Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Reacts to Birth Control Mandate

Started by Warph, February 19, 2012, 04:22:43 PM

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Diane Amberg

I wouldn't expect you to be. I'll take care of my family and you take care of yours.


Genesis 3: 4-5

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
And when the woman saw that the tree [was] good for food, and that it [was] pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make [one] wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

Seems Eve took care of her family, too.  Notwithstanding Adam's folly, it seems Eve was first deceived.

As the old rehab saying goes:  If nothing changes, nothing changes.

Thanks, red, for continuing to hold on to Truth.  Too many (in these 'modern' times) claim to believe, but want their cake with ice cream AND a fork.

And thanks, Warph, for the reminder that there are a few mainstream churches remaining that aren't afraid to hold to and to profess the faith they claim to hold.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Diane and others what is the matter with you, you are supposed to think like Ross and Patriot or stay off of the Forum. That is why hardly anyone posts on the forum anymore, they got tired of being put down by Ross and patriot. Go back and look at the topics, the posts and the posters and you will see that there are no fun and interesting topics posted anymore.


I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it looks to me like the forum is alive and well---and informative


Quote from: redcliffsw on February 23, 2012, 07:15:10 AM
I'm not with Diane on this one either. 

Jeremiah 1: 4 & 5
Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

You beat me to it red
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: ELK@KC on February 23, 2012, 06:46:29 PM
Diane and others what is the matter with you, you are supposed to think like Ross and Patriot or stay off of the Forum. That is why hardly anyone posts on the forum anymore, they got tired of being put down by Ross and patriot. Go back and look at the topics, the posts and the posters and you will see that there are no fun and interesting topics posted anymore.

Your logging in at the wrong time.  From 7am - around 10am most of the posts are 20 different types of games being played. Theres your fun. Then from 9 -11 they play games again.

There is also religious postings in the mornings during game time.  Then you have silence most of the day and in the evening time then everyone gets back on to post whatever.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


My whole point on this is.... Government has no place in family matters.. Nor does the millions of different Man Made Churches that are scattered around the country like fleas on a dog. You make your own decisions about you..your religion and what concerns you and your family..believing and acting within your life the way you see fit.. I'm all for that and if it works for you.. good for you.

But I kindly ask you to stay the hell out of mine and allow me the same privilege..
What I do and the way I do it is between me and God.. Thats it!! ME AND GOD!!!  NOT between me and you or anyone else who is adept at Bible quotations! And its damned sure not between me and some politician.
Now ..until I ask you to pay my bills or ask for your personal judgement on what I do with my life.. then I once again kindly ask you to not cram your beliefs down my throat..but allow me the freedom to do with MY body what I feel is best for me.  :)

Pro Choice.. Pro Life.. I see no difference. Everyone chooses life if they can. We are human beings fighting everyday for our own and to say that because I am Pro Choice,.. then I'm labeled as being against the life of a child.. is BS!!   I doubt that there is anyone out there who doesn't wish that when they get pregnant, their life consists of a white picket fence and Ozzie and Harriet living next door to them.  Reality... it doesn't happen like that..
If a woman is raped ..or if a baby is not going to be loved and wanted.. or is being carried by a drug infested mother.. ( just to name 3 examples) who in their right mind would want it to be born in that environment? Who would wish that on anyone.. let alone an innocent baby??

And more thing... To all of you out there who are standing on your almighty sanctimonious thrones pointing fingers,  throwing stones and judging....and tossing out quotes from a book that was written by a huge amount of people with parts being changed and lost and destroyed... .. let me ask you one question.
Are YOU willing to put your name on a list to adopt one of these babies that are going to be born without the love that will be provided by their birth mother? Since you think it should be born no matter what.. Are you willing to take the child and raise it? Because if you aren't.. then I suggest you keep your nose out of other people personal business and concentrate on your own.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



Sen. Fred Thompson gave the best answer a politician ever gave on his stance of abortion. Fred said as long as Roe vs Wade was the law, what he thinks is irrelevant. 

Diane Amberg

Fortunately there are people who do adopt but not nearly enough,especially for the drug and alcohol babies and for the extremely defective ones. There are also medically necessary abortions in which one child must be aborted or it's twin will die also, or extreme cases where there are essential organs missing with no way to transplant, There are kids with just a partial brain stem, no real brain.They can't live once the cord is cut. Some cases of conjoined twins cannot live out side the mother. Its a shame, but it happens. If one would talk to doctors who specialize in very high risk pregnancies, one would sit down and cry at what nature does sometimes. It's cruel but it's life.
Birth control pills also have uses  beyond birth control. Women who have seriously erratic heavy flow periods often take them to help regulate their cycles and help them from having serious anemia causing blood loss, or worse.Some such women can't conceive because of it. So the pill can actually help some women have children! Such knowledge didn't exist in Biblical days.

I heard some interesting comments Wednesday night.The churches for whom it is important, are not at all successfully selling the idea of no birth control to their women.They had some studies on many faiths, especially Catholic women who do and will use birth control, often at the urging of their own Catholic partner or mate, if there is one. So now they have decided to pressure the Gov't to get involved and do for them what they couldn't accomplish themselves, and ban all forms of birth control for everyone, no matter what their culture or religion might be. So much for American freedom
  Now is that communism, socialism, or which Gov't controlled "ism" is that?  Decide for yourself what is right for you, but leave me and mine alone. There might be life issues that you don't know about and are none of your business.

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