Teachers Unions explained.....

Started by redcliffsw, August 28, 2011, 02:57:12 PM

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Judy Harder

This is a great posting. No, I do not have answers......but, am looking forward to reading others oppions. forgive if I mispelled that....but sue me, I am still learning the game. LOL
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


DAmn warph you hit the nail on the head!  That is how it is!   I grew up around Atlanta which is mostly black.   If your white and you go into Atlanta you had better carry at least a handgun, most preferably  a shotgun with 00 buck in it.  

Its divided up into mostly black, with a large Asian gang and a large Hispanic gang all vying for the territory they carve out.  They protect it fiercely and woe be to the poor individual that happens to wander into their turf.

It used to be that you could walk peach tree street at night without fear of anything, now you had better be off the streets by 3pm or else you are a target of that anger you speak of.  

And while i disagree that the whites will not revolt, i think they are waiting for the right time.  Don't count them as passive if the blacks rise up and start destroying everything. You can bet that if the destruction spills outside of the 285 ring, there will be a war.  The line will be the interstate and the battle will take place inside of it.  

It is a cauldron of hate.   I remember back in 1980 when the black kids were murdered, the entire area was a powder keg waiting to blow. the blacks were blaming whites for the murders, and it was not safe to even work a job.  My sister was working at age 16 at a kfc in a white area and was held up by a bunch of black youth with shotguns. Luckily she did what we have always said to give them everything they want but do not go with them or get out in the customer area.  she was saved from that one.  BUT not everyone was so lucky, many folks were killed (whites) at gas stations and other places by blacks taking out revenge on them.  Come to find out, it was a black that was killing the black kids.  Wayne Williams.   I don't know if it was him on all of them but he was pinned with all of them. I suspect some of them were stuck on him to calm everyone down.  I remember everyone packing firearms back then, cause you didn't know if and when you were going to be a target.

This was reminiscent of the Detroit riots.  That was bad.  My aunt had a house up there back then, bought it for 2000 dollars in the 50's and sold it eventually for 500 dollars in the 70's.  

The opportunities are there for the youths, but for some reason they don't take them.  I think ole Bill Cosby said it best.  Stop coddling them and start making them be responsible and it is the black parents and leaders that need to do it.  He also said the white folks are getting tired of this crap and will not tolerate it much longer.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Blacks and whites are both taught the same ole stuff so Warph what you're saying is clear to me.
Since the War For Southern Independence, they've been taught the Federal policy to promote
the Federal agenda.  Reconstruction turned a lot of nice blacks and whites against each other and
it's still going on today with neither side, including the blacks and whites, knowing the truths of the War
or our founding fathers.   

The teachers were taught the same things when they were in school.  Is it any great surpirse that a teacher
calls some of us "looney" on this forum?  It doesn't bother me one bit however it actually represents the level
of thinking in this country which is becoming more and more socialist every day.


Diane Amberg

 Here it comes, another long one, beware!
KS, I was not swatting you. Many uniformed employees pay for their uniforms, (tax deductible,) and many, not all, police officers get uniform allowances above and beyond their pay.
 Jobs are what they are. Many do have in service classes. I taught a lot them in fire safety, evacuation, fire extinguishers and CPR, but it was at their job, on their shift, for their convenience. I sometimes started at 11:00 pm for a night shift. For others they would wait for their day shift and then I'd come in.
 My point was, I've never seen a mean cartoon dissing plumbers or electricians or builders, most of whom do buy their own tools. For some reason it has become fashionable to not support teachers,( not always of course,) but in general, to blame them for the worlds ills. It feels like if one's life sucks, blame a teacher.  How about a mean cartoon attacking dentists?  ;)
 Everybody is touched by many teachers during their education, mostly good, some exemplary and an occasional total mismatch.

 In the really big cities there are very serious problems to be sure.It is a totally different world. Education is not a priority with many people, many students, many races and many cultures in certain areas, not all. Everybody knows where the tough areas are. They are becoming forgotten, forbidden areas that even the police hate to go into. The toughs think violence, not education is the answer to everything and even accept that they won't live long lives. Bullet scars are badges of honor. Even the kids who "get it" and try to get an education have a very hard time. Many are from working poor families who can't afford to move, or are in the drug and alcohol culture who are seen as "throw away" kids by people who have lived street lives for generations. If they are still in school at 16, it's so they can continue what ever revenge they think they owe someone for last night's shooting or dissing of their "cousin". They are out on the streets all night, and if they go to school at all, they sleep through their so called classes. Teachers have been attacked for waking them up.
The community wants them in school and off the street and the school wants them anywhere but there.
Truancy is a huge problem. The best teacher can't teach an absent student.  Some schools are trying to catch potential troubled kids and troublemakers, mostly from family history and segregate them totally away elsewhere in the building. A mini juvy in each school. But that is called tracking and is frowned on.
Some schools are trying the opposite. The potential real students, who have poor but caring parents ,usually parent, are segregated from the rest of the school population. Essentially a Charter School within the same walls. Some are finding sponsors in the business world. I surely don't have any absolute answers. Many say "throw money at" it, but it rarely helps. Occasionally top potential students are rescued and sent off to "choice" schools  Perhaps  a wealthy person promises an education to a whole class that turns themselves around and that has had some success. But next year there will be another set of kids entering the system and it starts all over again.  I'm not sure why the unions seem to be failing so badly. Are they really? Things must have changed a lot.
As far as education in general, it will change. Already kids are fighting back.They just don't see the relevancy in memorizing the names of all the counties in Africa when they know, if needed, they can look it up in a split second. It doesn't matter to them how the information got there. It's getting hard to teach critical thinking when the kids just don't see a need for it. They want to learn what's "relevant" to the world THEY are living in,and then in little sound bites. Doing something for the sake of learning how to learn is getting tough too.( Don't teach me math tables, teach me how to push the buttons.) Teaching how to use the computer will replace social studies, science and probably some other subjects. Even talking will be a special skill learned by teachers and lawyers. ;D

On a different note, RED! Did even this thread have to be steered to the Civil War? Can you prove what I was taught about the Civil War? HOW do you know what I know about reconstruction and segregation? We had teachers from the south as well as from around here.The one Superintendent was from Morgantown West Virginia and went back there to recruit teachers every year. You sell a lot of us short by regurgitating as much misinformation that you wanted to believe, as you accuse all of us of. (That's a badly constructed sentence!)
Warph, that was a very nice piece. I enjoyed it very much.You do know we're old now. The world isn't ours any more. The next generation is pushing us out to sea on an iceberg. ;D ;D ;D


Diane Amberg


I've seen the revisionist history even being taught in the south there diane.  Most of what is taught in schools is so far out of whack that it nowhere resembles the truth.   
Like i've said before, the war was bout states rights not slavery but every teacher in the us will teach it was about slavery. Thats because its politically expedient to do so.  The truth is irrelevant but the facts are those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it. NOW we are seeing a repeat forming! 

States are rallying against the feds once again and you may see another civil war if the feds don't start backing off. 

Sadly the truth about the civil war will one day be suppressed mostly by the teaching of the revised version. Eventually the ones who know the truth will die off and very few will be left to correct the lies.  Eventually they will probably write it that the Confederacy never was.  IF they can erase that part of history they can then dismantle the constitution entirely.  Until then, there is proof and a record that the constitution was altered in 1861 and that it has been attacked ever since. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Sorry S. but we were taught a very balanced history, including the states rights issue ,the politics behind it all ,including the secession issues, slavery of course, but from both sides, the economics of it all, the pros and cons of Lincoln, the carpet baggers and the effects of that, the whole reconstruction era and even had debates about it all, with people being assigned subjects and sides to defend. We did research papers about both sides from a list of topics. I even took some those 1911 history books I have to class and read from them. Ye we knew there were slaves who fought for the south willingly and some who were taken by their owners,unwillingly,to help load rifles and such and some who rebelled and some who escaped. We also learned about the soldiers who just pulled out and went home to plant their crops to still support their families....on both sides! There was plenty of wrong done on both sides but the winner gets to write the history. That's why wars are terrible.
Reliving it as if the outcome will ever be different to,my way of thinking is unhealthy. Unfair, sure but it is what it is. When I read about how some on both sides pulled out to go plant their crops, it shows how ordinary most really were. ,with very few ever owning slaves. To spend brain power getting all fussed up over flags and license plates is a waste and whether they are colored ,black, people of color or African Americans, which some blacks are not, is a waste of time.( If it comes up I'll call them whatever they want to be called.)  Then again I'm white, so I can't think like they do and can't imagine a family history of children being taken from parents, poor diets and inhumane treatment that did happen to some, not nearly all.
  BUT,  humans owning humans is  just wrong, no matter who, when, or why. I hate it, always will, and nobody will ever be able to justify that to me no matter how far back in history we go.


Again i repeat those who ignore history (the real history) are doomed to repeat it!  We see it happening today with the holocaust.  There are a great number that are trying to rewrite history to say it never happened.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I hear that too. But we know better don't we. There are still many people  alive who can tell their stories. Denying it doesn't change it. It's really hard on the Catholic Poles, and others who had family members killed, but they are rarely mentioned.

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