Take from it what you will...........but he HAS a point.........

Started by thatsMRSc2u, July 25, 2011, 09:38:00 PM

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Hefe de vaca

     Sorry , MrsC, for screwing up your thread. I understand what you are saying, and it is hard to verbalize. It's kind of like, matter cannot be created , or destroyed. Similar with freedom ?


Cat, I was referring to being called "Sir," not "Boss".  In my book being called "Sir" would be an insult, a sarcastic one.  Or maybe I should say, if I refer to someone as Sir", it is an insult.  If Jefe doesn't like "Boss", he can say so himself.


I guess my calling him "Sir" reflects my upbringing...I was always taught to call gentlemen "Sir" and ladies "Ma'am".  In fact, when I have talked to my male principals in the past, I have always called them "Sir", rather than by their first names.  Using a first name is getting too familiar with them, in my opinion.  In fact, my principal could gauge what level the situation at hand was...If I was saying "Sir" or "Ma'am", then they knew it was OK and well in hand.  If I said their formal name, "Mr." or "Mrs." whatever, then they knew it was egregious and needed attention from them...If I used their first name, they knew it was an emergency.  I know saying "Yes, Sir" and "no, Ma'am" is an essentially Southern thing but in my family, I was taught it as a gesture of respect.


It was in mine, too, but then I married an Elk County redneck.


Thanks Roma :)

No prob Jefe, there are trolls everywhere :)

Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 28, 2011, 08:24:35 AM
     Sorry , MrsC, for screwing up your thread. I understand what you are saying, and it is hard to verbalize. It's kind of like, matter cannot be created , or destroyed. Similar with freedom ?

yeah :)


Be patient with me while I learn, Master (Mrs. C!  ;D)...

But, seriously...I have learned a great deal while reading you, Pam.  Thanks for all your efforts!! :-)


 Thanks Cat but I usually learn myself! I can honestly say there are a few things I have changed on since having discussions on here and some have been cemented in stone never to change! I have learned from all of you :)


This "Sir" and "Ma'am" business is a little foreign to me.  Our terms of respect were "Mr." and "Mrs".  Absolutely no addressing adults by their first name.  We had "Aunts" and "Uncles", too.  Our children were taught this, too, as were their friends.  I was Mrs. Weyrauch long after the children were out of school.  Gradually, their contempories are addressing me as "Wilma".  Which leads me to a story.  Are you ready for another story?

About fifteen years ago, we were buying our prescriptions at my favorite Wal-Mart.  The clerk that handed out the prescriptions would always read off my first name and address me by that if she used a name at all.  Then one day, the clerk said "Mrs. Weyrauch."  Can you imagine how that took me back to my children's school days when that was how I was known?  She also remembered me when I would show up, which in itself, was unusual.  So, one day I asked her about it.  Now she wasn't middleaged, she was a young person, younger than my youngest.  She told me that she had been taught to address her elders in that manner and so that is what she does and that she liked to remember people.  Hearing her call me "Mrs. Weyrauch" made me feel young again.


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 26, 2011, 09:33:50 PM
   It's called "survival of the fittest".  Think you could handle it in real life , no place to hide?
Jeffe was taking to me in this one.
And I responded with;
Quote from: Ross on July 27, 2011, 02:28:17 PM
Who's hiding, I'm not.
Oh, you are hiding. behind that phony boss cow name.
Good Job.
My name is real.
I've been up against bullies and they are real easy. All blow and no go.
So I can handle it in real life, been there done that.

Then Wilma wanted in  with her personal opinion;
Quote from: Wilma on July 27, 2011, 05:53:07 PM
Ross, this was such a nice friendly disussion of American freedom as seen from different viewpoints, why did you have to inject your nasty remarks in it.  Politics don't have to be nasty.  Discussions don't have to be nasty.  There is such a thing as friendly disagreement without name calling.  Grow up.

I did not call any names. But I do believe You are equally nasty on other threads Wilma.
But Jefe's insuinuating remark "Think you could handle it in real life , no place to hide?" is fine with you.

Then Catwoman wanted to be involved with her opinion;
Quote from: Catwoman on July 27, 2011, 06:04:54 PM
And, Jefe is just as real as any of us on here...He's just got a sense of humor regarding himself, which is refreshing... ;D  Ross, you could learn a bit from him!  Lighten up, dude...You're going to give yourself a coronary at this rate! LOL

I am sorry Wilma, Sir Jefe could not teach me a thing, I believe he lacks the ability. He could not even answer simple questions on another thread. Ha, ha.

You see Wilma you and Catwoman made it about me . I didn't makea it about me, re-read your post. It's there in black and white.

Quote from: Ross on July 28, 2011, 05:45:06 AM
Catwoman, I wasn't refering to what you said. It was what someone else said. But thats okay I understand with a limited understanding and the willingness to back a bully and a loser how someone would misconstrue what is happening.

Jefe can make  inuendos of hiding  and be a smart@$$ and call people names and that's fine. Or ya'all don't read so well.

And then this male cheerleader in California get real nasty and you ladies say nothing. What a refined group you folks are. I really think you each deserve the other.

Quote from: sodbuster on July 27, 2011, 09:32:33 PM
For godsake Vulgar Ross go make love to your long suffering wife. In fact just take her out on the porch swing and watch the lightening bugs and the cicadas. Just hug her . Let Patriot do your internet posting.


There you have it all. YOU made it about me. So now, Wilma and Catwoman stop it, please.
Stop making it about me.

Cheer for Jefe.

Ya'all are a real refined group. And I wish to cheer you on.

Ya,all keep your cheerleading group real tight . And perhaps you can get a real cheer together.

Have a great evening.

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