
Started by jprxmkt, November 05, 2011, 10:12:31 PM

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Upgraded to 5.6.

Jim and I both felt it. We were sitting in the living room talking, having just watched the Oklahoma State / K-State game.

That's one item off my bucket list -  :D  :D  :D.

Ms Bear

A 5.6 is not a mild one.  Glad no one was hurt.

Judy Harder

If it happened here in Longton, I never felt it. Neither of the dogs reacted either.
Seems one of these days we will get one that everyone is going to feel.
Hold on to your hats..........!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


The shaking and vibrations were a lot stronger here last night than they were the night before.


We felt it here. At first I thought that the wind just picked up, then things started moving. Oldest daugther just had went to bed, she came down starts and was scared.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


quote from Judy:
If it happened here in Longton, I never felt it. Neither of the dogs reacted either.

Judy, maybe you better get better "watch dogs".. The shaking never woke me up but had the bedroom door pulled almost closed and it banging woke me up but I thought maybe the wind was doing it. Got up stumbling and grumbling thinking a window in the house was open and making the door rattle----then this morning Tommi said it scared the crap out of her and she jumped in her car and drove around and never saw so many houses with lights on at 11:30 so must have been a bunch of people wondering what the hell was going on.


Never felt it, puddys didn't say a word last night. :)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


my cat my have known... she came to the head of the bed just before, and stayed till half hour after. Finally settling for the foot of bed .(not her usual spot neer the heater vent.)

Judy Harder

I still swear, I did NOT feel or hear anything........but, from talking at church several of them did.
Compared it to a heavy wind, or a sonic boom......but, after comparing our houses.......Mine is on a concrete
slab and those who felt it were in houses with wood floors.
My old dog, Scooter is getting hard of hearing and won't hear me when I call him, unless I pound on something to get his attention and Sassy just snuggles up with me and doesn't move, if I don't.
I do know, if someone opens the door after we all go to bed, they do sound the alarm.
Robyn stopped in unexpectedly and our rule of the house is, if you are family or friend, you open door and holler, " Knock- knock!" and they both came I don't think they would bite, but they will raise an ruckus.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Quote from: Judy Harder on November 06, 2011, 01:07:06 PM
I still swear, I did NOT feel or hear anything........but, from talking at church several of them did.
Compared it to a heavy wind, or a sonic boom......but, after comparing our houses.......Mine is on a concrete
slab and those who felt it were in houses with wood floors.
My old dog, Scooter is getting hard of hearing and won't hear me when I call him, unless I pound on something to get his attention and Sassy just snuggles up with me and doesn't move, if I don't.
I do know, if someone opens the door after we all go to bed, they do sound the alarm.
Robyn stopped in unexpectedly and our rule of the house is, if you are family or friend, you open door and holler, " Knock- knock!" and they both came I don't think they would bite, but they will raise an ruckest.

Same here judy, i went to bed around 10 or 10:30 and never woke up. Dogs didn't wake up either.  THey usually bark their fool heads off at everything that happens.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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