The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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The Prayer of St. Francis


Make me a channel of your peace and wisdom

Where there is hatred, I can bring love

Where there is wrong, I can bring the spirit of forgiveness

Where there is discord, I can bring harmony

Where there is error, I can bring truth

Where there is doubt, I can bring faith

Where there is despair, I can bring hope

Where there are shadows, I can bring light

Where there is sadness, I can bring joy

Lord, grant that I may seek to comfort, rather than to be comforted

To understand rather than to be understood

To love rather than to be loved

For it is by giving oneself, that one finds

It is by forgiving, that one is forgiven

It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life


For all living in the light!
Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 25, 2011, 07:03:20 PM
Charity is not charity if it is stolen from people in the first place.  Whoever called foodstamps or medicaid charity has no clue as to the true meaning of it.  Destroys the entire concept of taking care of others.  For all the christian folks that are ok with government theft in the name of the lords charity, God loveth a cheerful giver, and i haven't ever seen a cheerful person on tax day when they are writing out those thousands of dollars to the gooberment.

Amen to that. Heck, I'm not sure I would even consider someone purposely overpaying their taxes as charity... who knows what the government would do to not help people with that money. :laugh:

Diane Amberg

Well, I'm finally getting caught up on this rather nasty, but entertaining thread. I had not planned to say more but I will one last time.
You folks find the darnedest things to fuss over.
  As for your town ordinances, they and perhaps what few county ordinances there are, should be readily available at your city hall. Ya wanna know what they are? GO LOOK.  People who are considering buying a property in town should always look at the ordinances before they buy, or be sure the realtor gets the information for them. 
Don't build next to an airport and then demand they not allow those noisy planes!
  Some of you keep putting yourselves first. Why, did someone make you special? It is different when one lives in town. Steve, you don't, so your "permission" comment wouldn't hold water anyway. If the town ordinances don't suit you, don't go there. When you buy in town,at  settlement you are agreeing to accept the ordinances, deed restrictions, etc. taxes and fees as they are then. Ignorance is no excuse!
   As for the trash business,I don't see much difference between a bag on the street or a bag next to the street on the parking. As far as leaving them there, I know your curbing is not like ours, but we keep ours up on a bricked area we built next to the garage when it city changed it's pick up system .
  We were all asked an entire year before (it came in our electric bill) to consider going from a hodge podge of cans and bags to the big roll around trash cans. We had a chance to write and to comment at City Council Meetings.  Finally they decided, because the comments had been overwhelmingly favorable, to try it for 6 months in selected areas .Ours happened to be one chosen because we are hilly. I was against it at first because when we put out bags out in the morning, when it was gone it wasn't a telltale as to whether the house was occupied or not.
   I worried that the big carts might wash or blow down the street in a storm. No problems.  Now we love them! We put the cans on the street surface in front of the gutter, the one man truck comes and hooks it with the crab claw arm, dumps it in the side and sets it down, nice as you please.  He doesn't even have to get out. They clear the neighborhood much faster than they used to. If anyone is going to be away, we put each others cans back for them. There are some few older folks for whom the cans are just too big and heavy and the city made special arrangements for them to be still allowed to use the lighter bags.
We do need to get them off the street by evening, but it's not enforced and usually we take them up to the house or garage for each other if needed. We don't want them in the way of the leaf sucker in the fall, the street sweeper or the snow plows and they do take up parking places. 
   We had plenty of time to make up our minds. It was three years before the final decision was made. Nothing was shoved down anyone's throats. I have no doubt that somewhere someone who refused to take part and voice their opinion is now squawking because that's how some folks are.Too bad.   
If we can all get along so well here with way more people and personalities and races and cultures, I just can't image why you all can't.There are so few of you. That's just my view. Now back to last minute storm prep. It looks so innocent out there now.


Aint it nice that some people live in such a perfect little world ??



Diane Amberg

Do you need to comment on every web, uh thread?  ;D ;D ;D ;D  I know you don't live in Howard either.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 26, 2011, 06:50:52 PM
Do you need to comment on every web, uh thread?  ;D ;D ;D ;D  I know you don't live in Howard either.

And you really don't see the difference, do you?  It's that Johari Window thing again... not to worry... some see it clearly.

Poke, poke, giggle, giggle,  ;D :) ;) :angel:

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from greatguns:
Jarhead, yes it is!

I'm really surprised you say your little piece of the world is so perfect. If so why are you always bitch'n about your neighbors Johnson grass---or un tagged vehicle---or a cow on your porch ? ;)

Diane Amberg

Patriot, lighten up. My world is going to possibly change forever tomorrow and I really need a little humor right now. Even if my world was perfect ,which of course it isn't, there will be storm damage and changed schedules and things that will not be fun.They are predicting we will be out of power for some time, so I have to get my poking in now, Mr. So-Wonderful -that- Everybody- Says- How Nice- He- Is. ;D ;D ;D ;D

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