O-ne B-ig A-ss M-istake A-merica

Started by Warph, April 06, 2012, 01:28:49 AM

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Quote from: frawin on April 08, 2012, 11:54:59 AM
No Ross it doesn't have anything to do with that junk that you are putting out about 2 of the commissioners that are working hard to do good for the people of Elk County. Why do you want to trash other people's topics with that stuff. I pay taxes in Elk County and I don't object to the good that Elk Konnect is doing.

It ain't junk. Just read your own words, same-o, same-o.
Ain't it more about doing good for the privately owned company they are Konnected with?

Quote from: frawin on April 08, 2012, 10:14:15 AM
Jane,  i agree with Rex completely. I have said for sometime that I felt obuma would try to change it so he can remain king of America forever. You probably saw and heard his  comments to Putin about how he could do more things after the election. We really need to get him out of office in november.

But you, are saying you don't mind a privately owned company running our county government, right? Kings of Elk County?

You seem to recognize the truth on the national level but fail to recognize the truth on the local level.


Quote from: Jane on April 08, 2012, 07:53:04 AM
I hope people will see where we are headed if Obama stays in for another four years. I agree that things are bad now and it can only get worse if he stays in office. Rex feels if Obama gets in for another 4 years we may never get him out as he will change the laws for the lenght of term. He has the Supreme Court on his side.

Yes Warph, Rex and I feel the same way you and Frank do.
Jane, Rex has a lot of Republican in his family history. His Grandmother was the Elk County Delegate to the 1952 Republican Convention in Chicago. That was the year Ike got the nomination, how did we go from Ike in 52 to an Obama in 2008. It would be interesting to have Kathryns take on what is happening in America today.


Quote from: frawin on April 07, 2012, 08:16:26 PM
Warph, did you forget that I stood with you and Teresa 1000% in the last election and I will this time. Unfortunately I think the clown will be elected again and I think he will be 1000 times worse the nexr 4 years.

Frank, most of us were standing united against the Obamination being elected...A fact that has been conveniently forgotten by those who seek to divide us, one against the other.  And yes...I agree...Just as when Clinton was re-elected, despite his vast shortcomings and moral deficiencies, the people of this US will once again send this idiot back into office for another four years.  And yes.  This nation will suffer for it.  I fear for the future of this nation when that occurs. 


Cat, I agree with what you say. I have belonged to the Republican party all of my adult life and the past few years I have donated to it regularly. They have been calling me for a donation and I last week I told them that if the 4 Republican candidates we had running were the best we had I was not going to donate any money to them. John McCain and Sarah Palin were poor choices for candidates and we ended up with Obama. McCain is a good man and he sacrificed alot for his country but he had no business debating Obama, and Palin didn't even know where Washington was. In my opinion Newt is the only candidate that can debate Obama and Newt will not get the Nomination. I worry about the future for my Children and grandchildren.

Diane Amberg

You don't think Mitt can beat the President?


We also have donated to Mitt Romney. Yes, Grandma Katie was one hell of a Republican. Believed totally in the party and so do we. It is the working class party. We were both raised Republican and will die Republican. We just hope it is not too late to save the country from this mad man's destruction.


Quote from: Ross on April 08, 2012, 12:04:38 PM

You seem to recognize the truth on the national level but fail to recognize the truth on the local level.

Ross, you're doing just fine.  When you stand against liberalism, you're standing against Obama and the Republicans.
I like your "junk" so keep up the good work and stay on 'em.

Now for some rambling....

There are no truths for giving away the government money whether it's Federal or local.
The foundation of the Republican party is to get the government money to its people/corporations/gov't
agencies/schools and it still is.  There's nothing conservative about that.  

Once I met an elderly black man who was a delegate for Ike to the Republican convention in 1952 from SC.  
He owned a real estate firm.  That was in 2000 and he had switched to the Democrats before then.  I didn't
see it as a big change in his life except that the Democrats simply move a little faster than the Republicans
when it comes to spending money and promoting more government.  That's why the Democrats call the
Republicans "conservative" and the Democrats are wrong about that too.  

Obama is a big problem, yet so are most other politicians.  Elk County is no different as the liberals are strong
there.  You all ought to be thankful there's a few men in Elk County who will tell it like it is.  Sadly almost
every county in Kansas needs men who are truly conservative because Republicanism and the Democrats are
promoting the socialist agendas and they're not going to let up.

Whether it's Obama, Romney or Elk Konnected, folks ought to stand against 'em.

Diane Amberg

So as far as you are concerned, who isn't the enemy? ???


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 08, 2012, 05:32:08 PM
So as far as you are concerned, who isn't the enemy? ???

Damn Diane, this is twice in one week we agree on something.

Red, at one time I said I agreed with a lot of what you said. It seems as though we have now hit a fork in the trail some time ago. For you to keep beating a dead horse about how all Republicans in Elk county are Liberal is absolute bullshit. I don't know you or where you live, but if I was a bet'n man I would say you do not live in Elk county because I don't think you know horse shit from apple butter when it comes to how most Republicans in Elk county feel about issues.
For the record---I think Ross is doing a fine job too.


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