The future of Schools

Started by srkruzich, July 25, 2011, 07:16:44 AM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 26, 2011, 01:17:32 PM
So what would you do with the ones that you don't think can be educated? We have sheltered workshops and jobs here for all but the absolute worst.

Do with them?  hmmm sell em to gypsies?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on July 26, 2011, 01:19:12 PM
Do with them?  hmmm sell em to gypsies?

so what do you have against gypsies????

as for a kid being un-saveable/un-trainable/un-salvageable /whatever by the time they are 7 or so............bullshit.....I've seen grown men change their ways.


So have I and usually because they have found a good woman and change their ways to keep her.

Diane Amberg

Pam, and Wilma, when I say really bad I mean REALLY disabled mentally and physically.
These kids have no apparent awareness, malformed gums, and teeth, can't chew or swallow, make meaningful sounds, walk or even crawl or have any bowel or bladder control. Some are also deaf and/or blind.
When ADA passed a few years ago it was taken by some to extremes.  We have a facility called Stokley that takes care of them, but some parents get the guilts and demand school for them. I know one in particular who was third grade age, but fit the above description and couldn't even hold her own head up. She stayed in a semi reclining padded high backed wheel chair with many straps and padding to keep her in place. A special bus picked her up at home with a nurse and an aide, paid for by the school district. She went to my local school and spent her days constantly being changed and suctioned and fed through a stomach tube by the two folks who cared for her. She was in a special ed class. They knew she could hear but was blind.
The classroom kids were wonderful to her and would hold her hand and sing to her and brush her hair while she listened to stories and music through a head set. There was no way to know if she got anything from it, but she seemed content and rarely cried or got upset. She did get sick a lot and had kidney infections one after the other. I've lost track of her now. She might not even still be alive.


You know the kids that are like that, do not need to be in a school. they need to be with their families.  Churchs need to step up to the plate and offer help caring for them by church and members. Thats where that belongs, not in schools or government hands.  And many churches do.

As far as the ones who you don't teach right up to age 7, the statistics show that if you don't disclipine them and teach them right from wrong and respect for elders by age 7 your life is going to be hell when they get older.   I have to totally agree with the spoiled brats i see in todays society.  Been having dialogue with two such brats, unfortuntely not even the military training has taught them respect for their elders.  May be life will.   They might be army boys but they are still snot nosed brats.  Unfortunately i fear they will get a real lesson soon if they get sent to battle. 

i know you don't like my method Diane but the best and fastest way to cure the openly defiant youngin is a good spanking on their behind.  Once you get them past their mad at you and into the repentance mode, its all for good. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Hefe de vaca

       You shouldn't be allowed to keep animals, let alone children , Steveo. You need to listen to these people who have dealt with the real educational world , not your own small experience with your own family.  Discipline should match the need for discipline. I can see you using a hot shot. It is a piece of equipment you won't see on our ranch. Put the onus on our churches? What religion?


Quote from: Jefe de vaca on July 26, 2011, 09:58:06 PM
       You shouldn't be allowed to keep animals, let alone children , Steveo. You need to listen to these people who have dealt with the real educational world , not your own small experience with your own family.  Discipline should match the need for discipline. I can see you using a hot shot. It is a piece of equipment you won't see on our ranch. Put the onus on our churches? What religion?
ROTFL  And you think i value your opinion?  ROTFLMAO.  Why don't ya go back and mind your own business and i'll tell you when you can voice an opinion.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Hefe de vaca

     Hmmm..... sounds like something a snot nosed brat would say.

"Norman's not funny"

Tell us more about how tough you've had it, and how smart you are, now that's funny! :P


QuoteBeen having dialogue with two such brats, unfortuntely not even the military training has taught them respect for their elders.

I seem to remember you sayin up a few posts how you taught your kids to talk back "if they thought the elders were wrong".........MAYBE THEY THINK YOU ARE WRONG STEVE!!!!

Quotebest and fastest way to cure the openly defiant youngin is a good spanking on their behind.  Once you get them past their mad at you and into the repentance mode, its all for good.

I spanked my kids a time or two but any kid worth their salt is GOING to be openly defiant once in awhile......I'd be worried if they weren"t. We have all known that kid whos mom or dad was a real fan of strict discipline and stood on their kids neck all the time....if they ever get loose they are gonna be the most out of control person on the planet 9 times out of ten and all you can do is hope they dont do themselves or anybody else any lastin damage before they get all the poison of resentment out of their system. Kids are like horses in that you can break em or you can gentle em or you can TRY to break em and create an outlaw.

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