Government Schools and Liberal Indoctrination.

Started by sodbuster, September 03, 2011, 11:29:24 PM

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Quote from: srkruzich on September 05, 2011, 07:02:45 AM
Obviously good raising didn't take with you david as it is not acceptable to use language like this in public much less mixed company.

And, to think we were just discussing the demise of education, weren't we?  Hrrrmmm.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on September 05, 2011, 07:09:00 AM
We were just discussing the demise of education, weren't we?  Hrrrmmm.

Yes. I believe its been said that it shows a major lack of education as well as intellegence when one cannot express themselves without using vulgar language. There are approximate 475,000 words in the english language and for some reason folks just can't get past the 100 or so obscene words that exist in our language.

Its also interesting to note that Intellegent people, ones with degrees generally do not use base language while those who are uneducated and lower intellegence do use it!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


It hadn't occurred to me, Steve, but you are right.  Most of the people that I know that use base language are not the best educated.  Perhaps they use base language because they haven't had a chance to learn anything else.  I have also noticed that they don't do much reading.


Quote from: Wilma on September 05, 2011, 07:34:51 AM
It hadn't occurred to me, Steve, but you are right.  Most of the people that I know that use base language are not the best educated.  Perhaps they use base language because they haven't had a chance to learn anything else.  I have also noticed that they don't do much reading.

Wilma and Steve are right.  And if this isn't an indictment of the government school system, what is?  We entrust our children to this system, under the force of law.  When does that system begin to honestly assume a proportionate share of the responsibility for failed outcomes that it so readily tries to lay at the feet of 'uninvolved' parents.  After all, look at the number of waking hours our children are exposed to 'the system' and its structured environment vs the number of hours elsewhere.  Perhaps academia is producing exactly what it desires... an illiterate and/or unthinking mass that must come to depend on government.... for either their direction.... or their food.  Just a thought.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


One of the most beautiful buildings in Wichita is Friends University; I used to love to visit the museum that is housed there. The building itself is one of the few public ones around that has not fallen victim to the 'improvement' of paint. And one of my favorite pieces of jewelry is a rather large gold watch fob that I wear on a ribbon around my neck. It is inscribed on one side F U, and on the other is the date 1926 awarded for debate. I always try to wear this when I want to be eloquent, it hasn't failed me yet. And F U has been a long standing joke in Wichita where I was born and reared. David I did not know that there was a Friends University in Coffeyville.  ???


Patriot, you're right on target.

Many of the so-called "educated" are liberal and socialistic.

Most politicians and economists are Keynesian (socialist) - well educated.

The gov't owned education system promotes socialism.

By the way, Friends Un teaches Keynesian economics like most of 'em.  Just another education organization spreading liberalism.

Diane Amberg

Ok, then, so what schools DO you approve of? I've said many times I don't care where it comes from, a good solid basic education is a must, and then follow that with some kind of higher education that fits the person. Home schooling is just; fine private schools are good too.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 05, 2011, 08:29:43 AM
Ok, then, so what schools DO you approve of? I've said many times I don't care where it comes from, a good solid basic education is a must, and then follow that with some kind of higher education that fits the person. Home schooling is just; fine private schools are good too.

IT isn't schools that we don't approve of. Its the curriculum that is being taught as well as the interference in Federal government in schools as well as the interferenece in teachers unions with the education of kids.  I know teachers can deny it all they want it still doesn't change the fact that the Teachers unions are anathama to a good education.  NUMBER ONE problem is collective bargaining and contracts that they secure for teachers which makes it almost impossible to fire a bad teacher!  It costs millions nationwide every year to even attempt to get rid of a bad teacher all the while these bad teachers are paid until you can get rid of them. 

Furthermore the cost associated with union collective bargaining is nothing short of stealing the money allocated for education.  Comments from students include: 

"Most of the teachers they're like -- they don't really care."

"One of my teachers tells me he does this for the health benefits."

"I've seen teachers come to school intoxicated."

Joel Klein now presides over a calcified monopoly where it's hard to fire anyone for anything.

One New York teacher decided that one of his 16-year-old students was hot. So he sat down at a computer and sent a sexual e-mail to Cutee101.

"He admits this," said Klein. "We had the e-mail."

"You can't fire him?"

"It's almost impossible."

It's almost impossible because of the rules in the New York schools' 200-page contract with their teachers. There are so many rules that principals rarely even try to jump through all the hoops to fire a bad teacher. It took six years of expensive litigation before the teacher who wrote Cutee101 was fired. During those six years, he received more than $300,000 in salary.

GET Rid of teachers unions several things would happen to change education in this country.  FIRST Of all GOOD teachers would make more money. Second of all, you can fire the sorry ones in a NEW YORK Second and rightfully so. T
Next you need to get rid of Dept of Ed. GET the feds out of it completely. Not their jurisdiction!  This would return the power of education back to local municipalities and where it belongs.  Get rid of political agendas which dictate where the money goes.   It would also force schools to become more efficient in that there would be no more cash cow to suck from.  MAYBE just MAYBE  if we got to that point, Education would become a priority in the school systems besides football baseball and playing around! 

My mom had it right years ago, the majority of people in this country serve another god.  The god of sports, the god of football baseball and basketball.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: sodbuster on September 04, 2011, 10:17:17 PM
There were Quakers in my EK family. I can't check with my Mom, but as I remember the story they were expelled or quit or both. I have a special spot in my heart for Quakers. I have Pacifist leanings that I think came from my Quaker roots.


David - I have some old Quaker roots as well. When my Mom joined the Society of Friends in Lawrence, her folks (the Wisners and Andersons) were distraught, until someone pointed out they had some Quakers in their background. It was okay, then, for her to have joined.

Diane Amberg

This is strictly my own opinion, but I think years ago the Fed. Gov't was involved in eduction to try to do some leveling from areas with poor...both meanings...and more affluent areas.
 Then there was the forced deseg. thing that happened in many states.  New Castle County was caught up in that busing for many years. There was a also a "white flight" to build private schools then that was just unbelievable. Even the predominately black communities were divided on what was best.
 Kids from professional black families then sent their kids to private schools too.That really upset the public education apple cart here. It was a grand experiment that failed.
 Now everyone wants to their kids to go to their local neighborhood schools or get into a Charter or Choice school.  
But we still see, as we always have, kids who transfer from some deeply southern schools, usually because of job hunting,who are way behind their grade level here and have to have a lot of remedial work or repeat a grade. I saw it in my own classes years ago and my teacher friends now say it hasn't changed much. It's not the kids fault if they live in an area that can't afford reading books but what can one do? Some will say "well they should have lap tops."...Sure, let them eat cake.
 So with out the "Gov't Interference what are poor schools in poverty areas to do, fall further and further behind?" There are exciting things going on in states around here with schools partnering with industry and also colleges, but I'll not bore you with that.   
As far as the addiction to sports...I agree but what does one do? 

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