Happy Thanksgiving To All

Started by Teresa, November 20, 2006, 04:20:22 PM

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May you all have a peaceful day, full of family and friends.

Happy Thanksgiving!


A belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Terrell and I spent the last four days at Harmony (our name for the former church building) scraping, painting, cleaning and getting downright grungy. Hard work but a labor of love.  It was the most fun Thanksgiving either of us could recall having in a very long time. While this year's holiday was spent mucking around the homestead, we have already made plans to attend the community dinner next year.

We've reached the conclusion Poplar's Pizza is one fine restaurant, and is a godsend to the town. Everything we have tried so far has been awesome. Terrell's partial to the pizza, while I think the chicken fried steak is likely the best I've ever had. The half-pound burgers are wowie-zowie as well.

We both got a big grin and giggle standing outside about 5 a.m., looking at all the stars and listening to coyotes yipping from somewhere on the southeast part of town. Also thrilled to be able to walk a few blocks and get all our shopping done. We even relieved the library of several books during the "Buy 10 for $1" sale.

Yes, I think we're going to love being Howardites.

Wilma, I really like your updated photo of the cardinals. Terrell and I are both amateur bird watchers (don't know all the scientific what-not....we just love watching them!) and "cardies" are probably our favorites. While I'm a bit sad there are not trees....nary a one....on our property, it was nice to see a pair of cardies flittering around the trees in our neighbor's yard to our north.

We're thankful for so many things, each and every day. Today, I'm most thankful to be able to take a long hot shower and not have to traipse down to a cold basement to use the toilet!! LOL

Have a great evening all!

Janet Harrington


If you are bird watchers, then you need to be sure and read the Elk Falls News that is in the Flint Hills Express every week.  The Flint Hills Express is our local paper that comes out on Wednesdays.  You can buy it at P & J's for .75 cents.  Anyway, the writer of the Elk Falls News of Gloria Jones-Wolf who is a retired postmaster from Elk Falls.  Don't know what her connection is to the area except she became postmaster a few years ago and retired at Elk Falls.  Gloria is a bird watcher and she always writes about the birds that she has seen coming into her yard and the area.  I'm sure you would find it interesting.


Thank you for the bird-watching info, Janet. I'm sure we'll enjoy reading that column as well as the rest of the paper.

By the way, please call me Lynne...Indygal is my longstanding internet handle, but since we're neighbors who just haven't met yet, I hope you consider me (and Terrell) as folks you know and not strangers and call us by our names. :)


Then, by all means,

Hello, Lynne!



Thanks, "Mom"! That's more like it!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ;D

Janet Harrington

Lynne and Terrell,

How about that?  I get to call someone by their first names.  How about that, Ms. T? :o

W. Gray

The wife and I and my mother went to West Elk High School for Thanksgiving dinner. 

This was about our fourth time over the years to do so and it was great.

A donation set by yoursefl is all that is needed. For the women it is no fush, no muss, no hassle.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Waldo -

I missed you !  :(

We were out there - I was serving sweet potatoes and rolls. My Jim did some home deliveries and my daughter was out roaming - I think she spent most of her time at the dessert table.

It's a blast serving - a very fun time. I'm glad you enjoyed it. There's a LOT of visiting going on before, during and after the dinner.  :)

W. Gray

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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