County Commissioner Minutes Nov. 7, 2011

Started by Janet Harrington, December 07, 2011, 06:15:43 PM

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Janet Harrington

Can someone explain to me what this request from Commissioner Ritz is all about? I got this from the Prairie Star, 12-7-11, online edition. Taken from the minutes that were published.

The commissioners asked the County
Clerk to get them details on how retired
employees are to submit their insurance
payments for reimbursement.

My question we pay for retired employees to have insurance or do we reimburse retired employees for their insurance? I am certainly confused on this.

Then there is this...County Counseling
Motion was made by Commissioner
Hendricks and seconded by Commissioner
Ritz to seek a County Counselor
as needed. Motion carried. The money
would come from the County Attorney's
budget. After further discussion Commissioner
Hendricks moved to rescind her motion
and Commissioner Ritz seconded the
motion. Motion passed. Commissioner
Hendricks moved and Commissioner Ritz
seconded the motion to authorize Commissioner
Liebau to seek someone to give
legal advice for some County issues. Current
issues would include trash and the Enterprise

It appears that the county attorney is not acting as the county counselor, so Commissioner Liebau is being given permission to seek advice. Is he going to get that advice from his son, who is an attorney? Wouldn't that be some kind of a problem if he does? Maybe an ethical issue? (If he does seek his son's advice). And just what is the "Enterprise Zone"?


"The Kansas Enterprise Zone Program is designed to encourage businesses to create new jobs. Enterprise Zone incentives are available to qualified businesses throughout Kansas, based on the location of the facility, the type of facility (manufacturing, non-manufacturing or retail), the capital investment made and the number of jobs created."

However, the point might be moot, as the page also states:

"The 2011 Kansas Legislature repealed the Enterprise Zone Program statewide for tax years commencing after 12/31/11. Existing carry-forward credits to offset State income tax liability may still be used until exhausted. Businesses wishing to request a sales tax project exemption certificate can do so until 12/31/11. If granted, the exemption certificate can extend beyond 12/31/11 for up to two years."

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.

Janet Harrington

Janet Harrington

Apparently nobody went to the county commissioners on Nov. 7th. If anyone knows what the comment about the insurance is all about, please let me know.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on December 10, 2011, 02:28:42 PM
Apparently nobody went to the county commissioners on Nov. 7th. If anyone knows what the comment about the insurance is all about, please let me know.

Long story Janet.  In summary, the county atty is refusing to advise the commission on routine matters... and there are many such matters pending.  No we don't have a county counselor, are not required by law to have one, and can't afford one.  It appears our commission is, yet again, ill informed or lacks the cahones to seek enforcement of K.S.A. 19-704... so we're willing to spend a hundred or two per hour for some outside legal assistance.

K.S.A. 19-704: Same; opinions and advice to county; opinions or advice to county hospital not required. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the county attorney shall without fee or reward, give opinions and advice to the board of county commissioners and other civil officers of the county, when requested by such board or officers, upon all matters in which the county is interested, or relating to the duties of such board or officers, in which the state or county may have an interest.

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