The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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Quote from: readyaimduck on August 24, 2011, 03:53:01 PM
I think that if someone has a disability, cannot mow then they should be able to sign up on a list for the football players from high school to mow for free, as a community service/physical training/ and use the old 'pus'mower to boot!
It is almost as if the city is penalizing someone for a disability, not a negligence (then, they would attach to the Real Estate Tax bill)

Push as in a gas push mower or push as in a reel mower? ;D

We can upgrade to a 20" too!


I agree, Mr Cookson!   reel mower! 


Quote from: readyaimduck on August 24, 2011, 03:47:45 PM
Going to call you out on this one Ross.
It is not the Appraiser (Assessor as it used to be) that jacks up your taxes.  Sure, if you add an overhang, it will increase probably $10 in taxes.

What the new system is now is a Marshall Swift Appraisal Program.  It shouldn't change a thing if all goes well.

If nothing has changed on your house, you have to understand that the cost index usually rises .02-3% for new construction costs and materials...then, coupled with the Mil might pay $100 year more in taxes when the appraiser hasn't changed a thing.

Now, about the fact that you went for 5 years without paying for that overhangd.....I would count my blessings my friend.
I think you are right ready. it just seems odd they measured the deck 5 years ago and the partial roof was there then. I guess they could have made an error and not counted it. But they have been out here every year.


They are required by law to measure your house (at least 2 sides) every 6 years.   
Then the Appraiser does a 'drive by' every year in the fall/winter for Final  Review to set the value for the next year (Jan 1)

The new program was purchased by the state of kansas, and there are glitches (of which the state won't fess up to)
Each county has to massage the data in order for it to be as close as it can be as to the real value that was set last year (notwithstanding additions).

In this thread, as well as others I am seeing Micro-managing at the state and county levels all across our area.  (combined counties with one appraiser, combined schools, double duties of a county coordinator that has NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO business in the sppraiser's office...etc.

Can anyone spell Armageddon? 
My apologies for taking this thread off the mowing issue...I just got hot for a minute and had to spew!
ready...wiping self up


Quote from: readyaimduck on August 24, 2011, 04:34:00 PM
They are required by law to measure your house (at least 2 sides) every 6 years.  
Then the Appraiser does a 'drive by' every year in the fall/winter for Final  Review to set the value for the next year (Jan 1)

The new program was purchased by the state of kansas, and there are glitches (of which the state won't fess up to)
Each county has to massage the data in order for it to be as close as it can be as to the real value that was set last year (notwithstanding additions).

In this thread, as well as others I am seeing Micro-managing at the state and county levels all across our area.  (combined counties with one appraiser, combined schools, double duties of a county coordinator that has NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO business in the sppraiser's office...etc.

Can anyone spell Armageddon?  
My apologies for taking this thread off the mowing issue...I just got hot for a minute and had to spew!
ready...wiping self up
Good points Ready.


Thank you, Ross.
I am not sure how we can keep those in power from abusing that power, other than voting in someone else, and then again...SOSDD as most of some put it..

Speaking up at the commissioner's meeting, I have found to be only a lip service that somehow is comforting to the speaker, but not the Commission.
  They hear you, they say they agree, then back to business as usual.

The newly elected commissioner comes in with ideas, energy to be faced with the tired faces of those that have been there for 2 years and are tired. 

If it helps any to Elk County residents, there are 4 counties that are in your same boat. bail and retire!


QuoteTo my knowledge I've not called anyone stupid or a fool for disagreeing with me and don't intend to. Again, as above, I was saying her reply made her look foolish. I intend to point out the facts and of course have to put in my personal opinions when needed but I have no intention to call anyone here stupid unless someone is, without any doubt, being stupid. I only see misunderstanding and/or misinformation, not stupidity.

Was not singling YOU out.

I live out in boonieville for MANY reasons not the least of which is I do what I want WHEN I want where I want. NO zoning regulations out here where I am.

My neighbor up the road hasnt mowed her place for FOUR years....we gave her one rider and two push mowers she tore em all up, tried to mow it for her us and another neighbor but theres so much crap in the yard it tears stuff up cause you cant see it. Now I just keep a fire zone mowed between me and her and trim the brush back from the road so it dont scratch my truck.

Fact of the matter is if you are going to live in town with a bunch of neighbors you are gonna have rules and regulations and they are gonna be a pain in the ass. You want paved roads and all the other "pluses" of town livin you are gonna pay taxes for em and they are gonna gouge you as much as you'll stand for.

You want for office and change it.

on that I'm over and out....cause I hope NEVER to end up back there


QuoteYou want for office and change it.

While I agree with that statement, I also agree with 'Good Luck With That'
understanding the deep lined pockets of some that vote some in.

I scratch your back ( you vote for me) I scratch yours (I help you out)

See where I am going with this?   It is not only in Elk is embedded as tradition in our own goverment, sad to say.
Proof?   none..    Policiy changes for specifics....check it out.   It's called a Pork Barrell/Cut/Chop....whatever

Whatever happened to merits of one's own standards?   I guess the city of Howard just threw the woman that was unable to mow her own yard, and is on a fixed income .......
under the bus.
Business as usual.

Thank all that helped her out.  I would do the same.



What is the rest of the story?  A city doesn't just issue a judgment and a huge fine without first giving some warnings.  I can sympathize with a person who is unable to take care of their yard.  But there are handymen around that can be hired to do those things.  It was mentioned that this person is headed for a wheel chair in the near future.  I am in a wheel chair, but I still get out and do what I can to take care of my yard.  What I can't do and what doesn't get done for me, I hire done.

Janet Harrington

I have to go back to this trash thing that started out as a mowing thing.

I think that Howard has an ordinance about trash cans staying on the edge of the property in between trash days. I think this was passed when Mayor Gragg was in office. I can remember that the Chief was required to write tickets to everyone who didn't remove their trash can after trash day. Now, I could be wrong about the ordinance, but I am not wrong about the tickets. The Chief was extremely upset about having to do this, so I heard all about it.

Anyway, mtcookson, that could be one reason why the city has said something to you. Another reason could be that someone complained about seeing your trash cans out in front of the house even though you maintain that piece of that property.

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