State Department: Don't Invade Privacy of Al Qaeda Cleric on CIA Kill List

Started by Warph, August 26, 2011, 09:34:18 PM

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Hell, if we can't make jokes about the dire situation the country is in---and take pokes at our own self once in awhile---then we just as well be cast in that TV show "The Walking Dead" and walk around like zombies all the time.

Diane Amberg

I agree, but I hadn't made any joke! Some people will do anything to poke at me. >:( >:( >:( >:(


Quote from: sodbuster on October 01, 2011, 12:51:43 AM
You guys are no Sgt. Dakota Meyers


That is very true, none of us are Sgt Dakota Myers and none of us, that I know, of was awarded the Medal of Honor.  Anyone who served in the military has a right to brag about it if they want to, but I have not read anything in any of the posts on this forum where anyone has bragged about their military service. They may mention it or make a joke to another prior service member, but no bragging or touting. Why you would make the comment about me, Jarhead, Patriot and Ross touting our military duty is a mystery to me.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: Sarge on October 01, 2011, 03:42:12 PM
That is very true, none of us are Sgt Dakota Myers and none of us, that I know, of was awarded the Medal of Honor.  Anyone who served in the military has a right to brag about it if they want to, but I have not read anything in any of the posts on this forum where anyone has bragged about their military service. They may mention it or make a joke to another prior service member, but no bragging or touting. Why you would make the comment about me, Jarhead, Patriot and Ross touting our military duty is a mystery to me.
Because he's a 2 year old that has to use name calling, and childish attacks on ones career choice.  Might need his daddy to jack his jaw for mouthing off to his elders!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Just a few points...
1.  Osama wasn't killed by seal team 6 on that raid.  There is absolutely  no proof. If it was actually him then his picture would've been broadcast and his body not dosposed of so quickly.

2.  Of course they're going to say they have DNA confirming its him.  They had conclusive proof that the folks at Waco and Ruby Ridge were up to no good also. 

3.  This "war" is a smoke screen and nothing else.  If it was security they are worried about we wouldn't have open borders to our north and south.

4.  Why would a seal team be going in to assist a platoon pinned down in a firefight if that platoon was able to break contact to cover the crash site.  That in itself tells me the offical story of that crash is B.S.

5.  If we are going to point fingers and yelll "treason" then don't you think they should be pointed at the folks that are doing the most harm to this nation?  The oath I took was to "defend the CONSTITUTION against enemies both foregin and domestic".  So who is the biggest enemy to it right now, some towelhead a thousand miles away or those that sit in positions of power, that hold sway over this nation, make its laws, and are supposed to be governed by the constitution and not looking for way to circumvent it?

Stop drinking the kool-aid, Al Qaeda isn't the threat.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on October 01, 2011, 09:33:43 PM
If we are going to point fingers and yelll "treason" then don't you think they should be pointed at the folks that are doing the most harm to this nation?  The oath I took was to "defend the CONSTITUTION against enemies both foregin and domestic".  So who is the biggest enemy to it right now, some towelhead a thousand miles away or those that sit in positions of power, that hold sway over this nation, make its laws, and are supposed to be governed by the constitution and not looking for way to circumvent it?

Great point.  As we watch our constitutionally guaranteed liberties eroded and giving way to ever-increasing law & regulation pushed by elected officials and tenured bureaucrats, we often fail to recognize the threats from within... let alone stand up and say so. 

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin, circa 1759.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Varmit on October 01, 2011, 09:33:43 PM
Just a few points...
1.  Osama wasn't killed by seal team 6 on that raid.  There is absolutely  no proof. If it was actually him then his picture would've been broadcast and his body not dosposed of so quickly.

2.  Of course they're going to say they have DNA confirming its him.  They had conclusive proof that the folks at Waco and Ruby Ridge were up to no good also. 

3.  This "war" is a smoke screen and nothing else.  If it was security they are worried about we wouldn't have open borders to our north and south.

4.  Why would a seal team be going in to assist a platoon pinned down in a firefight if that platoon was able to break contact to cover the crash site.  That in itself tells me the offical story of that crash is B.S.

5.  If we are going to point fingers and yelll "treason" then don't you think they should be pointed at the folks that are doing the most harm to this nation?  The oath I took was to "defend the CONSTITUTION against enemies both foregin and domestic".  So who is the biggest enemy to it right now, some towelhead a thousand miles away or those that sit in positions of power, that hold sway over this nation, make its laws, and are supposed to be governed by the constitution and not looking for way to circumvent it?

Stop drinking the kool-aid, Al Qaeda isn't the threat.

While i despise the continued use of racial slurs on this forum, I agree with your sentiments.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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