Arizona bill to ban abortions...

Started by Warph, April 10, 2012, 10:14:08 PM

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....after 20 weeks heads to governor.

The measure, passed in the state House of Representatives by a 37-22 vote, would bar healthcare professionals from performing abortions after 20 weeks, except in the case of a medical emergency. The bill now goes to the state's Republican governor for approval.

Georgia lawmakers approved a similar bill in March that now awaits the signature of Republican Gov. Nathan Deal.

This from the far-left rag ms/nbc:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Pro-choice is a civil rights issue.  Civil rights has clouded this country and should never replace liberty.


Quote from Redcliffsw :
Civil rights has clouded this country and should never replace liberty.

Red, Now we are back on the same trail . :D

Diane Amberg


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 11, 2012, 11:27:33 AM
What about women's liberty?  ???

Women's liberty?  Careful, your liberal feminist roots are showing.  In any case, try this.....

1.  Reverse Roe v. Wade.

2.  Return the abortion debate/legislation to the states (it's not a fed power/issue enumerated in the Constitution).

3. Let women exercise the liberty to go have abortions in states or countries that allow it.

The 'liberty' of which you speak is not best mandated by the federal government.

And what of liberty for men?  Last time I checked, it takes 2, in some fashion, to make a pregnancy.
Perhaps one of the best exercises of liberty is for both male & female to make the 'choice' keep their pants on.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Yup, that's what choice means too, as far as I'm concerned.The choice not to have sex.
And when the husband says "I'm not getting stuck with a severely retarded kid"...That's a real quote by the way. That's a really ratty position to put his wife in. Abort or divorce. When it comes to women's reproductive rights, yer darn tootin' I'm a liberal feminist!
For rape and incest and very young girls whose bodies aren't really ready for it, preemie, underweight babies and girls with no prenatal care can produce very high risk unhealthy sick babies.
The Gov't is going to have to pay for them anyway....  They wind up in institutions. It's so sad.They don't have lines of people willing to adopt them! Any Gov't has no business getting into it, period. It's between the female and her doc, if there is one at all.


Yeah, you're a liberal.  There's absolutely no question about that.  You're a supporter of the government
getting into the lives of people.


Quote from: redcliffsw on April 12, 2012, 05:38:09 AM
Yeah, you're a liberal.  There's absolutely no question about that.  You're a supporter of the government
getting into the lives of people.

Well, in this area, I'm also Diane's kind of liberal, except I'm a supporter of the government staying out of the lives of people - including abortion rights.


How's that an "exception"?

Are you for Elk Konnected?  If so, that's certainly supportive for the government being into folks' lives.   

Diane Amberg

Red, I said "any Gov't has no business getting into it, period." That's my direct quote! 
  You are one kind of  insecure,clueless just LIE about what people really say. Are you now going to pollute every thread with this EK business? What does EK have to do with Arizona abortions? Are you some how illiterate or just a bully? At what level is your reading comprehension anyway. You don't seem to understand what many people really write.You try to manipulate things into what isn't there.  What a waste. Rick Santorum's crazy lies just sunk his pitiful campaign. So go you?
  Now I'm really pissed! I may have to break my own rule and call you some slimy names.
   I'm a moderate Independent and we hate downright liars!  I want as little Gov't as is necessary to keep our country working smoothly and keep us safe from our enemies, especially those who are rotting this country from the inside, whoever they may be.
  Fortunately there are only a few like you, hopefully an endangered species. Just how low are you willing to go to hide behind your version of liberty? It's only for those who are a cookie cutter version of you?  I thought everybody had rights and free speech here.
You are so determined to label me liberal you'll even lie to do it and that is so sad. I have no problem with conservatives in general and agree with a lot, but, I'll make an exception in your case. Some "citizen" you are. Now Patriot can jump in to "protect" you. What kind of wuss does he think you are? If you so much an obstructionist,no wonder you think you get treated unfairly. According to your kind, nobody anywhere can do anything right, so why would they bother? Try some honey for a change, your sour vinegar isn't working. I'm done. ::)

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