THOMPSON, Mary Elizabeth (Fullmer) - b. May 6, 1838 - d. March 3, 1911

Started by Janet Harrington, November 18, 2006, 05:01:41 PM

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Janet Harrington

Mary Elizabeth Fullmer was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, May 6, 1838, died in Howard, Kansas, March 3, 1911, age 72 years, 9 months 27 days.

When five years of age she moved with her parents to Scott county, Iowa, where she grew to womanhood, and December 25, 1856 was married to William I. Thompson.

Some years later they moved to Page county, Iowa, and later, in the year 1877, came to Howard, Kansas where she resided until her death.  Her husband preceding her some twelve years.

Those of her children who survive are: Mrs. Frank Tullis, St. Jo, Idaho; Nettie Jacobson and B. W. Thompson, Chicago, Illinois, Frank W. and J. W. Thompson, St. Louis, Missouri; Mrs. Kate Rivar, near Elk Falls, this county; Christina Spunaugle; M. A. and B. M. Thompson of this place.

Mrs. Thompson united with the Methodist Episcopal church in her youth and remained a faithful member until his death.  She lived a quiet unassuming consistent christian life.  Faithful in all her duties, patient in all her sufferings.

"But gently bear the weary from
Into the phantom bark,
She will not fear - Christ went before,
The way will not be dark.
And safe beyond the troubled stream
Her tired heart's strife o'er
Our angel mother, glorified,
Will grow old nevermore."

Funeral services were conducted at the M. E. Church, Sunday March 5, 1911, at 2:30 p.m., by T. A. Nichols, the pastor.  Interment in Grace Lawn cemetery.

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