Overtime pay???

Started by Patriot, November 01, 2011, 10:53:07 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on November 03, 2011, 06:44:14 PM
Tell us about it.

I have been for months.  Turn off the soaps and try reading for understanding. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Patriot on November 01, 2011, 11:41:03 AM
He's paid a salary for both positions.  The salaried status precludes overtime.  Only hourly employees are entitled to overtime.

I also have no doubt, after hearing his rant yesterday, that Mr. Mitchell has nothing but the best for himself in mind either.

Never managed a payroll have you dear?  

Para salary:  ~3600/month
Director salary ~700/month
Overtime claims (unknown)
Paid Health insurance:  ~ 1200/month paid by taxpayers

Total monthly compensation:  ~ $5500 x 12 = $66,000/year

Seems I was being conservative in my estimates.

Patriot, Does he really get $3,600 a month? Seems like that is more than the sheriff makes. Maybe I need to become a paramedic and work in Elk County?


Quote from: Janet Harrington on November 06, 2011, 11:00:55 PM
Patriot, Does he really get $3,600 a month? Seems like that is more than the sheriff makes. Maybe I need to become a paramedic and work in Elk County?

No, Janet... the actual base is $3597, I believe. ::)   By playing the 'overtime' game the gross has actually pushed $4100 a few times. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

So, if he is getting $3,597.00 a month for gross, what is the sheriff making? Like I said, maybe I should become a paramedic and come back to Howard to work.


We are doing a lot of talking about suposssedly overpayment of salaries and what it is costing the county.  What about wasted time?  What about employees that arrive late to work, then spend half an hour visiting before starting any work?  Then there are the ones that leave five minutes before quitting time.

Janet Harrington

Well, I just cannot imagine in my wildest dreams that a paramedic is paid so well in Elk County. I don't have any reason to not believe Patriot, but I am going to call the county clerk tomorrow and get that information told straight to my own ear. Will let you know what I am told.


Quote from: Wilma on November 07, 2011, 05:28:38 PM
We are doing a lot of talking about suposssedly overpayment of salaries and what it is costing the county.  What about wasted time?  What about employees that arrive late to work, then spend half an hour visiting before starting any work?  Then there are the ones that leave five minutes before quitting time.

SIMPLE SOLUTION.  USed it in business every day.  give them 1 warning.  Next time fire them.  Late to work is forgiveable in certain instances. Leaving early is not forgiveable unless approved. All of it is THEFT.  A termination offense.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Steve:  in theory that is good and does work, as well in a manufacturing situation.
However in the county business...well  "I have kids and a husband, and that comes before my job!"
Well  if they are an Elected Official...the rules don't always apply.
If they are appointed, or hired....the Elected official needs to have that person...so there is a 'work around rule'.

Steve, you wouldn't last in a County job.  However, I do suscribe to some of your methods.
Now, on the flip side...I don't have kids, so it's discrimiation as to who gets to go home first or take time off.

see the grey side of the courthouse?


and if those quotes of base pay are true, then somewhere back a few commisioners ago...a deal was made.
That is a rediculous amount of money being made for a very low parcel vs. employee county!!!!!!!!!!!!

Janet Harrington

I will tell you this. This person is extremely good at what he does. He is a fantastic paramedic and I would never say he wasn't. But, the salary is pretty good for no more runs than Elk County does. If I knew Elk County was going to pay that well, I would have stayed on as an EMT. Oh, by the way, when I lost the election, I did ask the commissioners if I was going to be able to stay on as an EMT and the Director, and I was told no, that they didn't believe it would work out. The commissioners did not see that my job as sheriff and my job as EMS director were two different things. I was pretty much pushed out of working in Elk County at that point. Oh well, Such is life and life does go on.

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