Budget cuts..............

Started by Teresa, August 01, 2011, 08:51:50 PM

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Quote from: Anmar on August 03, 2011, 12:02:25 PM

Our richest citizens, who benefit the most from our country, pay at most, 15% (but usually on the 10-12% range) in taxes while the average working taxpayer pays closer to 30%.
How much do you want them to pay. They already pay over 50% of the taxes in this country. Its not fair at all, especially to the rich! The other 50% is paid out by the middle class. so its a fair deal since there are far more middle class than there are rich!  Sheesh.

QuoteYes I blame the right.  We are living under their tax system.  Bush destroyed the economy.  They have controlled the budget for the last 10 years.  They took us to wars without paying for them (yes, many democrats went along too).  They were the biggest spenders, and the biggest instigators of poor policies, and rip-offs for the rich.  
Hmm so has Obama.  He went back into Afghanistan, and ramped it up again, he jumped into Libia.  Should have never even jumped in on that one. That was their business.   Iraq i had to say yeah it was necessary.  Not for national safety per'se but a strategic point in which we can deploy our military in the event Iran and other Muslims get froggy and wanna start something.  
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 03, 2011, 02:36:57 PM
I promise you I meant every word. >:( I hear any more cracks from that one using "teachers," "Government" schools and "creating communists" in the same paragraph, I'll have his family jewels for breakfast!  ( virtually)  Too much "assuming''going on from a few to create negative feelings when times are tough enough as it is. STIRRING THE POT A BIT ARE WE? This thread has moved on. Leaving again ,I've got work to do.
Teachers, Government schools, are creating commies!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Here is my idea of what we should do to let Congress and the President know what should be cut out of the budget, before they start cutting Social Security and\or the Defense budget.  Get a copy of  Matthew Lesko's free money book. Get out your highlighter and point out all of the crazy government programs for free money. Sign it and send it to the Government.  May cost you  $50 -$100 dollars for all of Lesko's books, but it will save  you  money in the end.


Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Quote from: srkruzich on August 03, 2011, 05:11:57 PM
I said let them fail back when ole obama was "stimulating" the economy.  The true definition of his stimulous bill was to give his buddies a hard on with all the money he funneled into their pockets. Thats the only thing that got stimulated.

Don't look, you're partisanship is showing.  Bush's scheme to funnel money to defense contractors was much bigger.  You also forget that it was Bush who set the precedent for bailouts when he bailed out the banks.  

QuoteHow much do you want them to pay. They already pay over 50% of the taxes in this country. Its not fair at all, especially to the rich! The other 50% is paid out by the middle class. so its a fair deal since there are far more middle class than there are rich!  Sheesh.

So the rich pay 50% and the middle class pay 50% and the corporations pay 50%?  Some of the poor pay taxes too, so can we say 10%?  something tells me you are just pulling numbers out of your ass.  Don't you support a flat tax?  isn't that percentage based?  You really need to make up your mind.

QuoteHmm so has Obama.  Hewent back into afghanistan, and ramped it up again, he jumped into lybia.  Should have never even jumped in on that one. That was their business.   Iraq i had to say yeah it was necessary.  Not for national safety perse but a strategic point in which we can deploy our military in the event iran and other muslims get froggy and wanna start something.

I totally agree on Afghanistan and Libya,  but again its funny how you support warmongering when its the republicans leading the charge, however when a democrat goes on the warpath, suddenly you're one of these guys :  

Its also interesting that you've invented a new justification for the war in Iraq,  I've never heard this Iran one before.  I guess its too hard to attack Iran from the bases we already had in Saudi arabia, kuwait, qatar, Uzbekistan, turkmenistan, jordan, and turkey.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Diane, don't know why anybody would want to raise their kids to be communists and if they send 'em to government schools, they'll be taught to be communists.

As about the War For Southern Independence, you don't have a clue.


Yes, Red...There are Reds hiding under cabbage leaves everywhere, perpetrating their mind control with little radar guns on your unsuspecting children...It's actually part of the plan, to have mindless drones like you creating a cover for them.  Gee...Did I leave anything out? lol  :o ;D  You really are a throwback to the McCarthy era...I don't know what time wharp you hit but you might consider re-entering the 21st century at some point.  Just sayin'.

Diane Amberg

Red, you forgot higher education. Steve was very proud when at least one of his sons was accepted to Duke. I suppose colleges finish the commie indoctrination job? Everyone who goes to Community College or Duke, Harvard, The U. of "any state'' etc. are all a bunch of commies? Interesting.You sure would be out numbered then.  You must be a very unhappy person.
     As far as the Civil War, you have no idea what you are sputtering about. I had family members who fought on both sides. One was a set of brothers two generations back on my mother's side. When the war was over it was over. The family mended and went on with their lives. Their descendants aren't still  trying to live the war! There are new wars to fight. I assume you are a Civil War      reenactor for a hobby? Oh, maybe not, they don't use real ammo. ;D ;D ;D :angel:

Diane Amberg

By the way, Sod, I missed your smarmy retort to me last night. What do you know about those mountain oysters or calf fries or whatever they are anyway? Are you sure they aren't from the two legged variety?  I wouldn't let you watch anyway, you'd pass out from shock and I wouldn't do that to a California woozer.  ;D ;D ;D ;D Just kidding of course.


Since you mentioned higher education - yes, they're indoctrinating them too or finsihing them out as you say.
They don't get all of 'em however they get a large percentage of 'em - including you.

I don't even own a Civill War uniform - if I did, it would be Confederate.  Hobby?   Get real - the South was right.
Your indoctrination practices began with Lincoln and the Republicans and you're doing a good job of supporting the continuing
efforts of Lincoln and his Marxists.  Must be the Republican heritage that you still have in you.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 04, 2011, 01:29:48 PM
By the way, Sod, I missed your smarmy retort to me last night. What do you know about those mountain oysters or calf fries or whatever they are anyway? Are you sure they aren't from the two legged variety?  I wouldn't let you watch anyway, you'd pass out from shock and I wouldn't do that to a California woozer.  ;D ;D ;D ;D Just kidding of course.

Diane, you have to do better than that to wind me up. I suggest you let Ross do your digging of me, because he is much better at it than you have done. I think I said 3-5 years ago that you and Wilma were exempt from any retaliation or digs from me. No need from you or Wilma for the poke, poke, just kidding smiley face s### (stuff from you two).

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues

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