How the Recent Debt Ceiling Law Affects Gun Owners

Started by Teresa, August 06, 2011, 11:08:38 AM

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How the Recent Debt Ceiling Law Affects Gun Owners
Friday, 05 August 2011 11:26

Well, the hot debate which dominated the nation for several weeks has finally simmered down.  The debt ceiling deal is now law, and both sides of the political aisle are arguing over who won and who lost.

But one thing you won't hear about -- in fact, we may not fully know the answer for several months -- is how much gun owners lost in this recent deal.

To quote Kentucky Senator Rand Paul from earlier this week:

    The Super Committee [created by the new law] limits the constitutional check of the filibuster by expediting passage of bills with a simple majority.  The Super Committee is not precluded from any issue [including gun control], therefore the filibuster could be rendered moot.


Get that?  The law raising the debt ceiling creates a Super Committee (in other words, a Super Congress) which will give its recommendations for balancing the budget.  This Super Congress can include ANYTHING in its legislation, including gun control.

And none of it can be filibustered or amended!!

Well, you might think, the Super Congress' recommendations still have to be voted on by each house of Congress.  Surely, we can find enough congressmen to shoot down any anti-gun recommendations.

Maybe, maybe not ... because here's the problem.  Whatever this super-committee reports in November, including gun control, will HAVE to be passed -- or the Pentagon loses a total of $800 billion (effectively shutting it down).

read more here if you are interested............
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

jerry wagner

Quote from: Teresa on August 06, 2011, 11:08:38 AM
How the Recent Debt Ceiling Law Affects Gun Owners
Friday, 05 August 2011 11:26

Well, the hot debate which dominated the nation for several weeks has finally simmered down.  The debt ceiling deal is now law, and both sides of the political aisle are arguing over who won and who lost.

But one thing you won't hear about -- in fact, we may not fully know the answer for several months -- is how much gun owners lost in this recent deal.

To quote Kentucky Senator Rand Paul from earlier this week:

   The Super Committee [created by the new law] limits the constitutional check of the filibuster by expediting passage of bills with a simple majority.  The Super Committee is not precluded from any issue [including gun control], therefore the filibuster could be rendered moot.


Get that?  The law raising the debt ceiling creates a Super Committee (in other words, a Super Congress) which will give its recommendations for balancing the budget.  This Super Congress can include ANYTHING in its legislation, including gun control.

And none of it can be filibustered or amended!!

Well, you might think, the Super Congress' recommendations still have to be voted on by each house of Congress.  Surely, we can find enough congressmen to shoot down any anti-gun recommendations.

Maybe, maybe not ... because here's the problem.  Whatever this super-committee reports in November, including gun control, will HAVE to be passed -- or the Pentagon loses a total of $800 billion (effectively shutting it down).

read more here if you are interested............

While not debating the other substance of the article, I would like to point out that the $800 billion you quote for DoD budget reductions are over the course of a decade and thus could not possibly "shut down" the DoD rather it would reduce its expected budget course by 12% roughly over the course of the decade.  Also, I believe the debt deal specifies 'national security' as the category and not just defense, so theoretically those cuts could take place including Dept. of Homeland Security and thus would be a lower percentage of the total budget course.  I'm not debating whether that cut is excessive just pointing out the difference in perception.


It's certainly not just gun owners that are losing more ground.  It's anybody who believes in liberty.

We're becoming more communist every day.  How the removal of "debate" from Congress?    

Here's one and while you're at it be sure to watch the video interview of Napolitano....


Gun issues aside and just looking at the entire legislative process:  Someone needs to take this Super Committee idea to the Courts.  The combination of circumventing the full legislative process, and the purpose of speeding things up is fully against what the founding fathers intended when they framed this nation.
Whats gonna happen is that this "Super Committee" will  deal with anything the composition of the "super" committee wants to deal with, or what their puppet handlers tell them to deal with.

This type of committee is what they call a crack.  If we don't repair and close the crack as soon as possible it will grow and widen until it is incorporated into the facade or actually becomes a permanent part of the structure.  Look already at what agencies have grown into and the power they have. Its out of control..

The fact that our elected officials don't have the time to act on everything themselves with full knowledge of what they are doing is clear evidence that our federal government has grown way too large, too complex and too intrusive.  >:(

This  government as others before it have, is dealing in a very extra-Constitutional manner.. very illegal.
Trouble is~~ they control what is deemed legal or not as well, so we are truly screwed I think. And not in a good way either...
Because the sheep will allow it and keep following whatever is set before them.

I keep marveling that the disarmed people of the middle East continue to face troops with tanks, while 100 million US gun owners just bend over and take it.  
But we will never ..I don't think .. get everyone to stand together.. so.. like I said.. we re pretty much vasoline'd up just waiting for them. >:(
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