The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on August 25, 2011, 07:06:38 AM
I would rather pay taxes than to try to find the people that need my assistance and help them.  It is cheaper.

Cheaper?  How so?

Government ought to be guarding our individual liberty instead of taking our money to give to others.

Democracy, you say?  Rounding up the votes to take other peoples money and property does not make it right either.

Making them give, the anti-American way.



Quote from: Wilma on August 25, 2011, 07:06:38 AMCharity begins at home, but is it charity when it is accompanied by resentment and complaining?

I don't believe anyone here would ever resent and complain about charity. They will however resent and complain about an abusive city/government, I know I will.


Quote from: mtcookson on August 24, 2011, 12:43:28 PM
Doing a very quick search online I was able to find this:

Elk City and somewhere in Elk County.

Then so much for that statement we don't have to worry about drive by shootings.    THen you got the meth labs.....
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 24, 2011, 01:20:47 PM
Why is permission to live that way considered "freedom?

Permission to live that way???   I dont' need permission to do anything.  They can kiss my ass if they think i need permission to do as i please on my own property as long as what i do on my proprty does not infringe on other peoples property rights.  And the last time i checked, valuation of said property is not a right.  It is a byproduct of freedom.   So if i want to go out and build 1000 birdhouses and put them all over my property, i'll dare anyone to come and tell me i need permission!  They'll get a load of rocksalt up their ass!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


THe biggest problem here isn't the fact that someone has a trashcan out in front. It is that someone has the gall to send a demand letter to that individual threatening them.  This threat does nothing but cause problems.  IF the idiots in charge that write these letters had one gram of common sense they would ASK, not demand or threaten.   I've found that 99% of the people respond a hell of a lot better to a request than a demand.  I would dare say that most of us are independent and don't work well with authority and generally despise being told what to do. 

Quote from: Mom70x7 on August 24, 2011, 01:44:32 PM

Some of the fuss is about where trash cans are placed. Most people keep them behind the house or close to the back door or garage. On trash days, either Thursday or Friday, the cans are moved out to the curbside for pick-up.

Some people have chosen to keep their trash cans by the curbside all the time instead of toting them back and forth during the week. Letters have been sent to some of them asking them to move the cans back during the week, to keep the curb appeal more aesthetically pleasing.

When we moved here some 20+ years ago, we received a letter asking us not to keep our trash out for everyone to see all the time.

I personally think people have a right to put their trash cans wherever they please.

I also think we should all make an effort to keep our neighbors as aesthetically pleasing as possible. I'm aware that (for some) is difficult because of financial and physical constraints, but that's not usually the problem with trash cans.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: readyaimduck on August 24, 2011, 03:47:45 PM
Going to call you out on this one Ross.
It is not the Appraiser (Assessor as it used to be) that jacks up your taxes.  Sure, if you add an overhang, it will increase probably $10 in taxes.

What the new system is now is a Marshall Swift Appraisal Program.  It shouldn't change a thing if all goes well.

If nothing has changed on your house, you have to understand that the cost index usually rises .02-3% for new construction costs and materials...then, coupled with the Mil might pay $100 year more in taxes when the appraiser hasn't changed a thing.

Now, about the fact that you went for 5 years without paying for that overhangd.....I would count my blessings my friend.

Wanna bet they hit him up for back taxes?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: readyaimduck on August 24, 2011, 03:53:01 PM
I think that if someone has a disability, cannot mow then they should be able to sign up on a list for the football players from high school to mow for free, as a community service/physical training/ and use the old 'push'mower to boot!
It is almost as if the city is penalizing someone for a disability, not a negligence (then, they would attach to the Real Estate Tax bill)

whoa wait a  minute! your not suggesting forcing football players to do this for free in some "community" payback program i hope.  They have tried this with obama and dems making it a requirement to do community service in order to graduate before.  Thats pure socialist behavior you know.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: mtcookson on August 24, 2011, 03:55:33 PM
Push as in a gas push mower or push as in a reel mower? ;D

We can upgrade to a 20" too!

I used to have one of those and a gas mower.  I used at that time the reel mower cause the yard was so small it took me 10 min to mow. But that was also when i wasn't a gimp
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on August 24, 2011, 06:12:55 PM

My neighbor up the road hasnt mowed her place for FOUR years....we gave her one rider and two push mowers she tore em all up, tried to mow it for her us and another neighbor but theres so much crap in the yard it tears stuff up cause you cant see it. Now I just keep a fire zone mowed between me and her and trim the brush back from the road so it dont scratch my truck.

Ohhh i love weeds growing!  I planted goldenrod last year all over. Got a whole pasture full of weeds and hope i get more!  First of all most of them are very pretty in that there is a virtual cornucopia of colors out there, secondly they make the best honey!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Wilma on August 24, 2011, 06:38:38 PM
What is the rest of the story?  A city doesn't just issue a judgment and a huge fine without first giving some warnings.  I can sympathize with a person who is unable to take care of their yard.  But there are handymen around that can be hired to do those things.  It was mentioned that this person is headed for a wheel chair in the near future.  I am in a wheel chair, but I still get out and do what I can to take care of my yard.  What I can't do and what doesn't get done for me, I hire done.

And i don't believe you have MS do you!?  MS is one of the most awful diseases out there.  You cannot do anything when your stricken with it.  I don't know why your in a wheelchair and i don't need to know, but when i was crushed in 92 i couldn't do anything either for 2 years.  IT took a hell of a lot of will power that i don't have anymore to get out of it.  That was 20 years ago when i was a hell of a lot healthier than i am now.  I can't imagine trying to do it again now.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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