Herman Cain Has a Sense of Humor!

Started by farmgal67357, October 18, 2011, 09:35:03 AM

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Diane Amberg

and the rest of rule 12, in (  ) ? "  Direct, personalized criticism works." Having been on the end of this ,I know just how it feels! I'll be directing many to this list as needed. Rule 5 and 8 are especially telling. We who have been labeled your enemy thank you for giving this to us to study. ::) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :angel:


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 10, 2011, 01:09:15 PM
...Having been on the end of this.

And on the 'end' you are, to be sure.  And we're not talking the front end.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg


The last question was who would you vote for between Newt or Romney if it came down to them. The Ron Paul people answer "Ron Paul." Here are some other answers they give: Paper or plastic? Ron Paul. How old are you? Ron Paul. How would you like your steak prepared? Ron Paul. Where are you going on vacation? Ron Paul. What kind of car do you drive? Ron Paul. What religion are you? Ron Paul. Sheesh....

This is from a page on Facebook...Just kind of amused me...Ron Paul voters don't listen to the questions, they just say Ron Paul.

I'm saying Go Newt, Go as he rises through the polls!




But---don't you know Newt divorced his 1st wife when she was in the hospital on her death bed, back in 1980 ? What a worm huh ? At least that is some of the trash the libs throw out there. Trouble is his first wife is still alive and she is the one who filed for divorce and was in the hospital to have a benign tumor removed. That "low life worm" took their two kids to visit their mother in the hospital---nothing to do with a divorce. Anyway she was some kind of math teacher so I bet ol Newt just got tired of doing additions and subtractions every night !!!


Quote from: jarhead on November 15, 2011, 08:42:41 PM
But---don't you know Newt divorced his 1st wife when she was in the hospital on her death bed, back in 1980 ? What a worm huh ? At least that is some of the trash the libs throw out there. Trouble is his first wife is still alive and she is the one who filed for divorce and was in the hospital to have a benign tumor removed. That "low life worm" took their two kids to visit their mother in the hospital---nothing to do with a divorce. Anyway she was some kind of math teacher so I bet ol Newt just got tired of doing additions and subtractions every night !!!

That is true, he didn't dump his first wife.   He may suck at relationships but he's no cold hearted bastard either.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

 Those stories are never trustworthy. They did get divorced and he was fooling around. The rest is just fodder. 
  Got to look deeper to chose a viable candidate....much too soon as far as I'm concerned..
  I want to hear about foreign policy, dealing with heavy handed lobbyists and graft, tax reform, rebuilding infrastructure, watch dogging the rating agencies, keeping an eye on wall street, dumping cheater subsidies etc.  Gimme some real issues!


All subsidies are "cheater subsidies".  Gov't is not supposed to give anybody assistance.  Is that too difficult to understand?

You want real issues?  Then take a look at Ron Paul.   

Democrats and Republicans are entertaining us with the same ole stuff.  Nothing new happening there.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 16, 2011, 07:59:46 AM
I want to hear about foreign policy, dealing with heavy handed lobbyists and graft, tax reform, rebuilding infrastructure, watch dogging the rating agencies, keeping an eye on wall street, dumping cheater subsidies etc.  Gimme some real issues!

No problem!  Read the Elk County Forum on local issues.  Everything you seek is here:  heavy handed lobbyists, graft, tax reform, rebuilding infrastructure, cheater subsidies.  Though maybe not so much on foreign policy & Wall Street.  Of course there are discussions of foreigners (outsiders & non-Elk Countians), big money and wealth redistribution issues.

But then these issues at the local level aren't nearly as thrilling as they are at the national and international levels, are they?


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Red, I have no idea how old you are, but many people aren't interested in a 77 year old president who would be 80 before his first term is up. Too many young people  think that is just too old. Even President Reagan was younger than that. Sometimes the perception over shadows the reality.

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