Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:21:57 AM
They are radicals and should be grouped with the Unibomber Manifesto and the radical left Anarchists.

Given the substantial resistance that 'moderates' and liberals are facing nationally, regionally and locally, your fearful overreactions are understandable.  Since at least 1913 efforts to undermine our constitutional republic with Marxist doctrine & pure Democracy foolishness are well documented and easily seen (even in revisionist history)... as are the outcomes of the folly that is liberalism, the progressive movement, socialism and ultimately Marxism & Communism. 

Collectivism in many forms is being played out in government bodies across this country.  In recent years, our school curricula (driven more & more by a financial allegiance to the Federal government) emphasizes the fraud that it is collective mediocrity.   Individual excellence that deserves the spotlight has been supplanted.  The outcomes are both obvious & measurable.  Our local and state governments & school boards have been enticed by the false notion that 'free money' from the federal government will somehow make them better in the long term.  And with all the power derived by indenturing the states & schools  the feds have advanced the process of central planning & control for the 'good of the collective.' 

The flaw in all this is the left's total inability to perform advanced analysis sufficient to account for the unintended consequences that should have been obvious:  A free people, at liberty to prosper (or not), to rise or fall on individual merit, will not forever 'sit down & shut up' when attempts are made by collectivists to silence them with pejoratives or threats.  So flawed are these assumptions that when the free person stands up and remains standing in the face of petty name calling, that fear on the part of some is inevitable in the realization that they have pushed too far & for too long.  Tea Party types, libertarian leaning types, and independents all pose a serious threat to the desires of collectivists. 

This isn't Russia, freemen are not the Bolshevik's, and anarchy is not what you are seeing.  But I understand your terror. you are losing your war on the individual and take great personal risks in continuing to attempt to stifle individual liberty.  Not from individual anarchists, they are the bogymen in your mind.  No, your real enemies are liberty, individual freedom and a constrained government.  It is those things that curb your power to control others.  And, God willing, will be your undoing.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:21:57 AM
I bet none of them get elected to the County Commission.

Heck, why in heavens name would 'we' try?  According to you, 'we' ain't even smart enough to know where to get the papers to run, let alone understand or fill out that 12 page packet.  Shucks, 'we' ain't even 'sons' of elk county.  That probably disqualifies us anyway, right?  Hell, all 'we' capitalists would do is waive the $500 campaign limit, form an election committee and run a $100,000 money driven campaign designed to expose government failures, cronyism, and poor management of taxpayer resources.... oh, wait, that wouldn't take a big money campaign.  All 'we' would have to do is hijack the forum and the Prairie Star editorial page.  And, according to your cronies, 'we' have half that job done already.  Hmmmm, you've given me an idea...

But for now, can we get back to naming those laudable & measurable accomplishments made by Elk Konnected and the public resources they've used?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Sons of Elk County on April 22, 2012, 01:21:57 AM
...radical left Anarchists...

LMAO!  I was just re-reading your socialist grounded drivel, and I realized the depth of your ignorance regarding political landscapes.  On a continuum, from left to right, political ideology reads as follows (space limits inclusion of all 'ists' & 'isms'):

LEFT<-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> RIGHT
GOVERNMENT CONTROL<------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->NO GOVERNMENT

So would 'we' not be radical right anarchists?  Of course, if you were an educated thinker with a reading comprehension level beyond 3rd grade, you would have realized that 'our' positions do not advocate an 'everyone for themselves/no government' (anarchy) belief system.  'We' hold to the position that there are valid functions of government under our Constitution.  Social engineering is NOT one of those functions.  Neither are special public/private 'partnerships' nor crony favoritism.  Take a look at the Declaration of Independence & Amendments to the Constitution (esp. the first 10).  Your ignorance (likely the result of a liberal  public schooling) is showing.  Of course, since your positions would more likely fall in line with supporters of the totalitarianism of a benevolent king (like ole George?), I'm sure 'we' do look a tad radical to you.

So how about ginning up some examples of why 'we' should support the oligarchy that Elk Konnected and a few elected folks (and their bureaucrat minions) have been foisting upon the citizens (and sons/daughters) of Elk County... In the mean time, I've got forms to fill out.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on April 22, 2012, 10:33:36 AM

Heck, why in heavens name would 'we' try?  According to you, 'we' ain't even smart enough to know where to get the papers to run, let alone understand or fill out that 12 page packet.  Shucks, 'we' ain't even 'sons' of elk county.  That probably disqualifies us anyway, right?  Hell, all 'we' capitalists would do is waive the $500 campaign limit, form an election committee and run a $100,000 money driven campaign designed to expose government failures, cronyism, and poor management of taxpayer resources.... oh, wait, that wouldn't take a big money campaign.  All 'we' would have to do is hijack the forum and the Prairie Star editorial page.  And, according to your cronies, 'we' have half that job done already.  Hmmmm, you've given me an idea...

But for now, can we get back to naming those laudable & measurable accomplishments made by Elk Konnected and the public resources they've used?

Patriot you'd never get your letter to the editor published.  it just aint going to happen
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on April 22, 2012, 01:19:20 PM
Patriot you'd never get your letter to the editor published.  it just aint going to happen


Did I say anything about a 'letter to the editor'?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Well, Varmit I see you are still at it.
OK, It's not midnight yet, so screw you and the road grader you scraped in on. ( ooh, this is fun and SO fulfilling.)
  Nope. I didn't keep on complaining about the political stuff not being moved..if that's what that preschool level comment was supposed to say. It was very incomplete. So where are your facts? You would benefit from a tutor or at least some proof reading ( I say D- )
When Teresa said "No", I respected what she said as owner and that was that.  Now prove I complained after her statement. Go on, show me.
 I also didn't order anybody to do anything "again." in regards to moving a section of posts It was a declarative sentence. Now YOU prove it was an order.  Go ahead, do it!  Not that you would follow orders anyway. As far as telling you to go jump in a mud puddle ,different post put the order till stands. Did you do it yet?
 When was I last in a public school classroom? How about just last week and will be again next Friday.  So what?
  By the way, in Delaware our hourly pay at fire school started when the class came in and sat down at either 8:00 or 9:00, depending on the class and ended at 4:00. If we ran overtime for some reason, that was on us.The clock stopped on pay at 4:00. No one ever got paid for setting up the classroom and getting out the teaching materials ,props, films, practice materials etc., doing attendance sheets or checking and recording papers, breaking the classroom down at the end of the day or any mileage. Sometimes we were asked to transport materials to some fire house on the way home if an evening class was going to be held there.
  We did get free lunch, such as it was, at the school cafeteria.A caterer provided lunch during the week and the Kent County Ladies Auxiliaries provided it on weekends.The fire school trains every day and evenings too. Nothing illegal about they way we are paid here. To what law were you referring?
  You talked about people,even elders, not getting your respect unless it was somehow earned. I find that really strange. Your own minister had to somehow earn YOUR respect? It didn't just come with the territory.?  As a certain comedian says,"well, aren't you special?''
  I'm off to do some high school reunion work. Be sure to hug Angel. I wonder what she has to do to earn and keep your respect.  :angel:


Quote from Diane:
OK, It's not midnight yet, so screw you and the road grader you scraped in on. ( ooh, this is fun and SO fulfilling.)

Holy crap Varmit---don't look now but I think you just got propositioned---but better hurry buddy, cause it looks like at midnight that carriage might turn back into a pumpkin!! poke--poke--and I do mean POKE POKE !!

Diane Amberg

Ha,Ha! ;D ;D ;D ;D He deserves a lot worse than that for insulting anyone who has even a slight difference of opinion. He doesn't seem to understand "bully," so I'll see if these fit. How about pompous, irritating, impudent, spiteful, egotistical, extremely self absorbed and indulgent and self righteous. Woo Hoo!
Trust me, he's no Prince Charming. He could be, but he doesn't like himself enough. Apparently he doesn't have any self respect either, or he wouldn't allow himself to lose his cool and be so unnecessarily incredibly rude and then brag about it.  A good many people are not impressed. I'm told by people who should know that he can be very nice and they wonder whats wrong with him on here. Which side of the lamp do ya have to rub to see that side come out? :P
  I'm still counting coup.I assume you know what that means.
Tag you're it!


You know what Diane, you're right. I am all of those things and more!! Maybe I should just put a disclaimer before my posts, something to the effect of...

"Old people that get offended easily, ya'll should just get the fu@k out now."

By the way you bloated, self important, scraggly haired, blowhard, know it all..my neighbors poodle called and told me to tell you it wants its hair back.
You haven't been told by anybody that knows me a damn thing. Of course those types of lies fly out of your blow hole on a pretty regular basis, that really its nothing new.
As for Angel, I kicked her to the curb quite a while back.
Count all the coup you want, personally I don't give a shit anymore.  Like I said before Bite Me.
So suck on that chocolate covered poop factory you flip lipped windbag.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Hi Diane,
This is Billy's new wife Robyn. I have something to say to your Mrs. Knowitall attitude... When you start knowing everything you would have found out that Angel moved out of this county back in September. You would also know that he has moved up in the world and I am better than her!!!
After reading the things you post on here I have realized how some people come to be like her in this community.
Oh I am sorry if I offend you but you should know your facts before you start asking my husband to prove his. IF THIS IS ALL ABOUT FACTS THEN I GUESS YOU DON'T HAVE MUCH DO YOU!!
My husband can be the world's biggest ass to people that deserve it! Me and our six children on the other hand we don't have that luxury! So I guess we are blessed abundantly!
He respects our Pastor at church. If you attended our church you would know that. But I understand that you are not from here so YOU HAVE NO PROOF OF THAT NOW DO YOU?
So please before you open your big mouth and bring up something from the past LEARN YOUR DAMN FACTS and GET THEM STRAIGHT!!
Oh and God bless you I am sure going to pray for you!! I know the truth that is in the Bible. Pick it up sometime and learn something. IT MIGHT BENEFIT YOU IN THE FUTURE....
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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