What happens when parents owe school districts money?

Started by Janet Harrington, August 24, 2011, 04:03:25 PM

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Ready, I aint George, but do you really think it will be denied ?


could be.   They have to consider all asked of them within the constraints of the monies that will come in, which are a fluctuating number at best that I can describe.
That would mean that we pay a tax to perhaps something we don't belong to...
however, that is not our decision.

As to your question, if it will be denied.  I can't answer that.  And yet, it could be if they don't want to up the mil levy anymore than already is....when is the election year up?   That sometimes plays a part as well as if the taxpayers are heated...they sometimes lower to pacify.

All depends on your commissioners and their situation.
Sorry if I didn't answer to your satisfaction....Too many variables.


hate to spoil the lunch program party, but I just ate dinner and now am ready
to retire for the night.

Just remember, nothing is cut an dry with the Mil levy.  You have taxpayers bitching if you raise to pay the bill, and you have everyone happy if it stays the same, and then you can't pay the bill.
I would really question what bills are being presented!

It almost takes a CPA to budget the county, and when one department goes overboard...it's rob Peter to pay Paul...and Paul is broke.

Go figure on what the bills are.
ready and out....sorry guys, no more energy.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Jane on August 26, 2011, 06:47:34 PM
Thank you Teresa, because how do we know it is not just gossip. So many lie's can be told on the forum.  :)

Jane, I can tell you that what I have posted is not gossip.


Not saying it was Janet, just making a statement that people can put anything they want to on the forum and unless you or anyone else was there then it becomes gossip.  ;)


Quote from readyaimduck:
That may be true for the school distrist of Elk Valley.
However, the comissiioners reserve the right to deny that mil levy until they set it in October.

That was a partial truth to set people off, George.

Ready, I'm sure you and George are a hell of a lot smarter on these matters than I am but I thought a school district, just like a city council, are both taxing authorities that can raise their own mil levies without the consent of the county commissioners


A school district can raise the mil levy with just the school board approving it I believe.


Quote from: Jane on August 27, 2011, 10:31:44 AM
A school district can raise the mil levy with just the school board approving it I believe.

As can other state chartered government authorities like towns and cities.  Lest we forget, there are reasons we call them 'government schools.'

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I do stand corrected in that the School can raise their own levy with their own vote. 
Thank you for pointing out my error, and not jumping down my throat.

When it comes to taxes, I don't know how much more we can take, Captn. (<<<<  in best Star Trek voice)

Perhaps, doing away with unessary frivolities (I am not familiar with what is in the budget, so I have no right to point).  I am sure something can be cut without losing the educational value for the kids.  I have to do it at home, to pay bills....why can't they?

I just hope the parents that don't pay the luch monies can be put on a payment plan, so at least some of the money gets replaced.


Quote from: readyaimduck on August 27, 2011, 11:03:11 AM
Perhaps, doing away with unessary frivolities (I am not familiar with what is in the budget, so I have no right to point).  I am sure something can be cut without losing the educational value for the kids.

Yes.. everything except teacher wages, textbooks, necessary classroom supplies and utility bills.

Start with administrative salaries/benefits, extra-curricular activity funding and 'nice to have' goodies... Oh, and rib-eye steaks, staff cell phones and leather chairs.

How about we try something novel...First and foremost, pay for readin, ritin and rithmatic.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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