Tea partiers like 'terrorists'

Started by Patriot, August 01, 2011, 05:01:36 PM

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So says Robin Hood's cousin, Joe Biden.

From politico (go figure): 

Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having "acted like terrorists" in the fight over raising the nation's debt limit.

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

"We have negotiated with terrorists," an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. "This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money."

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies' misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: "They have acted like terrorists," according to several sources in the room.

And demoncrats say those on the right use incendiary rhetoric.  How counterproductive.  Diane, didn't you say this lamer was a friend of yours?  What's up with him?  Of course the White House and Politico are now back peddling.

Read more:  http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on August 01, 2011, 05:01:36 PM
So says Robin Hood's cousin, Joe Biden.

From politico (go figure): 

Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having "acted like terrorists" in the fight over raising the nation's debt limit.

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

"We have negotiated with terrorists," an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. "This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money."

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies' misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: "They have acted like terrorists," according to several sources in the room.

And demoncrats say those on the right use incendiary rhetoric.  How counterproductive.  Diane, didn't you say this lamer was a friend of yours?  What's up with him?  Of course the White House and Politico are now back peddling.

Read more:  http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html

THANK GOD for the terrorists
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Considering you called him a "lamer" why should I touch that question?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 01, 2011, 06:27:44 PM
Considering you called him a "lamer" why should I touch that question?

Perhaps to demonstrate an opposing view, that could possibly change the views of those who hold that perception.  Unless, of course, you think him a lamer as well.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Biden Charges Secret Service to Rent Cottage Next to His Home

Published August 01, 2011

In between keeping Vice President Biden and his family safe, the Secret Service is also cutting him a rent check every month.

The Secret Service pays the vice president $2,200 per month to rent a cottage next to his waterfront home outside Wilmington, Del., FoxNews.com has confirmed.

The Washington Times first reported that Biden has raked in more than $13,000 since April from the agency tasked with protecting him, and under the terms of their contract could make up to $66,000 by the end of 2013.


Quote from: jarhead on August 02, 2011, 08:36:26 AM
Biden Charges Secret Service to Rent Cottage Next to His Home

Published August 01, 2011

In between keeping Vice President Biden and his family safe, the Secret Service is also cutting him a rent check every month.

The Secret Service pays the vice president $2,200 per month to rent a cottage next to his waterfront home outside Wilmington, Del., FoxNews.com has confirmed.

The Washington Times first reported that Biden has raked in more than $13,000 since April from the agency tasked with protecting him, and under the terms of their contract could make up to $66,000 by the end of 2013.

Shouldn't he get to rent his place out?  I sure wouldn't give up the revenue! 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Patriot, I do like Joe Biden. As a person he is a very nice man who will do what he can to help people, the same as you all do. He's not one of the hugely wealthy  DC people and remembers where he came from. He is a professional politician, so of course I don't always agree with his politics, but when he was our senator he represented our state very well, which is what we elected him to do. He has always had foot in mouth disease which we all accept as just being part of him.
Behind the scenes in DC he is very effective because he has had so much experience and is well liked by most people even those of opposing views. At least behind the news cameras. Remember, they all play to the camera when that little light is on. He was just ahead of me at UD and I remember him from there on campus,and from when he was on the foot ball team, an ordinary player, not a star.  I remember when the football team and the band used to hit the evening dining hall about the same time. Late! We had practice the same time they did.
  He had a double major in history and political science and was just one of us in those days. He got backing to open his own law practice after graduation, so yes, he did have a "real" job.Then he was recruited by the local Democrats to run for county council.
As far as renting out the cottage his mother had lived in, why not?
His lovely wife Neilia and little daughter were killed and his two sons were seriously injured in a horrible accident with a large truck not far from here. I remember that as if it just happened. She stopped at a stop sign near Hockessin in December of 1972 and pulled out right in the truck's path.   The driver tried to swerve to avoid her, but hit her just the same and ended up across the intersection in the bushes. Joe was told that alcohol was involved but that wasn't true.
  He met Jill in 1975 I think, and they married in 1977. Finally. She turned him down several times. 


Then you would call him a "moderate" too?

Diane Amberg

What are you talking about? I don't call him anything. He calls himself whatever he likes, that's up to him. As incredibly judgmental as you are I can just imagine what you'd call him.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 02, 2011, 02:50:43 PM
He calls himself whatever he likes, that's up to him. As incredibly judgemental as you are I can just imagine what you'd call him.

You use judgmental (correct spelling, teach) like it's a bad thing.  Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.  If one stands for something, then they can not avoid making judgments.  Show me anyone who operates otherwise, if you can, and I'll judge them as non-functioning.

How can you judge Red as judgmental... without judging?  Please explain.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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