Concerned about Elk County's image? Here's one outsider's view...

Started by Patriot, October 08, 2011, 08:28:23 AM

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The way I hear it it doesn't take much help to sign a refusal


Ok I have taken my minute to step back. First off I'm not hiding behind anything I realized that I made a mistake typing my first name John. Please don't hold that against me but you probably will, any fault that can be found in this county, seems the class bullies pick at it like a heard of chickens. I may have been speaking without knowing all the facts of EMS and Sheriff's office. I wasn't bashing the EMS either just know it takes them a good while longer.  Luckily I haven't had to use them in four years when the Sheriff himself ( I think in blue jeans and a polo) showed up with EMS to help with my mother. I didn't however take the time to properly inspect the Sheriff at this time for stains or dirt that may or may not wash off, nor did I give a good rat's ass whether he was in a button up shirt or slack uniform pants as long as he was there to help care for my mother. Which by the way if my memory serves me correct I believe that the EX Sheriff was the one who brought the polo shirts to the department DON'T quote me on this one.(Not a bash just stating what I believe to be a fact) As for being in the public and having to take peoples crap I guess that's the sad part of it. Sure grow thick skin, but last I checked we are all still people and under that thick skin there are feelings somewhere.  Here is my take of what to be ashamed of, a public forum for the entire world to see that our small county can't even get along even over the smallest of dirt stains. ASININE to me. One more thought then I'll leave you to pick me apart like wolves. Maybe the Sheriff's washer broke, and only making $32,000 can't really afford dry cleaning. Did anybody go up and ask if they could help wash the vest? Never judge somebody's life when you don't know all the problems they may be facing.
Just Thinking


Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the sheriff's dept. has a budget that covers uniforms.  Neither he nor his deputies have to launder their uniforms.  It seems to me that it also covers new uniforms and equipment.


Janet and Wilma- I do know for a fact the incident happened, police reports have been filed.....and now almost 90 days have passed and not a damn thing has been done to the two a**holes that assaulted the other man.  I used to stick up for Elk Co. law enforcement................................
CAUTION: if instrument is shaken sufficiently to cause arm to swing violently, damage may occur!

Diane Amberg

That is very strange.Was the man injured enough to need medical treatment?

Janet Harrington

jhongreen, if you think this forum is ASININE, then why are you on here? Why are you bringing up that I am the one that introduced polo shirts as uniforms? No one was talking about that. The person from Wichita said that the appearance of the sheriff was not a good one. Nothing was said about polo shirts. The only reason polo shirts and tactical pants were introduced as uniforms is because the officers wanted them. So we went with them. They were more practical then having uniform shirts and trousers that only got caught and ripped on barbed wire. As for the sheriff helping your mother, Doug has always been one to be there to help people. All this outside observer was doing was saying how his appearance was on a day that there were alot of out of town people there. Gosh, you sure are defensive over an out of town person's opinion.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: doobie on October 21, 2011, 01:53:19 PM
Janet and Wilma- I do know for a fact the incident happened, police reports have been filed.....and now almost 90 days have passed and not a damn thing has been done to the two a**holes that assaulted the other man.  I used to stick up for Elk Co. law enforcement................................

doobie, this person really does need to go talk to the county attorney and see what is going on. I can almost bet you $10.00 that the officers turned in their report. Ask this person to go or call the county attorney.


Quote from Janet:
I just asked a person on the EMS service and I was told that the sheriff's office does not go to the EMS calls.

Janet, when did this start ? Wasn't very long ago we had a medical emergency here in Longton and Deputy Dan was on location in minutes of getting the call and stayed the half hour or so until an ambulance got  here .

Janet Harrington

jarhead, I really don't know when it started. I just know from listening to the scanner that I don't hear the sheriff going to calls llike he used to. I asked the EMS person if the sheriff's office helped the EMS with calls and the answer was nope. It has something to do with the sheriff and the EMS director not getting along. Maybe it is just the sheriff that doesn't go anymore. I can tell you that when I was sheriff I got along just fine with the EMS director. Oh wait. That was me. LOL

Judy Harder

A couple of months ago when I had the scare of a stroke and you all became concerned, I had called 911 before I lost
all my reasoning and kind of expected a first responder, I know how long it can take an ambulance crew and or help to get to
Longton, but no one came and the wait for the ambulance, since I didn't know what was wrong and my friend who did show up, had her hands tied as No one came to follow up on a "HELP!" call.
I just accepted this.....and figured something was going on somewhere else in county that was more important than my medical call.........but, I DIDN'T KNOW THIS.
Spent close to 30 minutes waiting for help. Wound up, I wasn't super critical, but at that moment I didn't know that.
I do not have a beef with the police/sheriff or any form of our county rescue people.......just thought it was a fluke. Why no first responder?
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Here I am Lord, use me!

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