Started by frawin, July 29, 2011, 03:38:15 PM

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You window peeper !! And here I thought it was a Laughing Hyena outside my bathroom window 


It WAS a laughing hyena outside your window..But it was me..hiding under your bed, that was  snickering hilariously ..

but like Larry says.,.. this is probably considered a family I won't say any more..  :-X :angel:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


You "saying ' you were hiding under my bed reminds me of a childhood terror moment. My dad just loved scaring the beJesus out of us kids. Still in grade school and my brother Steve and me had to share a bed. Laying there all quiet trying to go to sleep and there was a knock on the siding outside our window. Up went a slat of that venation blind while my little eyeball strained to see who lurked in the darkness. Nothing, must have been the dog wagging his tail as he passed beneath the window. Almost asleep and there was a louder knock---this time there were two sets of eyeballs peeking out the venation blinds trying to sort thru the saber tooth tigers and lions and bears whose shadowy figure we could see dancing around outside as we tried to determine which one was the culprit. As the shadows  slowly disappeared we finally laid back down to try and sleep--knock--knock--knock--this time it sounded really up close and personal. Now Steve being 15 months older than me and a whole lot smarter softly told me to not move---to act dead--if there was an ol Hobo out there and looked in the widow and all he saw was two dead kids he would go away--sounded like a great plan until our bed started shaking violently--this was when Steve abandoned ship and went running down the hallway screaming something about ghosts---Me ? I just curled into the fetal position making these tiny sobbing sounds, while our Dad crawled out from beneath our bed--laughing his arse off !! and that is a true story.


and That is why I love you~!!! You and Jimmie keep me laughing all the time. Brenda and I were at Flint Oak Sunday and I was telling them about one of your tales and she was telling me some of your tales and between the 2 of us.. we were in tears laughing.. ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I remember dad telling us this story and we would laugh so hard. It must of run in the family because Brenda and I spent the night with aunt Robby her and Brenda McFerson used to do the same thing to us after a train went through. Robby lived with gma and gpa where my jarhead dad and mom live and of course there were really scarey hobo's that seemed to get off the train in Longton looking for little girls. Brenda and I would end up running to sleep with gma Bonnie so she would protect us! That was a wonderful but scary memory.


I fail to find humor in what caused me to start getting grey hair at 8 years old !!! Think it stunted my growth too seeing as both my brothers were 6 ft 3 " and I had to look up to see 6 ft. It was either that or Jimmie learning that pile driver, neck breaker move, from wrestlers Red McKinn or Bolo on TV and decided to bounce me on my head---he should have checked for that walnut that lay hidden in the grass !!!

Brenda Edwards

Hey dad...tell Teresa about steam coming from the roof of the house!!! That's my favorite one!! ;D

Brenda Edwards

Oh wait.....tell her how old you were when you found out there wasn't a santa....*hint hint* It was the same age as when he stopped wetting the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO


My dad would come in our bedroom with two flashlights held together. In the pitch black he would click them on and scream " LOOKOUT ------TRUCK"   I swear those flashlights together did really look like a big truck about to run you over!!!!!!! LOVE YA DAD!!
CAUTION: if instrument is shaken sufficiently to cause arm to swing violently, damage may occur!


Quote from: Brenda Edwards on August 06, 2011, 08:53:08 PM
Hey dad...tell Teresa about steam coming from the roof of the house!!! That's my favorite one!! ;D

Oh yea Laughing Girl---funny to you---but not so funny if you had to live in a work shop for a year after your home burns down, and lurking in the shop, living in the grain bins ,were rats as big as possums---where they would come out at night and sink their 4 inch fangs into the jugular of a sleeping 7- 8 year old lad !!!
I think it was the winter of 1958, maybe 1957. It was a family affair to go out and cut a cedar tree for a Christmas tree. All 172 of us kids(give or take a few dozens ) and parents got home and were freezing to death. Daddy stoked the ol coal stove up to melt the snow off our Keds sneakers. After we got feeling back in our pedal extremities Daddy told Steve & me to go to the "sand pile" down by the shop and get a bucket of sand to "plant the tree". We filled a bucket half full of sand and started back to the house, lugging all 400 lbs of that sand, when ol Eagle Eye here spotted black smoke curling out from every wooden shingle on the south half of the roof. I tell Steve," look our house is smoking" Now Steve being 15 months older than me and wise beyond his years explained it to me," when a roof has had snow on it and the snow melts it leaves the shingles wet and then Mr. Sun shines on the roof and it creates steam". We proceeded to carry that 600 lb bucket of sand into the house, but I still remember looking at all that smoke thinking it sure was a bunch of steam---long story short, that ol Amityville Horror House burned down !!!
How you can see humor in that makes you one sick puppy. I often wonder who your real Daddy is. :)

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