Concerned about Elk County's image? Here's one outsider's view...

Started by Patriot, October 08, 2011, 08:28:23 AM

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Diane Amberg

We have state and national standards here we adhere to. We have only four  minutes to hit the street in the ambulance. Paramedics ,if needed, arrive in a separate vehicle. We too usually go to the closest "appropriate" hospital, but we do work with the patient's and family's wishes as much as is possible. We can always get a control Doc by radio or cell phone and discuss the situation with them. Illnesses are always the hardest because we are limited as to what we can do to help prehospital, and not all hospitals can handle everything. It can be a very frustrating time on everyone, especially when long distances are involved.


Quote from: Wilma on October 28, 2011, 06:19:28 PM
Varmit, what do you call someone who flies the American flag upside down?

Someone that is in tuned with what is happening to our country! In case you didn't know flying the flag upside down is a recognized symbol of distress.  I show it that way as a means of political protest.  As is my RIGHT as an AMERICAN!  Wheter it offends you or not is of absolutely no matter to me what so ever.  If I want to fly it upside down, burn it, use it as a floormat, or wipe my ass with it, that is MY RIGHT.  I served 6 years in the Army defending our constitution and the rights that are contained therein, so I shall be damned if some crippled shut in without the guts to stand up to tyranny in any shape or form is going to tell me how to execrise my rights. 

What is offensive is people like you that say "yes there is something wrong but we the people are powerless to change it. Thats up to the folks in washington."  Shame on you!

Quite frankly our flag should only have 13 stars and criss-crossed bars. THe colors shouldn't be red, white, and blue, rather they should be Gray and Red!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Diane Amberg

Frankly, I'd like to see a nice big serving of decency and responsibility served up with those "rights."


It is quite clear the Varmit is not quite clear on what is decent and right.  Also, he is very angry.  About what, I do not know.  Maybe because he was criticized for something that appears to be disrespectful to our flag?  Of course, he has the right to fly the flag however he wants and if I am offended by it, that is my problem.  But you have to remember that when I first learned the Flag Salute, it was given with the right hand at the brow and the words, "Under God" was not a part of it.  I learned it during World II when patriotism was at it's highest, when most of our young men were fighting hand to hand to keep our country from the tyranny that had fallen upon other countries.  My values as to my country are so ingrained that they will never change, nor will I ever do anything that even appears to be disrespectful.

As to changing things, is there another way according to our almighty constitution and Bill of Rights?  What would you suggest?  And be careful with your answer. It is easy to cross over to talking about overthrowing the government, which is a crime.  I can't think of the word for it right now, but some of the posts made on this forum have come awfully close to it.  So what?  You do have freedom of speech, don't you?  That is until you start talking about overthrowing the government, taking over the White House, doing away with government officials.  There are laws as to how this can be done and they can be exercised every time an election comes up. 

Varmit, how do you know that I am sitting here doing nothing, accepting everything that is?  Just because I don't spout it all over the forum doesn't mean that I am not doing anything about it.  There are other ways.


Could you say that some of your values are socialistic or not?

Patriotism might have been high but I fail to see any correlation of the Pledge of Allegiance to patriotism.
We had patriotism when this country was founded which was long before the socialist Bellamy invented the
socialist Pledge for you to recite.  It's another form of indoctrination and it's contrary to the intent of the founding fathers.


Quote from: Wilma on November 03, 2011, 01:19:11 PM
As to changing things, is there another way according to our almighty constitution and Bill of Rights?  What would you suggest?  And be careful with your answer. It is easy to cross over to talking about overthrowing the government, which is a crime.  I can't think of the word for it right now, but some of the posts made on this forum have come awfully close to it.  So what?  You do have freedom of speech, don't you?  That is until you start talking about overthrowing the government, taking over the White House, doing away with government officials.  There are laws as to how this can be done and they can be exercised every time an election comes up.  

...Just because I don't spout it all over the forum doesn't mean that I am not doing anything about it.  There are other ways.

Excerpt from The Declaration of Independence:

--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

There was much bloodshed and what many called indecent, wrong & disrespect as a result of that document.  Writing postcards to the King of England was not the answer.  I've never heard Varmit advocate the violent overthrow of our government.  I have seen him express clearly some of the abuses of power and discuss open methods of calling attention to those abuses and their effects.  Perhaps you should find your voice as well.  I suspect your WWII peers would applaud you.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


FYI, Fred Phelps files the flag upside down along with a fly from China!!!!!!


Quote from: Wilma on November 03, 2011, 01:19:11 PM
It is quite clear the Varmit is not quite clear on what is decent and right.  Also, he is very angry.  About what, I do not know.  Maybe because he was criticized for something that appears to be disrespectful to our flag?  Of course, he has the right to fly the flag however he wants and if I am offended by it, that is my problem.  But you have to remember that when I first learned the Flag Salute, it was given with the right hand at the brow and the words, "Under God" was not a part of it.  I learned it during World II when patriotism was at it's highest, when most of our young men were fighting hand to hand to keep our country from the tyranny that had fallen upon other countries.  My values as to my country are so ingrained that they will never change, nor will I ever do anything that even appears to be disrespectful.
What has the pledge got to do with patriotism. it is not patriotic to quote a socialist pledge.  It is in fact a direct attack on what our country was founded on.

QuoteAs to changing things, is there another way according to our almighty constitution and Bill of Rights?  What would you suggest?  And be careful with your answer. It is easy to cross over to talking about overthrowing the government, which is a crime.  I can't think of the word for it right now, but some of the posts made on this forum have come awfully close to it.  So what?  You do have freedom of speech, don't you?  That is until you start talking about overthrowing the government, taking over the White House, doing away with government officials.  There are laws as to how this can be done and they can be exercised every time an election comes up. 
Sure there are laws and processes.  But we have one process that cannot be usurped like the others can with vote tampering and fraud.  That power is reserved to do what has to be done in that event.  It is a viable alternative and one that should not be taken lightly!

I will and in a new york second advocate the overthrow of a totalitarian, corrupt, obscene government that harbors criminals in its structure that have no more respect for the constitution, bill of rights or our declaration of independance than they do for a roll of toilet paper.  IF they want to come get me then so be it.  It doesn't make a difference to me.  I will not lay down and accept what they dish out.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Just what is your definition of patriotism.  When you were inducted into the armed forces, did you not take a pledge?  Do you remember what that pledge was?

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