Take from it what you will...........but he HAS a point.........

Started by thatsMRSc2u, July 25, 2011, 09:38:00 PM

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Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on July 27, 2011, 09:49:09 AM
  Yeah Cat....BUT......and I will try to explain that but.....BUT I may not be able to satisfactorily.....
   yes there were chiefs.......BUT only as long as they made good decisions......if nobody respected them or they tried to gain "power" they didnt stay chief very long......the chief had a responsibility to the People.....to make sure no-one did without...that everyone was provided for....to protect the People. There were hereditary chiefs but if nobody respected them they would not follow them.

Ohh k.  Now explain how that is different than now.  I DO NOT Respect Obama one bit.  As far as he's concerned i won't do a damn thing he says or respect any decision. He's a piss poor excuse for a chief.

Quotethey had councils yes.......but no decisions were made until everybody who wanted to had spoken.....and due consideration was given and more often than not until the Grandmothers had been consulted.
That would be somewhat of a democracy which will not work on a large scale outside of a village.  

Quotethe basic difference between europeans and natives is in a nutshell if I can get it right is that europeans feel the NEED to have somebody "in charge".......the Natives would/could/and generally do DECIDE if they WANTED somebody in charge.....
   the europeans put up fences and put prices and self worth on possessions.....the greatest honor for natives was generosity in SHARING their possessions with whoever was doin without.
Thank God i'm not a european! LOL.  Plus Me need anyone in charge?  Sheesh. i would prefer that we toss the whole damn bunch out.  The only thing we need out of Government is the combigned resources to defend this country. Thats its.  So we could actually do without washington.  Just create a mililary comprised of so many folks from each state.  No need for feds to control it.  

Quotethe natives weren't yearning for freedom.....they already had it....it's not something somebody can GIVE.....I seriously cant explain it clearly......its like all the hullaballoo about prayer for instance and where "they" say you can or cant do it.....the truth of the matter is you can do it anywhere anytime....it's only when you want to be PUBLIC and show off that you are doin it that you run into problems.......it's just a fundamental difference.........
And the forefathers who wrote the constitution did not grant freedom with the constitution.  They recognized freedom as a inalienable right given to us by God.  No one else. All they did was to create law to keep the powers that be at bay and chain them down so they would not be able to take our freedom from us.  And that is possible. You are not free if your a slave. Doesn't matter if your on a plantation or under a government that restricts you by force.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


   Steve.....................blah blah blahdy blah..............yeah I know.....you been there done that and did it better longer faster..........yeah I know

   You and I agree on ONE thing....Washington is a pit of greedy idiots and needs to be cleaned out and started over with new blood that hasnt made politics their sole career.....because face it.....politicians know how to do ONE thing and one thing only......LIE well enough to convince you they aren"t and keep that cash cow rollin..........

QuoteAll they did was to create law to keep the powers that be at bay and chain them down so they would not be able to take our freedom from us.

and there you have it......the proof that you dont understand the point......I've not got time to futilely argue with you for no good
purpose so carry on and never mind.................


Pam, I get what you were tryng to say in your post.  And thank you for putting it there...Too many people have forgotten why we came to this land in the first place...FREEDOM...Maybe not Native American-variety freedom, but freedom, nonetheless...And that means, if you don't agree, fine...You can go on your jolly way and leave us to our conversation...Sound familiar?   ::)

Diane Amberg

Cat and Pam, I've enjoyed reading you both.Thanks for letting me "eves drop".


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 26, 2011, 09:33:50 PM
    It's called "survival of the fittest".  Think you could handle it in real life , no place to hide?
Who's hiding, I'm not.
Oh, you are hiding. behind that phony boss cow name.
Good Job.

My name is real.
I've been up against bullies and they are real easy. All blow and no go.
So I can handle it in real life, been there done that.


Ross, this was such a nice friendly disussion of American freedom as seen from different viewpoints, why did you have to inject your nasty remarks in it.  Politics don't have to be nasty.  Discussions don't have to be nasty.  There is such a thing as friendly disagreement without name calling.  Grow up.


He's not worth your effort, Wilma...Just laugh and go on... ::)  Where else, other than maybe TruTV or AFV, are you going to get such consistent entertainment? lol


And, Jefe is just as real as any of us on here...He's just got a sense of humor regarding himself, which is refreshing... ;D  Ross, you could learn a bit from him!  Lighten up, dude...You're going to give yourself a coronary at this rate! lol

Hefe de vaca

     You know Rosco, 80 percent of all illness is directly related to stress. The fight or flight response. You might want to take a walk down to your carp pond and relax. :D


Quote from: Wilma on July 27, 2011, 05:53:07 PM
Ross, this was such a nice friendly disussion of American freedom as seen from different viewpoints, why did you have to inject your nasty remarks in it.  Politics don't have to be nasty.  Discussions don't have to be nasty.  There is such a thing as friendly disagreement without name calling.  Grow up.
I'm sorry Wilma did you not read Jefe's smart remark?
Well here it is just so know I was simply responding to him about hiding. And I believe I have read responses to Jefe whatever as boss cow or cow boss and that was not refered to as name calling. Thank You.
Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 26, 2011, 09:33:50 PM
    It's called "survival of the fittest".  Think you could handle it in real life , no place to hide?

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