Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Quote from: oldfart on April 20, 2012, 05:10:24 PM
I worked up on the hill I asked them why we spread them out all over the place ,told me they tested the wind currents up there for 7 years ,so land owners knew it for along time ago.

Well thank you Oldfart that is terrific news.

It proves that our Elk konnected Kounty Kommissioner may have very well fibed about the inception of Elk Konnected. LLC.

She claimed Elk Konnected, LLC was formed before the windmill plan came about.
I really never believed that from the beginning.

So it really does appear that our Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioner can B. S. along with the very best, doesn't it.

And it really does appear that Elk Konnected, LLC was founded based having eyes on the money from the windfarm.

But they have expanded to games like economic Developement and possibly property tax rebates to further line their pockets at taxpayer expenses.

Do they really want to do good for the county or for their own wallets?????

Is it no wonder Elk konnected, will not return to the "Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" thread for an open honest dialog. They are afraid the truth will come out.

Is it any wonder the followers want us to shut up.


Thanks again oldfart. It really sheds a new light on the situation.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Ross on April 19, 2012, 08:16:55 PM

What happened when Sam's Club wanted to build their warehouse in Elk County?
Oh that's right, Sam's Club warehouse built in the country in Oklahoma.

I didn't know that Sam's Club warehouse wanted to build in Elk County, but instead went into Oklahoma. Ross, where did you get that information?




There are no Sam's Club Warehouses except for the Sam's Club Member Only Stores in the big cities. There is a Walmart big Warehouse on Hwy 75 South of Bartlesville. It was built there due to the great Highway access  via several Turnpikes, and 4 lane highways. Walmart trucks do not even run on Hwy 99 between Sedan and Moline, why would they even consider having the 200+ trucks that go in and out daily at their big Warehouses. Ross that is a new one that I have never heard before.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: ELK@KC on April 20, 2012, 07:49:12 PM

There are no Sam's Club Warehouses except for the Sam's Club Member Only Stores in the big cities. There is a Walmart big Warehouse on Hwy 75 South of Bartlesville. It was built there due to the great Highway access  via several Turnpikes, and 4 lane highways. Walmart trucks do not even run on Hwy 99 between Sedan and Moline, why would they even consider having the 200+ trucks that go in and out daily at their big Warehouses. Ross that is a new one that I have never heard before.

I believe the correct terminology or title for this Walmart thingy is, Walmart Distribution Center.

And, EK@KC, I wasn't aware that Walmart turcks did not run on Hwy 99 between Sedan and Moline. Wow. Had no idea. I always see them between Moline and Howard, but I hardly ever travel to Sedan anymore, so that was a new one on me.


Not a bull crap alert! Walmart is owned by Sams or vice versa, no big deal.

So, I stand corrected it was the Walmart Warehouse. Big deal, basically same thing.

And I have seen Walmart trucks travel through on Highway 160.

Residents that have lived here far longer then I have told me about the fact that they wanyd to build here but were not wanted here.

Large corporations don't operate based on what Elk@KC necessarily thinks they should.
Walmart and Sams has done a lot of things other corporations never thought of. They broke the mold.

But really that has nothing to do with the failures of Elk Konnected, LLC because it was before Elk Konnected, LLC came about.

Are they really serious about trying to start a central Daycare Center?
Even though two other organizations with far more standing believe that Home Daycare is the way to go in such a spread out rural community?

Or are they just going to start a daycare center for and in Howard?

Will Elk Konnected, LLC be going before the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners Board Meeting asking their own Founding Member and Steering Committe Member for County taxpayers, County Coffers Monies? You know "Beggar-thy-Neighbor" monies?

If they do will the County Commissioners that are deeply invloved with Elk Konnected, LLC do the proper, ethical and honorable thing and RECUSE themselves.


It's a shame, Walmart trucks don't travel on only the roads and highways designated by Elk@KC.
I don't think he has the power to designate or restrict their driving.

Too bad.

Yes, I'm beng a jerk for a change.

Thank you.

Diane Amberg

Steve you can get you disagreement across without having to be a jerk. All of you can.

Speaking of same, I still need to swat Varmit again before I go back to being mellow ;D ;D ;D

  Varmit go back and reread post 102 and then 106. You'll find I did not accuse you or anyone else specifically of calling me that list of names...but if the shoe fits.... I did not quote anyone, nor did I put anything in that sentence in quotation marks. Your swat at me for supposedly misquoting you was untrue and unnecessary, but just proves my point.You have an unnecessary mean streak. Mine is artificial and temporary. Yours appears to be stuck on you like glue, at least when it comes to me. I'd question your reading comprehension level but that wouldn't be nice, so I won't.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 20, 2012, 09:42:10 PM
Steve you can get you disagreement across without having to be a jerk. All of you can.
When was i a jerk?  I haven't said a thing in the last two pages since you commented to me before.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from Diane:
Speaking of same, I still need to swat Varmit again before I go back to being mellow   

I'm kinda disappointed in you. Try as you might, you can't seem to get ol Varmit to take "the bait"---but---you go girl and keep trying--poke poke  ;D ;D

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