DRAPER, (Infant son) - d. February 18, 1911

Started by Janet Harrington, November 29, 2006, 09:03:27 PM

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Janet Harrington

Died, February 18, 1911, the infant son of A. O. and Mamie Draper.  The funeral services were conducted at the home by S. D. Anderson and the remains were laid to rest in the Grace lawn cemetery.

"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God."

Ms Bear

Janet, this is an uncle I never knew about.  A O  Draper was Orean Adelbert Draper and Mamie was Mamie Taylor, they were married in Elk County.  This was probably the third child and my father was born in Aug, 1912.

Thank you for all the information you have posted.  You and Lois have found more information in a few days than I have on some of these family members in 10 years.


Ms Bear

Janet, where is the Grace Lawn Cemetery?  Is it still being used?  Is this the same cemetery where George Daniel Draper is buried.  George would have been this babies grandfather.

Thankyou again for all the good work you are doing.

Janet Harrington

Yes, Grace Lawn Cemetery is the one most Howard citizens, etc. are currently buried in.  As a matter of fact, most of our cemeteries in Elk County are kept up and one can get buried in any of them.

Okay, the cemetery is southwest of Howard.  You go south on Pennsylvania past the swimming pool, follow the road around the curve and go to the first intersection, turn right toward Grace Lawn.  In Grace Lawn there is a building, ( don't know what it is called), that is used for graveside services ,etc.  The building is an open building.  At the north end of the building is a map of the cemetery with a book that list the people buried there in alphbetical order.  The book is chained down so it will supposedly stay there. 

I believe, too, that Lois Morgan said the occupants of the cemetery are listed at Neva Walter's office, the Register of Deeds.  However; I'm sure that if your relatives are buried at Grace Lawn that is where they all are.  it is a nice cemetery.  My dad is buried there as well as his grandmother and who knows what other relatives.


His grandmother and his Aunt Audrey as far as I know.  Also, one of Grandmother's husbands.  I believe that if you are going west you need to make a left hand turn at the first intersection to get to the cemetery.  The rest of Janet's instructions are right.

Janet Harrington

I guess I just figured that they would see Grace Lawn from that Killdeer road.  I couldn't think of the name of the road when I did the directions, but it is Killdeer. 

Here are better instructions:

Take Pennsylvania St. in Howard south past the swimming pool.  The road turns back to the west and become Killdeer road.  Take it to the first intersection which is Road 15, turn right/south and follow Road 15 to the entrance to the cemetery.  There are two entrances, but the building is just right off the north entrance.  The building was placed there by the Carter-Rader American Legion Post #149.

Ms Bear

Thanks for the great directions but you lost me on the first street, I just wanted general directions and if it is a large cemetery or an old one, etc.  I am in Texas and hope to get there someday.   Hope your weather is improving.


Ms Bear

Wilma, which grandmother and Aunt Audrey?  George Draper was his grandfather and Rosa Draper was his grandmother, she was buried in Stratton County.  Rosa Draper Glasscock.  Mamie's parents are buried in Elk County but I am not sure where.  They were Bushrod and Sarah Taylor.  Orean Draper had two sisters that stayed in Elk County, Rhoda Draper Marion and Jessie Draper Barnaby.

Wish I was there to do research and hope to get to come someday.



I am sorry I didn't make myself clear.  The grandmother and Aunt Audrey were an answer to Janet's not knowing which relatives of hers are buried there.  They are actually my husband's Grandmother Kittie and her daughter, Audrey Mayne.  The husband was her second husband, Tom Evans.

It might be the largest cemetery in Elk County, but the cemetery at Moline is big, too.  Not the size of a big city cemetery, but big enough you would appreciate knowing about where to look for the graves you are interested in.  As to the age, it was probably started about the same time as the town of Howard. 

Hope you do get here sometime.  When the weather is better and my driver is here and willing to go play in the cemetery, we could look in the book and see if your relatives are there.  I am only about 5 blocks from it.

Ms Bear

Thank you Wilma, I wouldn't want anyone to go out in the weather you are having there.  I can't imagine it not having been in cold weather in several years.  Many years in Arizona and now 20  + in Texas I have trouble driving in rain.  Do look forward to meeting all of you friendly people too.

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