Teachers Unions explained.....

Started by redcliffsw, August 28, 2011, 02:57:12 PM

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Actually cat, no one is forcing anyone to read the threads that are posted. :)  you can like a parent with a tv in the home, turn the channel when the content is not appropriate enough for you!  Shrug. 

The whole forum isn't affected at all. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Steve, up to about three weeks ago, I would have agreed with you.  The ugliness was pretty much contained to the Politics section...But then, the Coffee Shop got invaded by the bad actors...And briefly, there appeared to be an attempt to bring that brand of ugliness over from the Politics section.  I was extremely relieved to see that the group in question ceased their activities and left the Coffee Shop, for the most part.  There is enough ugliness on the Politics section...It isn't needed elsewhere on the Forum.


Well, perhaps a politics forum in the toughest economic times since the depression, as prices increase and wages stagnate in a country losing its once unassailable & envied world status being 'led' by people of questionable social/political philosophies isn't the best place to have 'fun'.  Serious times tend to bring out serious people.  There are surely dozens of other forums and threads here that are better suited for idle banter and fun times.  It seems many folk have no problems not engaging in politics, yet are active members of the Elk County Forum.  Just a thought.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

  OK, all you people with short attention spans ,this is long.   You were warned!  When someone wants to bash classroom teachers, who are already usually underpaid for the amount of education they have to have to even apply for the job, this thing finds it's way on here.( Student loans anyone?) I've seen it on here at least once before I think, and on another forum also. No surprise that it is inaccurate in many ways. They should go back and see why teachers were unionized in the first place.
Now, there is no such thing as a teacher who can't be fired, tenure or not. That's an old husbands tale or urban legend or something, but it is always brought up when someone wants to stick it to teachers.  It is about money, always about money.        Because teachers are salaried, not  hourly, there is no such thing as overtime, so comp. time, sometimes called "vacation," is given ( Ya can't teach when school isn't open!)  At the same time, we are "on call" for meetings, workshops,  retraining, additional training, parent conferences and the like after school hours.  Then there is the planning and paper work and checking of papers that is always done and kids folders to be kept up. One works until the job is done. Of course we know it comes with the job.   But does every career require it? Some do the equivalent, but at a hugely larger salary!
It used to be that female teachers were paid less than male teachers for doing exactly the same job, but that isn't much of a problem any longer.
 I can't speak for all states, but many have con. ed requirements that keep teachers going for additional degrees in order to keep the job. It's not unexpected.
Teaching, like being a nurse, doctor, lawyer, or pharmacist is considered to be a profession, not just a job, least of all unskilled labor. Consequently the expectations are different and the person has more value.
As for the  "it's for the children" bit. In what other profession is a person expected to put part of their paycheck each month back into their job?  Some "treats" are given freely of course, but being expected to pay for kids lunches, pencils, extra project supplies and the things that make a teaching unit work is extortion, but teachers do it ....for the kids. Teachers are the ultimate scroungers; they have to be. Teachers can make things for units with almost nothing, and do...for the kids.
Is teaching perfect ? Nope. Grumpy and sick kids and raging parents take a toll. But it comes with the territory.
Yes, teachers know they work for the tax payer just like other Gov't workers. We sure are reminded often enough.  Now if teachers were forgiven their taxes, complainers might have a gripe, but teachers pay taxes too! I worked it out one time years ago. I figured out my actual hours and the taxes I paid, against my salary, and I was shocked at how little it was. And I didn't have any student loans to pay!
Yes, there are teachers who aren't good at it. Usually they are picked up by the teacher supervisor who, at least here, comes in several time a year, unannounced, to see a teacher at work.  Lesson plans are examined, presentations are seen and then evaluations are written. The teacher who needs it may be assigned remedial training by the supervisor or someone else and then the teacher is given a copy of the evaluation and a copy goes in the teacher's file. If a weak spot is again found, the same thing happens. In some cases, no improvement, no more more job. In others, the teacher is called to a meeting with the principal to see what is going on, especially with a tenured teacher. Sometimes they are told to take another college course in the weak area. If that doesn't solve the problem, they go.
 OK Cat...That's a silly little political piece meant to hurt teachers.  Really a nice way to start a new school year.  Most intelligent people will see right through it.
Can we find a few more that can do the same for other occupations?   How about road workers, mail carriers, truck drivers, septic tank cleaners, sewer workers, store sales people and farmers?   ;D
Yes, I know my chain is being yanked, but it also gives people a chance to see the other totally  negative, mean, untrustworthy personalities a few of these people are harboring inside what appears to be a nice sweet exterior. Sure it's easy to pick on me, but why do just because one can? Personality defect?


Quote from: Catwoman on August 28, 2011, 07:05:31 PM
There is enough ugliness on the Politics section...It isn't needed elsewhere on the Forum.

On that point we can agree.  Or perhaps we need a Too Hot To Handle or Caveat Emptor topic.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


That might be a good idea, Patriot.  And yes...You just witness Hell freezing over...Send Satan a parka... 


And, Diane...I knew you'd see through that video.   ::)


Diane... I make a distinction between teachers and the unions who claim to represent them.  Good, capable teachers are a godsend.  Their unions however are all to often thinly disguised, agenda driven political action committees.  And those agendas are seldom only about teachers pay & working conditions.  Those agendas are all too often about social engineering.  And that's out of line, IMO.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Catwoman on August 28, 2011, 07:11:47 PM
That might be a good idea, Patriot.  And yes...You just witness Hell freezing over...Send Satan a parka...

Thanks.  Though the first half of your response would have sufficed.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


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