Smart Meters.........

Started by Teresa, July 25, 2011, 09:01:37 PM

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QuoteI am so frightened that I am going out and lift all the peony leaves and see if there are any government agents hiding under them.

now now now, Wilma.
1.  It's too hot for the agents to spy on an elderly lady...but, you may fit the PROFILE of an unorthodox terroist!  :'(
2.  While you're frantically searching the peony leaves, check your electrical may have been shut off due to no one was home, and they thought you would appreciate the lower electrice bill.  Or, in fact it was malfunctioned.
3.  While you start up your AC (because they shut it off), you blow the condenser, and have to call the Electric company.
4.  They replace your part, charge you an arm and a leg and they were under the peony leaves all the time.

Solution:    Decide which is more inportant....peonies, or AC

<<< serious as this might be in the future, I had to play it out...


Diane Amberg

Ross, my fire company has a fire safety budget that we use to pay for educational supplies and fun stuff like the hats. No grants, fund drives and fund raising activities. I just did finish writing the fall fund drive that goes out about Sept.15. Tax write offs? For whom?. We're a 501(c) 3 as it is. I guess I don't know what you mean by "free" either. If my fire company comes to your house and puts out your fire, you don't get a bill from us. Your fire insurance is between you and them.The fact that we exist and with the equipment we have means our residents get a break on their fire insurance because of our good ISO rating. Cheap advertizing?  What does that mean anyway?  Why would we need to advertize? Who you get depends on where you live. What are you going to some other fire company? Actually that's pretty funny. Wanna see your taxes go up?  We close and go all paid.


LOL...Ready, you're a hoot!!!!!

You know, I know that Big Brother (and no, Ross, not the TV show...Stay with me here) has the ability to monitor us in a myriad of ways, all of which I find repugnant and intrusive.  However, that having been said...Are any of us going to quit living our normal life?  NO.  Are any of us going to start sweeping our houses for "bugs"?  Other than Patriot, Ross, Red and Steve, I sincerely doubt there's any of us who are that interesting to Big Brother.  We all live out the little details of our lives in comparitive safety and solitude.  If y'all are really all that neurotic about this, then don't buy smart phones, don't have TV top cable boxes and don't, for God's sake (and the sake of the rest of us!), DON'T UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES take advantage of any of the other modern conveniences that make our mundane lives just a little easier, happier or more comfortable.  Retreat to your survivalist caves, loaded with at least 18 months of MREs, bottled water and cynide tablets (you know, just for in the event you're taken captive and can't manage to escape by the hair of your chinny-chin-chin).


Why can't we be both:
1.  This side on the cautious and prepare within reason.  1 year, not 3.   Like canning, stocking up on supplies.
2.  Life Life to it's fullest.

Unfortunately, most take things that are real to the extreme.

There is a fine line between cautious and paranoia.
But, "I am only a Doctor, Jim....not a Psychologist!"  <<<<<<<<in my best Bones voice.

ready and waiting... :o


I agree, Ready.  Your point is well stated, clear and mature.  Now...I wonder how the fringe element is going to refute this bit of mature advice?


Thank you Cat, but I do have to interject:
My Uncle did work with the IBM's in California back in the 60's.  Steve is not that far off in the technology side.
And, with the 'possible let's see what the American people are actually doing' and I use that term without proof,
the technology is available. 
Just like booze, the computers are.  It all depends on how it is used/abused.



I agree.  There are way too many avenues that exist for the Gov't to gain access to you and your information.  Heck...With the gps capability of the smart phones, you can track where your kiddos are...OK...I'm trying to find a downside to that one...But, the fact remains that you do need to be aware of what means exist for you to be monitored.  However, if you're living a normal life and aren't doing anything worth monitoring, what do you have to fear?  My life is dull in the extreme...And I defy any Big Bro to try to monitor me while I'm in my classroom...LOL...Go for it!!!!!  I'd love to see the reaction on their part to all of the mundane aspects of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol



Oh heck, Cat!  if this is a debate, then count me out....I see both sides of the picture as well as hear both voices in my head!
I flip-flop on some a fish out of water... :o

just stating what I know and feel.

ready and questioning.


QuoteAnd I defy any Big Bro to try to monitor me while I'm in my classroom...LOL...Go for it!!!!!  I'd love to see the reaction on their part to all of the mundane aspects of my

Yet, they could (or the Administrators could) and if you so much as make a mistake or be so mundane that you aren't effective in the classroom, there goes your job or perhaps the funding that comes with it!



Nah, this isn't a debate.  There are indeed two sides to this...The one more nefarious and the one where you just have to shake your head and get on with life. I guess I'm like you in that respect...I can flip-flop with the best of them.  I am the variety who believes that all we can do is our best, regardless, so just get on with it and do so.  

Actually, it's been fun to talk to you, Ready... ;D...No debate about it!! lol  

Actually, Ready, I'm already monitored by all of the teachers I work with, my principal and my parents.  That's just the nature of teaching...It comes with the territory.  And if I screw up, it's my butt that's in the sling.  Yes, I could lose my job.  But, I'll be blunt...I expect to be held to that high standard.  I'm more than capable of not only meeting that standard but exceeding it and do so on a daily basis.  The performance of my students each year speaks for itself.

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