BP and Wind Energy

Started by frawin, February 28, 2012, 11:07:54 AM

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Below is a good website to get the real truth about Windpower and how fortunate Elk County is to have the Wind Farm. Windpower is the cleanest, cheapest and fastest growing power source in the World.



Sure it is if:
If you do not consider that BP as well as others are subsidized heavily by taxpayers dollars.
If you do not consider this is advertisement for a major foreign company.
If you do not consider that B.P. stands for British Petroleum.
If you don't consider the economice of the major profit (not the lollipops) going to Britian.

Sure it's a good thing, if you view it with a closed mind.

Millions and millions, possibly billions or trillions of dollars in profit being exported to foreign country's do what to the economic balance of trade? AKA the foreign trade deficit.


Quote from: Ross on February 28, 2012, 11:30:52 AM
Sure it is if:
If you consider that BP as well as others are subsuidized heavily by taxpayers dollars.
If you do not consider this is advertisement for a major foreign company.
If you do not consider that B.P. stands for British Petroleum.
If you don't consider the economice of the major profit (not the lollipops) going to Britian.

Sure it's a good thing, if you view it with a closed mind.

Millions and millions, possibly billions or trillions of dollars in profit being exported to foreign country's do what to the economic balance of trade? AKA the foreign trade deficit.

Are you saying it is better to continue to pay over 300 Billion dollars a year for Oil/Products, etc imported from several countries, some of who are our enemies. Are you saying is better to pollute the atmosphere using Hydrocarbons. Time is running out on our polutting the world and it is imperative that we do everything to reduce the Hydrocarbon discharge into the atmosphere, a good start is Windpower.
BP is a very large Oil and Gas Producer in America, they Acquired Amoco and they employ Thousands of Americans Worldwide. They pay Billions of Tax dollars to the united States. The Windfarm is good thing for Elk County, the United States and the World.

jerry wagner

Quote from: Ross on February 28, 2012, 11:30:52 AM
Sure it is if:
If you consider that BP as well as others are subsuidized heavily by taxpayers dollars.
If you do not consider this is advertisement for a major foreign company.
If you do not consider that B.P. stands for British Petroleum.
If you don't consider the economice of the major profit (not the lollipops) going to Britian.

Sure it's a good thing, if you view it with a closed mind.

Millions and millions, possibly billions or trillions of dollars in profit being exported to foreign country's do what to the economic balance of trade? AKA the foreign trade deficit.

Using windpower will not increase the trade imbalance, if anything it will reduce it considering it reduces the amount of foreign oil imported.  The profits that are retained by the corporation are not "trade" and thus do not contribute to the trade imbalance.  Further, if many of the parts of made in the USA, then the trade imbalance would not increase.


Gentlemen BP is a British Petroleum owned by Britians. I use to work for ARCO for a number of years and BP bought them out. Do you think it is better for all the profits to go to Britian?

AMOCO is now owned by Britian is what you are saying, can you hear your self. Where do the profits go.

Even Japan has talked about coming here to build their stuff and sell it to us.
For what purpose?
To make a profit to take home.

We would get the lollipop and they would take the big bucks home to Japan.

It would not make them an American Company.

Why do we give other countries companies in the US tax breaks and subsidies and then let them take it all home.

Using wind power owned and operated by foreign companies sure as heck does add to the trade imbalance because they take the profits home to their own countries. Why else would they be here being subsidised by taxpayers dollars? For PROFIT to take home.

Just like you do. You work to make money, to make a profit and you take it home. You don't let your next door neighbor take it home, you take it home.

If the parts are made in the US by a foreign company, it is still the same thing> The company that made the turbins for the windfarm is from Sweden building here in the US.

I suppose you guys still believe Elk County will still be getting nearly a million a year too!


Quote from: jerry wagner on February 28, 2012, 02:48:39 PM
The profits that are retained by the corporation are not "trade" and thus do not contribute to the trade imbalance. 

You are absolutely right, it is not trade. It is simply exporting millions, billions or possibly trillions of dollars as profit to their country.

It is simply a matter of wording. Our country is the loser financially.


BP is 38% owned by Americans, 44% oowned by British, and 18% owned by others, BP spends Billions of Dollars in the US. If it is so bad that BP spends money here, consider that the US oil companies spend far more  Billions in Britian and in almost every oil producing country in the world. The British sector of the North Sea was developed by American Oil Companies.


Denmark 10% of their electicity needs are wind, and they are discontinuing usage of farms.  Not efficient nor is it profitable.  Germany 1%.  US not sure.  Efficiency of them in the US quite a bit lower than the 30% they are touting. yeah the output that much, but by the time its delivered its not that much. IF TVA is buying it, then theres around 1000 miles transferlines that you lose electricity all along the way in the form of magetic flux. ENOUGH loss that you can power many households with a inductive reactance device to collect it. BUt don't get caught, thats illegal.
So call it negligible i suppose, cost of transmission. but you won't get 30% and i doubt it would be 25% by the time its delivered to the door.

No pollution?? Get real!  BS on that one.  You got petroleum products used to make the things, maintain the things.  Sure it doesn't pump out smoke but neither do the refineries either. THey filter all that stuff. Been that way since the 70's/80s.  Even coal has cleaned up and become more efficient.  I've looked at those stacks and they are using updraft stacks now that burn everything up, turning it into water and co2. No its not 100% i realzie that but its not like it was in 1972.  I've heard folks talk about pollution over the city of atlanta Ga.  I laugh about it cause they don't now what pollution is.  Sure theres a light haze over the city, but in the 70's you couldn't even see the skyscrapers for the cloud of pollution that hung over it on a sunny day.

Simple fact is your never going to get 0% emission on anything not even wind or solar. YOu have to count everything used to make the product.

The other thing is who wants to litter up the landscape all over the country with those things. Sure don't want to go see places like yellowstone with windtowers sitting on top of the hills.  Ruins the whole  thing.  I think mr. ward checked cause his beloved hills were destroyed by those things going up.  He loved siting and watching the sun set over those hills. for 50 years he saw those hills every morning and night, and all the towers hovering over them just destroyed the view he had.

Good for the county?  LOL  ok if you say so.  You haven't tallied up the final cost of it all when the contract is up. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Hey Srkruzich,

Don't it feel like they are trying to blow all that smoke up our backside? LOL



Go to the above website and then you can see who the smoke blowers are on here.

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