Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Quote from: flo on April 16, 2012, 11:00:23 AM
So you claim!
What's your problem communicating itellectually right here and now?
Have I called you any names?
But you have called names right here in this post by using political labels and not very politely either?
And I believe you have used the terms incorrectly.
Your poor form of communication is what comed across as belligerant to me, sorry.
To emulate you, I respond in kind, 'nuf said

I just had to do this because I find it so funny - - - line 6 of the above post, word number 8 - comed It's not in my dictionary, so would you please enlighten me as to it's meaning, Mr/Ms Ross?

Good one Flow, I think that is pretty funny, seriously.

My fingers don't have a college diploma either, and that stinking finger next to the middle finger has a problem staying on the key where it belongs and the fore finger is to short due to a farm accident. It all makes it difficult totype what's suppose to by typed Sometimes it is fun what happens.

I think them educated folks call it a typicalgraphical erroor or some such thing a ma jig.

Now wasn't that a bunch of fun, I enjoyed it.


Quote from: jarhead on April 16, 2012, 10:05:45 AM
Quote from catwoman :
We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.

Cat, That is so funny.
My dear lady, you are the biggest bully on this forum IMO. Someone asks a question and you don't like their question so you fire right back calling them names. Don't believe me ? Go back and read some of your own posts. Let me see what some of the names were----cone head---little man---small man---nimrod and pig head are just a few of them.

You are good at reading, Jar...So go back and read what I was responding to...I never initiated...I only responded.  I didn't formerly respond to stupidity...But I learned quickly from the bully set.  I found out that sounding like a lady got me nothing but attacked...So I started firing back.  I am the biggest bully?  Jar...Seriously?  LOL  I am not the one who takes posts and literally tears them apart, line by line, in some kind of psychotic rant that literally can fill up page after page.  If I am able to aim my barbs better than most, not needing as much verbage, then good for me! lol At least I am no longer just laying down and letting the rightwing fanatical bullies run over me any further.  I respect you, Jar.  Always have.  But your loyalties are showing...And are clouding your ability to recognize the damage that others on this Forum have caused through their incessant use of bullying.  I refuse to stand down to such...Especially when it has resulted in some of the people that I truly like being not only hurt but driven off the Forum.



Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 01:16:00 PM
You are good at reading, Jar...So go back and read what I was responding to...I never initiated...I only responded.  I didn't formerly respond to stupidity...But I learned quickly from the bully set.  I found out that sounding like a lady got me nothing but attacked...So I started firing back.  I am the biggest bully?  Jar...Seriously?  LOL  I am not the one who takes posts and literally tears them apart, line by line, in some kind of psychotic rant that literally can fill up page after page.  If I am able to aim my barbs better than most, not needing as much verbage, then good for me! lol At least I am no longer just laying down and letting the rightwing fanatical bullies run over me any further.  I respect you, Jar.  Always have.  But your loyalties are showing...And are clouding your ability to recognize the damage that others on this Forum have caused through their incessant use of bullying.  I refuse to stand down to such...Especially when it has resulted in some of the people that I truly like being not only hurt but driven off the Forum.

You seem to have a comprehension problem so I will politely repeat myself word for word by quoting my self, please re-read slowly and good luck with you comprehension skills.  And you filed to answer a single one of the simple questions.
Here we go:

Quote from: Ross on April 16, 2012, 09:52:27 AM
Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
We don't stir the pot or dictate where to post...We have merely reminded you all that politcal rants don't belong on this thread and are better suited to the subject matter of the Political board.

Yet, you continue to post your political opinion's, and trying to order people not to reply to them. Which I find pretty narrow minded. You even put down the way others communicate. Again, I will remind you of the fact that an Elk Konnected, LLC Follower posting a notice associated with Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kommissioners is of and by itself a political statement.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
  We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum. 

It is difficult to back down from yourselves and that is terrible problem. Which side has made the threats and told people to play in a Tornado. Please, be reasonable.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
I don't disparage anyone who disagrees with me...I've had intellectual discussions with other members on this Forum who heartily disagree with me...The difference being, we agree to disagree amicably (for those who call names and become belligerent, I respond in kind...'nuf said). 

So you claim!
What's your problem communicating intellectually right here and now?
Have I called you any names?
But you have called names right here in this post by using political labels and not very politely either?
And I believe you have used the terms incorrectly.
Your poor form of communication is what comed across as belligerant to me, sorry.
To emulate you, I respond in kind, 'nuf said.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
I don't take their posts and pick them apart, line by line, in some OCD rant. 

I wish you would take any of my posts apart and communicate clearly. Sometimes it is difficult for this old man to keep all of your statements straight and I don't consider it taking the post apart, but simply keeping my responses straight with your statements. Much less confusion that way for you, me and everyone else.
There is nothing OCD about clear communication. This post might be very confusing without responding in this form.
However, might  I suggest that the name calling could be considered OCD or maybe even something worse.
No you don't tear a post apart you just have the same OCD rant over and over and don't recognize the convience of clear communications.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
As far as you throwing mud on Frank, Diane, Charlie...You need to back off.  There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.

Oh come now, throwing mud at statements like, "Go play in a Tornado" really and some of the other off the wall remarks, Really?

And this post of yours is just full of political statements, but yet, you won't follow your own advice, nice job.
Moderates, far right leanings and right wing extremists are for your information, political terminologies.
And again with the orders, "You need to back off." Can't you find a better way of protecting them?
Like stating what has been said, that makes, you make such a statement, and then communicate why it is wrong?
Try communicating instead of a statement that could be confused as a possible threat.

Another thing can you provide specific and detailed information who the moderates, far right leanings and right wing extremists are? Or are you just in to making radical statements?

One last thing, please give proof of the minority and majority you speak of.
I bet you can not do it!

Please try to understand and respond accordingly with proper answers to the questions if at all possible.
Thank you.


I'm not sure what you mean by my "loyalties." Do I think Ross is asking some legitimate questions ? You can bet your sweet bippy I do but I don't think that means I'm "loyal" to him. Heck, I wouldn't know the ol swabbie if he walked up and slapped me in the face. I just can not fathom why he can't get any answers to his questions. I think this whole business could be resolved if the county commissioners would sit down with him ,amicably, and just answer his questions---to the best of their ability.
My best friend in this old world is a former Elk County Commissioner and trust me---I held his nose to the grind stone to get answers to some questions on occasion, and the old fool (there I go with the name calling ) answered them openly ----to the best of his ability.
As for you respecting me---I thank you for that---BUT---I think you have me confused with my brother. I doubt we have ever met. He is a tall ugly feller and I'm the shorter handsome one.


Sarge I don't believe the Elk Konnected, LLC Followers have a clue as to what they are following.

I don't believe they understand the concept of

They just follow, and follow anyone that has formed a group.
Just to be a part of the group mentality.
It's about the same as a mob mentality, follow the leader and we know there are plenty of no so good leaders out there.

So, I forgive them for not being able to answer even the simplest questions.

There is no group or leader on this side of the fence.
Each one of us simply have good moral's, ethics, and principles and speak our true minds.

But on the other side of the fence they keep jumping from thread to thread in an attempt to hide and spread their propaganda, and not face the truth.
Thank you.


                             [quoteAflac Duck (that's payback for calling me Jughead), ][/quote]

Ah gosh Jar!  I sort of like that ^^^ name....and I would write your name in, or vote for you as comissioner, if I lived in Elk County.

That doesn't mean I am not concerned regarding the impropriety or slight of hand with any county  coffers, especially when the infrascture is crumbling.  Your county or mine or surrounding neighbors.
Snake oil comes to mind...and like a lot of people, I have no proof, and no one is talking.
  In my world (where several voices talk to me  ::) ), the abstinence of admission or non is just as alarmingly a direction of guilt on some level.

ready to aflac the world!


Talking about crumbling counties and failing commuities, what is it that keeps one alive. To answer that all one has to do is go back to the old west. What drove towns?  Railroads, Gold, cattle, some resource that this nation needed.  without it the towns died.  The concept hasn't changed.  The list of resources have broadened because now you can expand the area that those reasources are in due to automobile.   

But the bottom line is this, IF you have no production here, its nothing more than a retirement community which in the end will die.  The kids will leave for good jobs, and maybe just maybe return to die here after they've made their money. There isn't enough cattle industry here in the county to keep the county alive. so its going to take much more than that to bring in people.  Heck towns were born on nothing because there was opportunity.  There is no opportunity here except government  programs and even that is failing because the resources aka taxpayers are gone.

Unless you bring in jobs/industry something that will produce more than 4 or 5 jobs, its just going to go downwards until theres not even a courthouse or government present much less people. And no EK or any other "LLC" is going to produce that.  Those types of "companies" do nothing but consume.  Just like managers in a corporation, they are blood suckers, always consuming producing nothing.   

The question i would ask is why do they see the taxpayer as needing to be managed. Which pocket of yours do they have their hand in while they are patting you on the back as you are giving them your good ideas.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


IMHO, the moment that Elk Konnect appeared in the title of this thread it became political. Ross, Patriot, Diane and Cat have all responded to it in just that manner. As a demonstration, had the title held the name Obama instead of Elk Konnect or Santorum instead of Elk Konnect it becomes obvious that it is indeed a political thread. It's okay if some think that Elk Konnect are saviours of this county, but it is also okay to think that indeed they are not. Coffee Shop subject? I don't think so, just as I don't thnk that Obama or Santorum should be praised in this in this venue.


Quote from: readyaimduck on April 15, 2012, 02:11:19 PM
only to the J's?   really? 
I will check back in 3 hours

Ready for a nap   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I was waiting too... it has now been 30+ hours.  Another job started by a supporter and not finished?  Or did The Shadow squirrel up that plan with some reference to fact that made continuing an exercise in futility?   

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on April 16, 2012, 05:04:22 PM
Coffee Shop subject? I don't think so, just as I don't thnk that Obama or Santorum should be praised in this in this venue.

You are probably right, six.  But as Catty said once, months ago, it's like a train wreck.... impossible not to go look at the carnage.  Since there are so many discussions in the Coffee Shop, maybe we can just consider this the oddball's table.  Everybody's gotta eat sometime.  LOL
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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