Started by Teresa, August 15, 2011, 10:56:58 AM

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Obama Administration Resorts To Mob Tactics
Wayne LaPierre

You've seen this in the movies. A group of gangsters surrounds an innocent bystander. One of the thugs pulls out a bat and smashes the poor guy's windshield. "It'd be a shame if this sorta thing continued to happen," says the thug. Unable to afford any future damage to his property, the bystander-turned-victim is now forced to surrender his money to the mob so they can "protect" his belongings.

President Barack Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder are now using this same mob-style tactic on American gun owners.

Officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), an agency under the direct purview of Holder's Justice Department, forced American gun shops to illegally sell guns to people they knew would cross the border and put those guns in the hands of violent Mexican drug lords.

The operation was dubbed "Fast and Furious" and many of the over 2,000 illegal guns that were supplied to Mexican criminals under this program were then used to commit murder – over 150 murders in Mexico, and two "Fast and Furious" guns were found at the murder site of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Meanwhile, as drug crime and murder raged out of control in Mexico, President Barack Obama blamed it all on law-abiding American gun owners and our Second Amendment rights.

"This [drug] war is being waged with guns purchased not here, but in the United States. More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that line our shared border," said Obama during one of his visits to Mexico.

This line was repeated over and over again by Eric Holder and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The media ran with it. Soon, the perception everywhere was that our Second Amendment rights were responsible for drug crime and murder in Mexico.

And it was a bald-faced lie.

Leaked State Department cables proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that Central America was the main supplier of illegal guns to Mexican drug lords – not the United States of America.

And those guns that did find their way from America to Mexico were being illegally pushed across the border by our own federal government, as we now know. This scheme was so devious, that even Mexican President Felipe Calderon knew nothing about it.

There's your busted windshield, Mr. Law-Abiding American Gun Owner. Now the Obama administration expects you to surrender your gun rights so something like this never happens again.

BATFE is now requiring American firearms dealers that are located in states that border Mexico to register the sales of anyone purchasing multiple rifles. You know...to solve the gun-running problem that BATFE itself illegally created.

BATFE's new gun registration requirement is not only useless in stopping Mexican drug violence, but it's also an illegal and blatant end-run around Congress. Not that you would expect an administration that breaks the law to all of sudden begin respecting our American law-making process.

All freedom-loving Americans – not just gun owners – should be alarmed by this dictatorial move by the White House. If Obama and Holder can circumvent Congress and make their own gun control laws, it won't be long before they're ramming a whole host of other unpopular laws down our throats.

This is why the National Rifle Association is suing the Obama administration in federal court so we can defend the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans in border states by stopping this unconstitutional gun registration scheme. And we will continue to pressure Holder and the Justice Department to come forward with all of the facts surrounding the secretive and illegal "Fast and Furious" scandal.

This is real-life America, not a fictional episode of The Sopranos. And we Americans need to stand up for ourselves and defend our Constitutional rights whenever and wherever they fall under attack. NRA will fight this illegal gun-control edict no matter how many windshields the Obama administration smashes.




Quote from: jarhead on August 16, 2011, 05:31:54 PM
You know, people at one time questioned whether you were Sarge and now I see why.  It must be a Flyboy thing  :)

Only when it comes to guys that have to screw their hats on.   ;D
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


OK OK OK!!  I got confused...you all sound alike, ya know!    :P
pffffffffffttttttttttttt   ready


No ready, Patriot sounds like Pee Wee Herman when he talks and I sound like the Duke,Pilgram.


Quote from: jarhead on August 16, 2011, 05:47:16 PM
No ready, Patriot sounds like Pee Wee Herman when he talks and I sound like the Duke,Pilgram.

That whistling sound you hear, Jar... don't run, don't hide... just stand there, smile... and wait for the flash of bright light

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


 ;D ;D ;D ;D

In any event, I will still be there for you two!
we can work on the Pee Wee Herman walk when the coast is clear.   If that is at all possible!

good things to think about with the gun mandate or at least the discussion of such...I will let it be known, that if no one can ever have a firearm...I will still have one disguised and hidden.  LAWS be damned!

Hefe de vaca

   No , Patriot, YOU stand there and wait for it. The rest of us will be kicking ass.

Hefe de vaca

    Anybody remember in the late 70's when they were training our National Gaurd units to go house to house , disarming citizens. Didn't work to well, asking our sons and daughters to take away their families weapons.


Did that really happen? I was in Nam and didn't hear about it.


You see where three BATFE field agents that were ass deep in the "fast and furious ' gun selling BS are now getting promoted and going to DC for management jobs ?Makes one wonder if they know too much and don't want them left down there in border towns jacking their jaws." Yea boys, come to DC and set behind a desk and DO NOT tell who ordered you to break the law and we will give you a cushy job and a big fat raise."

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