did a great job in getting the Windfarm which will payoff for Elk County way into the future.

Excuse me while I puke up a lung....

Ok seriously...you're holding up lebeau and hendricks as role models??  :o :o

This is the same ken libeau that wanted the road crews to come in before 7am to get the trucks and equipment ready for the day, WITHOUT BEING PAID FOR THEIR TIME, as well as wanting them to keep blading and hauling rock until 530pm before returning to their respective shops AND NOT BE PAID FOR THE TIME SPENT TRAVELING BACK, and who announced at a commissioners meeting that they had a plan to fix the roads only to be told by liz that THEY DIDN'T HAVE A PLAN? The same Ken Libeau who said that he could rebuild 5 miles of road for $15000.

Yeah great role model...IF YOU'RE RAISING YOUR KID TO A MOBSTER!!

And liz? Are you referring to the same one that said "people are going t complain, you can't please them all, screw'em" The sam liz hendricks that voted to give a PRIVATE organization that she just happens to help run taxpayer money, the same one that made veiled threats about people using "social media" and such?

Great Role models?...Forgetaboutit!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Are you serious? You really don't get it that so much of your verbage to some of us is mocking, condescending, impudent, egotistical, berating, sarcastic, crude, common, bulling and downright rude. Really?  REALLY?
 After you are done verbally beating up on me I've never ever smiled and felt good about it. How about that #63 that I referenced before....SEVERAL TIMES!   " BITE ME".."Nazi like behavior" et al...And that's just one tiny one. Is that an acceptable way to talk? I hate having to put on emotional  armor just to talk to you, and several others also.
That's why I've given up the political threads. It's easier on my blood pressure. There are others on here who can disagree about politics without resorting to that kind of rudeness. If they can why can't you? Why should any of us have to deal with it. Ya know, the 10 commandments and all that. Would your mother be proud of how you talk to your elders?( In fact I'm old enough to be your mother!) Do you let your two kids watch that kind of talk on TV? Do you let them talk that way?
Why do I have to " prove" anything to you? You have said plenty and you must know what you said since you weren't asleep at the time.
  Your troubled history...why you have your stand on abortion the way you do. Very sad and you were very unfairly treated. That was you wasn't it?
As of Monday I will be returning to the real me again. I don't care for feeling I have to be rough. I'm really a very gentle person...but I'll not be a door mat for anyone.
   By the way, I was never paid for set up time, take down time or travel time either when I worked hourly for the state fire school down in Dover, an hour away. It's not that uncommon.


Me?..condescending, egotistical, sarcastic,...never!!!

Actually, I can be most of those things, and quite frankly you and the rest of your kind should be proud!! It shows that I have "diversity of character".  I thought diversity was supposed to be a good thing?

Seriously though it was the "other side" that at the beginning of this thread that tried to manipulate the conversation by stating that people with a different view on the topic should place their opinions elsewhere.  Yet you said nothing to them.  Coincidence?  Me thinks not!

So frankly my comments about nazi-like behavior fit.  Espcially since it was "your" side that started with the name calling and such on this thread. YOU were the one that made the comment about Red playing in a tornado and you call me mean and a bullyl? I mean seriously 6 posts into this thread and you're already packing away you "east coast manners"!

And for the record most of my comments are not any of those things you listed, I just call it like I see it. You see my mother raised me to be able to spot bullshit when I see it. As for the "several others also" that have to "put on emotional armor" just to talk to me, if they have a problem with me then they should take that up with me, as of yet they haven't.

And yes my mother raised me to respect my elders and others, which I do until they give me a reason not to.  In my opinion respect is earned not just given regardless of a person age. As for how I raise my kids thats really none of your business.

As for working and not being paid, it would be one thing if at the time of hiring it would have been explained that way, but to change it after several years is just wrong. Not to mention illegal. You can't make a person work and not pay them for it.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 21, 2012, 10:39:33 PM

   By the way, I was never paid for set up time, take down time or travel time either when I worked hourly for the state fire school down in Dover, an hour away. It's not that uncommon.

Actually that is quite illegal.  I don't care who practices that. The law says you get paid while carrying out duties of the job.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Varmit you are 100% correct in what you are saying.
You have a handle on the truth and the truth really upset those
that have no clue, comprehension and only need fictious leaders to follow.

And it is plain to see that some people twist words to meet their own needs.
Such as trying to use our earned retirement, something we paid into and effectively bought
throughout all the years we worked as an unearned entitlement.

And trying to compare those hard earned retirement checks by the retired to youngesters asking for handouts
from taxpayers and even the wealthy asking for handouts from taxpayers.

Yes, they want to set up subsidy programs that are  actually nothing more then "Beggar-Thy-Neigbor" and call themselves
leaders of the community. Really, I think the term sociopath would be a better discriptive word. As in lack a concious, lacking soul, feelings, don't understand guilt, but yet pretend to have all those qualities. 

I am proud of having earned my monthly Social Security that is earned by many years of hard work, plus the fact of paying into the system since I was 11 years old. Nobody can diss me for that. It is earned and bought and ppaid forby me. I am not ashamed of other retirement checks I also recieve, nor should I be, they too were earned and paid for by me.

So Varmit, you are still 100% correct. These arrogantly ignorant @@@@@@@@ manipulators can not in any way diss you or me or anyone else that has worked hard all their lives and paid into the system all our lives, as demanded by the federal government that sold us retirement insurance for our money they took.

But leaders they are not. What is the actual job of County Commissioner isn't it mainly a position of management to see that there is some kind of county budget. If leadership applies it applies to leading the county employees in accomplishing county business and so far as I can see that job isn;t being done well. Why rob the road department of thousands of dollars and I would bet to finance the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" program suggested and put into effect by Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, not county leaders. Which programs? Perhaps Economic Development, and Youth Development. And they wish to call themselves leaders? Leaders of what?

True leadership requires in my books requires honesty, integrity, ethics, principles and hard work. And a true leader doesn't take credit for what the hard work people that people under their leadership do, they give credit to the the people. A good leader doesn't write open letters to the public praising themselves for accomplishing fabricated accomplishments. That perhaps would make for the begining of a book of fiction, maybe.

Really, does anyone avctually know the truth as to why County Commissioner Hendricks's quite her prestigious job as Head Volleyball Coach at the great establishment of West Elk Unified School District 262? Curious minds want to know.

So anyway, hang in there Varmit you are right as rain.

Diane Amberg

Varmit, I don't have a "side." I'm just me. I did ask that the political comments in the coffee house be moved to the political threads...I even said "please." I didn't order anyone to to anything.
   It didn't happen. So now you have free reign to talk mean to people? Whoope, I'm really impressed. Just because you can doesn't mean you should or must.
  Varmit, you are a character all right.You flail at me because you know you can get away with it.
As far as what I have said recently, in the way of rough and rude  talk, I explained what I was doing. Go back and read it. .  I just thought It would be nice to have you few on the receiving end for a change. There is a big difference between truth, facts and twisted logic. There is a lot of all of that on these pages, depending who is writing.
   Ross, why should working hard all your lives protect you from being "dissed". Some of us get verbally slapped quite often here and we worked or are still working. Also, you might want to check the definition of radical if you aren't sure.
I'll be back to the real me tomorrow, so we'll see how many of the verbal bullies or whatever they are will take advantage of that. I guess I'll have to get my final licks in here today, as I don't go on the political threads any more.
  As an aside, most teachers learn to keep their verbal  cool no matter what. Teachers can't just blurt out just anything.
Just recently here, a male teacher lost his job after he had spoken to an older, girl several times about her misbehavior and disruptions in class. He'd finally had enough and told her to stop acting like a spoiled bi**h. The girl went home and boo-hooed to her parents, who went to the school board, who fired him. He had been asked to come out of retirement to fill that slot. The rest of the kids were horrified as he was a very well respected and effective teacher, The girl even admitted she had been acting up and regretted what had happened. The class is being filled by a sub for the rest of the term.
  My final word for now,,,You talk about truth...Where's the proof?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 22, 2012, 08:51:34 AM
Varmit, I don't have a "side." I'm just me. I did ask that the political comments in the coffee house be moved to the political threads...I even said "please." I didn't order anyone to to anything.

And continued to bitch about it when get moved

QuoteIt didn't happen. So now you have free reign to talk mean to people? Whoope, I'm really impressed. Just because you can doesn't mean you should or must.

Actually I've always had free reign to talk how I wanted. And there you go agian with telling folks how and what they should say. Mighty Left of you.

QuoteVarmit, you are a character all right.You flail at me because you know you can get away with it.

No diane, thats not true. I do it to point out just how compeletly full of crap you are, well that and the fact you make such an easy target. (poke, poke)

QuoteAs far as what I have said recently, in the way of rough and rude  talk, I explained what I was doing. Go back and read it. .  I just thought It would be nice to have you few on the receiving end for a change. There is a big difference between truth, facts and twisted logic. There is a lot of all of that on these pages, depending who is writing.

The big difference between Truth, which by the way your side has none of it, Facts (again EK supporters have no idea what these are) and Twisted logic is that EK supporters won't tell the one, have no idea of the other, and use the third to further their agenda.
By the way we "few" have have been on the recieveing end of "rough" talk and name calling for a long time! Thats how the Left debates an issue because they sure as hell can't resort to little things like FACTS.

QuoteRoss, why should working hard all your lives protect you from being "dissed". Some of us get verbally slapped quite often here and we worked or are still working. Also, you might want to check the definition of radical if you aren't sure.
I'll be back to the real me tomorrow, so we'll see how many of the verbal bullies or whatever they are will take advantage of that. I guess I'll have to get my final licks in here today, as I don't go on the political threads any more.

Promise? Please tell me thats a promise!!

QuoteAs an aside, most teachers learn to keep their verbal  cool no matter what. Teachers can't just blurt out just anything.

Holy Crap when was the last time you were in a Public Schol classroom??

QuoteJust recently here, a male teacher lost his job after he had spoken to an older, girl several times about her misbehavior and disruptions in class. He'd finally had enough and told her to stop acting like a spoiled bi**h. The girl went home and boo-hooed to her parents, who went to the school board, who fired him. He had been asked to come out of retirement to fill that slot. The rest of the kids were horrified as he was a very well respected and effective teacher, The girl even admitted she had been acting up and regretted what had happened. The class is being filled by a sub for the rest of the term.
  My final word for now,,,You talk about truth...Where's the proof?

Guy lost his job...good.  Teacher calls my daughter a spoiled bitch and hes gonna lose teeth.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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