The City of Howard, Shame!!!

Started by David, August 22, 2011, 04:59:23 AM

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Roma Jean Turner

Anytime I have ridden in the MS150 bike ride, Diane has sent a sizeable check to donate to my ride.  She has also donated to other things here.  If she says she will, she will.


Way to go Patriot, I am tired of her also as she does not live in the county and has not been there since 2008. Diane they can live without your opinion on every thread.


When it comes to giving, some prefer to follow a Christian command:

Mat 6:1    ΒΆ    Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
Mat 6:2         Therefore when thou doest [thine] alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
Mat 6:3         But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
Mat 6:4         That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

To do otherwise oft results in worldly rewards of recognition and praises of man.  Which, ultimately are payments for the 'gift'.  And when a gift is paid for, it is no longer truly a gift.

Just something to ponder.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I do know of one on this forum that is always looking for and handout and has been quite successful at it.  He is equally successful and stiring the shitppot in Elk County.  If you don't take care of your own place, I doubt you would help take care of anyone else's place.


Quote from: greatguns on August 23, 2011, 07:21:51 AM
I do know of one on this forum that is always looking for and handout and has been quite successful at it.  He is equally successful and stiring the shitppot in Elk County.  If you don't take care of your own place, I doubt you would help take care of anyone else's place.

That was helpful... and we may assume your yard is pristine and that your comment wasn't aimed at stirring a pot?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


David, thanks for starting this thread.  We have learned much about how the needs of citizens can not be met by government, and how government often is the source of increased undeserved anxiety among those they are elected to serve.  We have been reminded that there are folks right in our midst that are living with simple needs going unmet and that we must be constantly aware of those around us.  We see how important it is to really know those to whom we give power and that we can't elect and forget.  Our leaders must be called to account for foolishness.  Thanks again.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Hefe de vaca

   At least there were a few good ideas put forth here, i.e. youth groups like 4-H, FFA,FCA creating work days to help those who need it,

     before the mud-slinging, EK bashing, swearing, and name calling migrated from the politcs page.  ::)

Diane Amberg

Thank you Roma, If you ever do that ride again or anything like it, you know I'll still help out. I would have sent a check to Teresa, who knows everybody, and she would have seen to it that it went to the right place. But, it's more important for some to slap me down.
  I'm glad to help, and don't usually talk about it, but don't rub my nose in it.
  Al and I most certainly do help in our own neighborhood.Three of the people we helped for years have since died and their places sold to families with kids who can take care of their own places and now help others. We have a Civic association that has lists of people who offer to help with yard chores, small repairs, painting and such. It's not that unusual and we aren't special at all, very ordinary. I don't understand why it's such a big angry deal on the forum.
    I may be annoying to some and can be a sarcastic kidder, but I am NOT a liar.  I'm sorry if I somehow added  to the anger on this thread. Sometimes all I have to do is breathe and it sets off a few who are determined to be enemies and I've never known why. I'll say no more.


I have stayed out of this because I don't have a problem with the city of Howard.  My yard is mowed and I don't do it.  I am lucky enough to have a son-in-law whose mission in life seems to be to see that this old lady has what she needs.  The whole town is lucky to have him as he has in the past and still does, mows lawns free of charge for people that he knows can't do it themselves and can't afford to pay to have it done.  He is getting to the place himself that this is hard for him to do, but he still does it.  He doesn't stop with lawn mowing.  He does whatever he sees needs to be done.  You all know him as Jim Harrington, Janet's husband.  I know him as one of the best sons-in-law that a person can be lucky enough to have and I am one of the lucky ones.

Howard doesn't lack in charitable people.  However, charitable people can't help unless they know where help is needed.  Just look around.  You probably know someone that could use some help.  Don't wait for them to ask you.  Go ask them what you can do to help.


QuoteYou probably know someone that could use some help.  Don't wait for them to ask you.  Go ask them what you can do to help.


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