Did Castro Get Kennedy - Timeline Of JFK's Assassination

Started by Warph, November 22, 2011, 03:02:15 AM

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Today, it has been 48 years since the assassination of JFK.  Amazing... 48 years ago... it seems like it was yesterday that this happened.  Getting Old!

Assassination Timeline:  

Did Castro Get Kennedy?
By Humberto Fontova

"Of all the people I interviewed in New Orleans regarding the Kennedy assassination, Carlos Bringuier was the one I trusted most. I could see in his eyes he was always telling me the complete truth." (Oriana Fallaci, L, Europeo, 1969.)

"That weasel walked into my store and started looking around," recalls Carlos Bringuier about the afternoon of August 5, 1963. "But I could sense he wasn't a shopper. Sure enough, after a few minutes of browsing he came up and extended his hand. "Good afternoon," he said. "I'm Lee Harvey Oswald."

In 1963 the CIA regarded the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) "the most militant and deeply motivated of all the Cuban exile organizations seeking to oust Castro." Carlos Bringuier was their representative in New Orleans. It was DRE agents who infiltrated Cuba and brought out the first reports of Soviet missile installations--to the scoffs of everyone from Camelot's CIA to the State Department's wizards, to the White House's Best and Brightest. It took two months for anyone to finally take them seriously. A U-2 flight then confirmed every last detail of what the DRE boys had been risking their lives for months to report.

"Oswald approached me because my name was so often linked to anti-Castro activities in the local (New Orleans) news," recalls Bringuier. "He even jammed his hand in his pocket and pulled out a roll of bills, offering to contribute to the anti-Castro cause. I was suspicious and declined, but he kept blasting Castro and Communism in very colorful terms the whole time he was in the store. He returned the next day, snarled out a few more anti-Castroisms and dropped off his training manual for the anti-Castro fight, Guidebook for Marines."

Two days later Bringuier was astounded to spot Oswald a few blocks away from his store distributing Fair Pay for Cuba pamphlets. Carlos approached, accepted a pamphlet, ripped it to pieces and a scuffle ensued. The cops arrived, the scuffle made the news, and a few days later Bringuier and Oswald odebated on New Orleans radio and TV.

Dozens of books, movies, articles and TV specials depict these events. What they DON'T depict is how, between their scuffle and debate, Carlos and a friend Carlos Quiroga turned the tables on Oswald. Posing as a Castro-sympathizer eager to join Oswald's Fair Play for Cuba Committee, Quiroga (who had not been in the store or involved in the scuffle) visited Oswald at his home and they commiserated for hours. "You read everyplace that Oswald was dumb, a flake, a patsy, a set-up," says Bringuier. "Nonsense. He was a smooth operator and spoke fluent Russian."

Quiroga noticed that Oswald's living room was filled with Fair play For Cuba Committee literature. From one stack Oswald pulled an application to join the Committee and offered it to Quiroga. Yet during the Warren Commission circus The Fair Play for Cuba Committee repeatedly denied that Oswald had any links with them.

Among the things that caught Quiroga's eye during his visit was Oswald speaking Russian with his wife and daughter. "Its good practice," explained Oswald. "I'm studying foreign languages at Tulane University." He was lying. Also keep in mind the date: this was 3 months before the assassination. Oswald's stint in Russia was virtually unknown at the time.

On the very night of Nov. 22rd 1963 Carlos Bringuier went public on American radio and TV: "We don't know yet if Lee Harvey Oswald is President Kennedy's assassin. But if he is, then Fidel Castro's hand is involved in this assassination. "

Fidel Castro immediately called a press Conference to denounce Carlos Bringuier by name and kick off the media disinformation campaign that finally peaked as high comedy with Oliver Stone's JFK.

"For 15 years of my life at the top of the Soviet bloc intelligence community, I was involved in a world-wide disinformation effort aimed at diverting attention away from the KGB's involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald. The Kennedy assassination conspiracy was born—and it never died."(Ion Pacepa, the highest ranking intelligence official ever to defect from the Soviet bloc.)

But Carlos Bringuier was on to the disinformation campaign from its very birthday.

"Oliver Stone interviewed me for hours while researching for his movie JFK" recalls Bringuier. "This was almost 30 years ago. Stone's loony–left credentials weren't yet blatant. I figured he was after the truth. So I went along, telling him everything. Well, his movie comes out --and turns out I'M involved in the conspiracy to kill JFK!" Bringuier laughs. "For fifty years the media has either ignored or turned everything I've told them upside down," says Bringuier. "Finally I got sick of it so when 60 Minutes asked me for an interview a couple years back, I told them: "Sure. I'll do an interview—but this time it has to be LIVE, no editing." That ended whatever relationship I had with CBS producers."

"U.S leaders who plan an eliminating Cuban leaders should not think that they are themselves safe!" warned Castro on Sept 7,1963. "We are prepared to answer in kind!"

Many of those closest to the early evidence were convinced that Castro made good on his boast. "I'll tell you something that will rock you," Lyndon Johnson told Howard K. Smith in 1966. "Kennedy tried to get Castro -- but Castro got Kennedy first."

General and former Secretary of Defense Alexander Haig agreed with LBJ. Haig served as a military aide under both the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. "As I read the secret report I felt a sense of physical shock, a rising of the hair on the back of my neck," he writes about an incident one month after the Kennedy assassination when a classified report crossed his desk. "I walked the report over to my superiors and watched their faces go ashen." "From this moment, Al." said his superiors, "You will forget you ever read this piece of paper, or that it ever existed."

The classified intelligence report that so rattled Haig and caused so many faces to go ashen described how a few days before the Dallas assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald, accompanied by Castro intelligence agents, had been spotted in Havana, where he'd traveled from Mexico City.

For 34 years Markus Wolf was the chief of East Germany's foreign intelligence service, a branch of the STASI with many contacts and operations in Castro's Cuba. It was the STASI rather than the KGB that undertook the training of Castro's police and intelligence services. Wolf's autobiography is titled, "Man Without a Face" and subtitled, "The Autobiography of Communism's Greatest Spymaster." Most intelligence experts agree that the subtitle fits. Wolf was once asked about the Kennedy assassination and quickly replied. "Don't ask me -- ask Fidel Castro."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Two books every American should read:

Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant
by Hemberto Fontova

A stunning expose' of the real Fidel Castro and the hypocrisy, ignorance and inexcusable appeasement that makes his liberal admirers notorious.

"Cuba's own Elvis" - that's what Dan Rather calls him. Funny name for a man who has threatened the United States with nuclear war, who has made common cause with Islamic terrorists against the United States, and whose people risk death to escape him. But there's a lot that Hollywood liberals and other Fidel Castro admirers would rather you didn't know about the dictator of Cuba - like how he imprisoned more people as a percentage of population than Hitler or Stalin; how Fidel's firing squads killed thousands of Cubans; how Fidel's subjects would rather inject themselves with AIDS than live under his tyranny.

Drawing on a wealth of research - including interviews with former Castro regime officials, anti-Castro freedom fighters, and Castro's political prisoners - acclaimed author Humberto Fontova reveals the ugly face of the Castro regime. Along the way, he punctures some of the egregious myths about Cuba - The Motorcycle Bore: The real Che Guevara - not the rebel rock star of T-shirt fame, but a battlefield incompetent, a puritan-Stalinist bore, and the man who sent thousands of innocent Cubans to the firing squads - Communist Economics 101: How Castro took Cuba from being a First World economy that had to turn away European emigrants to a country that even impoverished Haitians won't emigrate to, with among the highest suicide and abortion rates in the world - The Saddam Hussein Next Door: How Castro has not only had nuclear weapons (and wanted to launch them) but has plotted massive terrorist outrages against the United States - Fidel the anti-black racist and unrepentant Communist - and his long list of useful idiots: from Jesse Jackson to Oliver Stone, George McGovern to Ted Turner, Bill Clinton to Steven Spielberg, to Katie Couric and many others - The Left's favorite racism: against conservative Cuban-Americans

Fidel: Hollywood's Favorite Tyrant is a stunning expose of the real Fidel Castro and of the hypocrisy, ignorance, and inexcusable appeasement that makes his liberal admirers notorious.


Exposing the Real Che Guevara
and the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him
by Humberto Fontova

Che's bloodthirsty hatred is why Fontova considers him the godfather of modern terrorism. Exposing the Real Che Guevara is based on scores of interviews with survivors of Che's atrocities as well as the American CIA agent who interrogated Che just hours before the Bolivian government executed him.

Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the mainstream media celebrate Che as a saint and a sex symbol - a selfless martyr with a love of humanity second only to Jesus Christ's.

But their ideas about Che - Fidel Castro's henchman whose face adorns hipsters' T-shirts, posters, and ad campaigns - are based on a murderous communist regime's outright lies.

As Humberto Fontova reveals in this myth-shattering book, Che was actually a bloodthirsty executioner, a military bumbler, a coward, and a hypocrite. This biographical account proves it's no exaggeration to state that Che - who was captured and killed nearly forty years ago - was the godfather of modern terrorism.

And yet Che's followers naively swallow Castro's historical revisionism. They are classic "useful idiots." the name Stalin gave to foolish Westerners who parroted his lies about communism's successes.

Humberto Fontova interviewed the few people still alive who interacted with Che and can tell the truth about him, while overturning the myths and legends. In this book you'll learn:

- How Che longed to destroy New York City with nuclear missiles. (So why does Angelina Jolie sport a Che tattoo, while denouncing violence as a U.N. ambassador of goodwill?

- How Che promoted book burning and signed death warrants for authors who disagreed with him. (So why did Jean Paul Sartre praise him as a "perfect" man, and why did Time Magazine name him one of the 100 most influential people of the century?)

- How Che made amazingly racist statements about blacks. (So why do Jesse Jackson, Jay-Z, and Mike Tyson say nice things about him?)

- How Che persecuted gays, long-haired rock and roll fans, and religious people. (So why do Carlos Santana, Madonna and Johnny Depp think he's so cool?)

- How Che, the devoted Communist, loved material wealth and private luxuries. (So why do the mainstream media still depict him as an ascetic?)

David Horowitz says: "A great service for the cause of decency and human freedom. Deservedly puts Che Guevara in the ash-heap of history. Every American should read this book."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

As my father always said..."I didn't like it the first time." So what are we who remember it all live supposed to believe? What was said and written when it was real and fresh and live? Or what is almost 50 years old now with most of the players dead and gone? What are the young people who weren't alive then supposed to believe? Every writer and blogger has a version to sell.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 24, 2011, 04:34:56 PM
As my father always said..."I didn't like it the first time." So what are we who remember it all live supposed to believe? What was said and written when it was real and fresh and live? Or what is almost 50 years old now with most of the players dead and gone? What are the young people who weren't alive then supposed to believe? Every writer and blogger has a version to sell.

That's why it is called history, Diane.  For instance... take our Founding Fathers.  Thousands of books have been written about them with a thousand different opinions of the authors.  It has been said that if you take ten different non-fiction books about the same subject, you might get 20% of truth out of them.  De Vinci gave up reading in his later years because of this.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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