Future of Wind power

Started by srkruzich, July 31, 2011, 09:44:17 AM

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 I know I'm just goin to be talkin in the wind but I have to say it. There is more at stake than MONEY in this renewable/more environmental approach to our demands for energy. Until the general public COMPREHENDS that then it's all just one more "cash cow" to be used and manipulated to their advantage.

I'm not a jump on the environmental band-wagon yuppie cause it's cool person..........I'm a nuts and bolts practical respect the earth and water cause it's all there is and once it's gone EVERYBODY is gonna die type environmentalist and HAVE been since I was kid. Yes recycling etc. helps but its a drop in the bucket of the real picture which is if we keep polluting at the rate we are there is going to be NO safe water that isnt OWNED by a corporation and rationed by said corporation, keep screwin around with genetically modified and spliced seed and livestock and we are going to be SCREWED BLUED and TATTOOED.......I personally think genetically modified plants are responsible for the bee kills. Dont even get me started on feeding growth hormones and antibiotics to livestock.

Take away the government funds for genetically modified research and THAT would be dropped like a hot potato.....which would be a GOOD thing martha..........

This is my personal engraved in stone opinion :)


WOW, this scares me as this is the second time lately that I have agreed with Pam. I worked several years for an oil operator in Midland, TX that also had a big ranch. Florida Power and Light made a deal to put a large windfarm on his Ranch. Myrna and I drove to it after it was completed, we drove around on it and stopped and sat for awhile. There were Deer browsing around on it, Quail  on it there was absolutely no damage to the wildlife. FP&L put in great roads to it and restored any damage done to the surface. I see nothing but good for wind power generated electricity.


Having been some of the meetings with the Oil Operater and FP&L there is no way that I accept that anyone had anything to do with where the Wind Farm will be located in Elk County.  My experience with the FP&L people was that they ran lots of tests on several places and from those tests they picked the location they wanted and basically nothing would change their mind. I know that some of the adjoing land owners offered them land for less but they went ahead and paid more to get the location that they had determined to be the ideal location.


As long as the government is subsidizing wind power, it won't be a good thing.  This picking and choosing of who gets
public assistance is just plain wrong - at least in these lands.  It's just an example of welfare and look whose getting it.

Same with ethanol.  Same with anything else.

The government people wanted to make sure everybody got a home and look what happened.

Abolish the Department of Energy.

Think liberty, not democracy.  Let's return to the principles of the founding fathers and the Constitution. 


Quote from: frawin on August 01, 2011, 07:53:56 AM
. FP&L put in great roads to it and restored any damage done to the surface. I see nothing but good for wind power generated electricity.

Maybe so but they can't sustain their own operations without government welfare.   Its not going to get any better.  IF ya cut off the government funds they would collapse like a house of cards. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


In my opinion anything that reduces our dependence on Foreign oil is a good thing, and windpower does that. If you look at windpower only you are not even beginning to consider the big picture.


Quote from: frawin on August 02, 2011, 07:23:59 AM
In my opinion anything that reduces our dependence on Foreign oil is a good thing, and windpower does that. If you look at windpower only you are not even beginning to consider the big picture.

How is it going to reduce our dependance on oil?  Its electricity.  We generate our electricity from mostly coal of which we have vast reserves, the next is natural gas, third water and oil is last, used primarily up in the northeast. Shoot we can use recycled oil for that and we probably do.  I know i'm working on a home made burner for my shop so i can work out in the shop in winter. I'll just store all the used oil i can get in a barrel and burn it. 

The main thing oil is used for is vehicles and machinery and i don't see where wind is going to alleviate that problem.  Shrug.  Like i said before, we COULD start processing coal into fuel. That would do more to take us off foreign oil than any alternative fuel source. And don't get me started on ethanol.  That is just plain wrong!  Look at our price of food lately, going up up up because of the subsidized plants and the greed of the farmer.  Used to be that farming was a noble thing now they need to change the slogan we feed the world to we fuel the world.  Feeding is not even a priority now.

IS it worth jacking food prices out of reach for Americans to get off foreign oil? Hell its cheaper to pay the higher oil prices than to pay the higher food prices.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



With a little research I've found where the Gov't use to pay for 50% of each turbin with out tax dollars.  So we wonder why we have a budget crisis. Anyway today they only pay 30% of each turbin supposedly ----- only??

But do they pay for the removal of the wind turbin grave yards? The good news is the subsidies are going away, I guess that's good news.

Here is an interesting article "Wind Energy's Ghosts"   http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/02/wind_energys_ghosts_1.html

Here are a couple more that you might fine interesting. They have to do with "Wind Energy Companies in the Developed Markets have taken it on the chin in 2010."



But hey, let them build on my property and pay me big bucks I'd be okay with that, too. Why would i care if your tax dollars are being used as long as I am making money. Then when they abandon it, I could salvage the junk for scrap metal and make another fortune. Scrap metal is getting high $.

Wind power can be an alternative crop for farmers and ranchers. Many farmers and ranchers are leasing their land to produce electricity. A farmer can be paid $2,000 to $5,000 in royalties per wind turbine, and the farmer can continue to use the land for traditional farming. I bet the present royalties may be even higher today. But at $5,000 X 100= 1/2 million for doing nothing, nice.


Yes, the landowners get good money for the use of their land.  So do the owners of the land that has a rock quarry or oil wells.  And anyone that has to pay pasture rent can attest to the value of pasture land.  What is wrong with a land owner profiting from owning the land that someone else wants to use?


 still only seein dollar signs...............................................

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