Smart Meters.........

Started by Teresa, July 25, 2011, 09:01:37 PM

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Hefe de vaca

       Men who stare at goats. Or is it goats who stare at Steve?


A couple of days ago, someone posted that I made no sense and was perhaps drinking.
My response to the California trial basis for the Smart Meters was this:

Comapnies via Salemen will try to sell you something...and will prey on people's open trust of everyone.  Ergo Kansans. We are proud to be who we are, despite a few 'bad apples' that make the news.
Or as some called us, "Dumb Hicks"

If the Smart Meters will do what they are purposed to do:  to save money, then okay.  But not at my expense of being monitored and controlled by a company on the West/East Coast.

I dont need Micro-managing!
And, if you check out the reasoning behind it, you may never find it.  Companies say they are in our best interest...I don't always think so.


QuoteMen who stare at goats. Or is it goats who stare at Steve?

Ummm...wrong topic?   :o


I had an opportunity offered to me to have one of the remotely controlled thermostats installed and I flatly refused it.  No one, and I mean NO ONE, is going to tell me when I can and can't run my AC.  My bills are always paid in full and I have the right to a cool home in 111 degree heat!  The only "best interest" they are serving might be the ability of the larger grid areas to have rolling blackouts so that the generating stations don't get overloaded.  The only places I know of, where that would be absolutely necessary, are where the mega-cities are...Where I live, there shouldn't be a need for rolling blackouts.


It's not a matter of pranoia
it is a matter of awareness.

Just like the people having their credit card information stolen by theives
while you are typing in you information for a transaction.

And that applies to debit cards as well.

If you are  unaware then you are an easy mark.

just like the schemes of having thousands of dollars needing transfered from over seas to your account for free.
If you are aware you are safe. Not paranoid.


True....but there would be a cost break to install for the 'more the merrier' syndrome.

Heck, mine will stop with a good lightening storm if I don't shut it off before it hits.  
I would think the Electric companies would fix the stupid lines that are 50 years old and twitch at the first raindrop before selling us a Grid package!

Hefe de vaca

    If you aren't familiar with this ready, the military did a study with goats and mind control.

  So you swipe the Dillons card and they know everything you bought and send you coupons for those items to get you back in the store. Simply smart marketing. Same with I-Tunes and on and on. No government control.  Only monitoring your buying habits.


QuoteIt's not a matter of pranoia it is a matter of awareness.
I agree, Ross.
Not everyone is as practical as we on the forum.


QuoteSo you swipe the Dillons card and they know everything you bought and send you coupons for those items to get you back in the store. Simply smart marketing. Same with I-Tunes and on and on. No government control.  Only monitoring your buying habits.

That exists today with the Smart Phones and 'checking for prices" that will send info.  It happens with 'cookies' and surfing habits.  That's why when I sign up for something just to get one thing...even though it's under a safe, and different email addy, I get all sorts of spam to that address.

It is a marketing issue, and I resent my identity being one of those statistics.

Sorry about the remark about the goats, I thought you were dissin' Steve.

Hefe de vaca

Quote from: readyaimduck on July 27, 2011, 08:04:52 PM
I would think the Electric companies would fix the stupid lines that are 50 years old and twitch at the first raindrop before selling us a Grid package!
Then you would complain about a rate increase. Read the latest article in the Eagle about proposed work on the grid. You're lucky to have the service you have , and the rates. Ask Diane what her cost per KWH is .

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