Misuse of Public Funds?

Started by Janet Harrington, September 12, 2011, 03:34:06 PM

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Janet Harrington

Quote from: george on September 25, 2011, 08:22:59 PM
The sheriff department actually made money last year, quit a bit as I heard and it did go into the county fund to be used for what the commissioners decided it to go to. As I recall before the current sheriff was in office the sheriff department used to order out food from local restaurants quit frequently for the prisoners. I have no idea how anyone could pay for that with $2.00 a meal. I sure can't eat out for that. So it's good to know that some are in the black during this economic condition.

George, I don't know who you are, but I was the sheriff before the current sheriff. I did order out at S & J Cafe whom I negotiated with to accept what I was paid for meals, so if the county paid me $2.00 for the meal, then I paid S & J Cafe $2.00 for the meal. They were damn fine meals, too. S & J Cafe was an excellent place to eat. We also contracted with Friendship meals for the same thing, but that got to be too cumbersome when the state or federal government had to have names and ages all the time.

Friendship Meals did meals for us when the ice storm hit, too.

Janet Harrington

Now, let me explain how this works. The sheriff's office gets paid per day for each prisoner that he houses that is from out-of-county. Not per meal. Per day. It used to be $30.00 a day. I don't know what he gets now.

That jail holds 10 prisoners. I understood that there was 11 in there on Saturday. However; there isn't any regulations anymore of how many you can hold as long as everyone is in a cot and off the floor.

Okay, back to getting the money. The sheriff's officer, (not the sheriff), gets paid per day for each prisoner. The sheriff then gets paid for each meal per prisoner plus gets a fee per day for each prisoner.

The meal money helps pay for the groceries. It is up to the sheriff to come out even on the meals. If he wants to feed those prisoners steak and go over his daily meal costs, then he loses, because he doesn't get paid anymore then the set meal fee. The fee per day is for the sheriff to do the laundry, etc., for these prisoners. The county pays for all jail supplies and jail clothing.

Now, that was the way it was when I was in there. If the current sheriff may have a different deal. I don't know and I can't go and find out because I have to work.

As for the sheriff making a profit from the out-of-county prisoners, that isn't his to keep. That is the county's to use to off-set costs wherever the coummissioners see fit. To find out where that money goes, one would need to ask the treasurer and/or the county clerk.


Quote from George:
Speaking of misuse of funds, Elk Valley School pays the "maintenance supervisor" a sum of $7,000 per year

Damn George, seven grand a year sounds kinda excessive . Might be if they cut out some of that crap they wouldn't have had to raise the mill levy. I'm starting to think that as long as it's someone else's money the powers that be don't give a rats ass how they blow it. Starts with the feds and rolls right on down the hill.



If, hypothetically, the sheriff received a 'food' check from the county made out personally to the sheriff, and if the sheriff purchased food with that money from his personal bank acct., and if the sheriff was then allowed to keep any excess funds, how would you view that 'deal'?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Patriot on September 27, 2011, 08:03:55 AM

If, hypothetically, the sheriff received a 'food' check from the county made out personally to the sheriff, and if the sheriff purchased food with that money from his personal bank acct., and if the sheriff was then allowed to keep any excess funds, how would you view that 'deal'?

I would view that deal in the negative. I don't believe that is what is happening here. Does anyone know? Of course, if a sheriff did do that, that would be income that would have to be reported by the sheriff and he/she would have to pay taxes on that. However; I do not believe, IMHO, that a sheriff should profit on feeding the prisoners.



So if Elk Valley is paying mileage to part of the school board members to attend meetings wouldn't that be in violation of the law? If the district were paying for some of the board members home internet bill would that not be considered "compensation" also?  Why would they need the internet?  In case the school sends them a PM to keep them abreast of school business? After spending $12,000/annually on cell phones couldn't they just call them?


I wonder if West Elk does some of the same things  Anybody out there know ?

Janet Harrington

I will be more than glad to check on that. I can do that tomorrow if I get a chance to make a phone call while I am at work. If not, I will work on that next week unless someone else can do it.


To follow up on my statement of $ for jail guests....In our county, it is between $1.20-$1.30 a day   (that would be for three meals.  (following the dietary guildelines set by the State for x amount of oz per protein/fruits/carbs, etc)

It gets convoluted when you have 50 'guests' (I hate that word, but for the sake of PC will use it) at 7 am for breakfast, then 10 get bonded out at 10am...then, the balance of the food needs to be used up for the remaining jerks...sorry, GUESTS.

It can be done....however it is a floating balance and unpredictable as to how many to prepare for.

When I did it several years ago, buying in bulk of a flat of eggs (30 to a flat) were 7 cents per egg.  If I had a connection for a local farmer....might be different, however how many locals have that many chickens laying hens year out   (other than the "chicken house"  that we used to call that yellow house on the north of 400 before the Severy turnoff)?

I don't think in this area we are feeding our 'guests' that well..however they do get food and the minimum is just as well with me.
You see, "give them bread and water" got thrown out by the higher ups....cuz'  that was a mistreatment and inhumane.
Well, Exxxxxcccccccccccccuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeee me!

sorry for ranting.
ready..... to eat crow  (3oz protien, 1 oz carb, bones to chew for iron and feather for my pillow to think about what I had done)

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