Concerned about Elk County's image? Here's one outsider's view...

Started by Patriot, October 08, 2011, 08:28:23 AM

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Janet Harrington

This is off the subject, but I just laugh at Oklahoma drivers that I see in Elk County. I drive the speed limit. I just do. I'm not going to risk getting a ticket because I am sure there are some that would love to give me one. LOL Anyway, Oklahoma tags are passing me all the time going south. I always wonder if they drive like that in their own state.


Janet, driving through Oklahoma on my way to Kansas I have seen many of them driving just like that. It is kind of like here in New Mexico. It is funny to see people with out of state plates drive through town with a 30 mph zone and not and officer in site most of the time. I was going the speed limit the other day and almost got ran over by a car from Kansas lol. I had to laugh about it. I think that they were from western Kansas.


Working sheriff my ass!! The only time I ever had to call the sheriffs dept. was when my wife at the time called to report someone trying to get into the house.  It was 3am, I was working the night shift at rubbermaid and wasn't home.  When she called the dispatcher told her that no one was available and that she'd have to call and wake somone up, then the dispatcher asked her if there was a gun in the house.  When the sheriff did show up, an hour later, all he did was drive by and shine his spotlight at the house.  Didn't stop and make sure that my wife and kids were alright or anything.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

Janet Harrington

But, Varmit, I am just spreading "sour grapes" you know. I just have a grudge against him. This is what I have been trying to imply. People need to wake up. I know that one of his campaign promises he gave was that there would be 24 hour coverage, that he would have a deputy out all night. That has never happened. I knew it wouldn't, but oh well. That the way he does things. But then again, I am just bearing a grudge or so they say. And like I said to jhongreen, I give credit where credit is due. When it is not due, then his office doesn't get it.


And you are so impressive from what I hear, FIRED from Wilson County, FIRED from the State Prison So they tell me..But really Nobody cares


I agree with Varmit. When we lived in Howard, we had a man IN OUR DRIVEWAY TRYING TO STEAL A TRUCK. The city officer showed up 30 minutes later and drove around the block several times. If Ryan wou;dn't have stepped out the door and fired the ol .45 in the air, my truck would have been stolen. This happened at 10:00 o'clock at night. DURING THE week. What the hell was going on in Howard that took the city officer so long to respond?!

I'm glad I'm a resident of Greenwood County now. I can have an issue, like this summer, a man was stealing gasoline out of our storage tanks, and call dispatch and someone is here within 10 minutes.

Get to work on your response times Elk County Sheriff's Office.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Not to mention, I live out in the sticks, and at least every few days,  I see a deputy or Sheriff go by the house.

Never saw that when I lived in rural Elk County.


Be careful to admit to speeding on these forums.  I guess patriot thinks speeders hate america?  I guess you're still sore about being made a fool of over in the politics section.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


LoLo, I don't know who you are, but unless you know the circumstances of Janet being fired, you shouldn't be mouthing off.  If you do know the circumstances, please enlighten the rest of the forum.  I know, but it isn't my place to put it on the forum.  You however are making snide remarks about something that you might know nothing about. 

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