The future of Schools

Started by srkruzich, July 25, 2011, 07:16:44 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on July 25, 2011, 01:37:47 PM
One question, Steve.  Suppose your grandchild's parents were killed in an accident and the grandchild had no one else.  Would you still feel that you had done your job and now it was someone else's responsibility?

Come on Wilma.  That has nothing to do with what i am talking about and you know it!  Your talking extremes. First of all that decision isn't mine to make it is the parents decision.  They made their decision in their wills.  They decided who they want to take care of him.  IF it is me they want then i will take care of him til he's old enough to take care of himself.  BUT I would choose to take on that responsibility and not be forced to by some arbitrary group that thinks i have too much money so they take it to take care of someone elses kid. 

I don't have to worry about that now do I.  I have a grandchild that has very responsible adults as parents.  So its not even a consideration!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


BTW if i did have a chance to raise my GS he sure wouldn't be in a government school.  I can teach him better at home.  Got the time now i am not working to do a better job than i did when my boys were growing up. 

Would i take it on, yep.  Only because i  love my grandson and i CHOOSE to do it.  I don't' love other peoples kids.  That's the difference.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Ok, so you love only your family. WOW!! well, not sure I can even go there!! You know you just live in your own little world don't you??? Really!! I wish I had my Bible here now, cause I am sure that it says in there somewhere that you are to love and treat others with respect, or something like that!! All I can say is WOW!!!

I see where you don't think you should raise other peoples kids, get that understand that. I understand that you hate the government and all things with it. But things are so so much different then even when I was a kid in the early 80's. When I was growing up, you could buy penny gum, find old bottles to take to the coop and make money, work at a much earlier age, and even drive when younger. Plus, kids didn't worry what others say. The only drug I actually knew about was mary jane, and didn't do that at all. It wasn't looked at like you were a bad person to go into the bar to get a pop during the day or shoot a game of pool. But today, I don't even want my oldest to walk from our daycare to up town here in Howard. I barely let her even walk to her grandmothers house that lives right beside us in the country. It's not because she is not responsible, it's the other idiots that drive on our road and how fast they go. Gum cost like five cents a piece now, and both parents have to work to even put food on the table. So, if parents homeschool their child they tend to be able to afford to have one parent stay home and not work. Another thing, SRS actually took care of the children and didn't just leave them in abusive homes like they do today. You need to really wake up Steve!! I have been in schools these days, have you? I have seen 3 little girls that kept having head lice, and the step dad ended up shaving their hair all off. He was to lazy to do all the work it took to get rid of. You would be that one heartless person that laughed at those poor girls even though it wasn't there fault. They were under 10, and couldn't work, didn't have the money to buy the stuff to get rid of the problem. It was so sad. One of the girls basically cried all day, and do you know how hard it was to send her home after school.

If those little girls deserved that then you really are heartless!! I don't always agree with you on your points, but the way you put things on here you sound like you could care less about anyone but your family!! That's great and fine, but one of these days you might need help and what would you do if your family weren't there for you?? I would hope that you would have a neighbor that cares enough!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 25, 2011, 02:12:41 PM
Ok, so you love only your family. WOW!! well, not sure I can even go there!! You know you just live in your own little world don't you??? Really!! I wish I had my Bible here now, cause I am sure that it says in there somewhere that you are to love and treat others with respect, or something like that!! All I can say is WOW!!!
I believe it says i should treat others the way i would like to be treated.  And I do.  I uphold my responsibilities and i expect others to do the same.  No difference.  I help folks when needed but on my terms not some groups terms or the governments terms.   
In fact Christ didn't want anyones help, money or whatever they had if it had to be extorted out of them.  He said he loves a cheerful giver.  There is no cheer when its extorted or stolen from you!

QuoteI see where you don't think you should raise other peoples kids, get that understand that. I understand that you hate the government and all things with it. But things are so so much different then even when I was a kid in the early 80's. When I was growing up, you could buy penny gum, find old bottles to take to the coop and make money, work at a much earlier age, and even drive when younger. Plus, kids didn't worry what others say. The only drug I actually knew about was mary jane, and didn't do that at all. It wasn't looked at like you were a bad person to go into the bar to get a pop during the day or shoot a game of pool. But today, I don't even want my oldest to walk from our daycare to up town here in Howard. I barely let her even walk to her grandmothers house that lives right beside us in the country. It's not because she is not responsible, it's the other idiots that drive on our road and how fast they go.
THEN take a stand and say no more!  Thats what i've done.  NO MORE to having to raise other peoples kids. NO MORE to allowing other people to shirking their responsibility, No more to letting everyone walk all over us. NO MORE to all of it! 

QuoteGum cost like five cents a piece now, and both parents have to work to even put food on the table. So, if parents homeschool their child they tend to be able to afford to have one parent stay home and not work. Another thing, SRS actually took care of the children and didn't just leave them in abusive homes like they do today. You need to really wake up Steve!! I have been in schools these days, have you? I have seen 3 little girls that kept having head lice, and the step dad ended up shaving their hair all off. He was to lazy to do all the work it took to get rid of. You would be that one heartless person that laughed at those poor girls even though it wasn't there fault. They were under 10, and couldn't work, didn't have the money to buy the stuff to get rid of the problem. It was so sad. One of the girls basically cried all day, and do you know how hard it was to send her home after school.
You don't know me.  Would i laugh not on your life.  I can understand not having the money to deal with the lice. And yeah its true that if you cna't get rid of it because you haven't got the money to afford the pesticide to put on them then i would have given it to them.   QUite frankly his method was far healthier for them than putting a toxic pesticide on them.  Sure don't think i would have done that!   My method would have been to cut it short, then comb them out.  The longer hair even with lice pesticide is very difficult to get it out. 

QuoteIf those little girls deserved that then you really are heartless!! I don't always agree with you on your points, but the way you put things on here you sound like you could care less about anyone but your family!! That's great and fine, but one of these days you might need help and what would you do if your family weren't there for you?? I would hope that you would have a neighbor that cares enough!!
You know the only one you can count on in this world is family and sometimes not even them.   SOMETIMES you get lucky and find some good folks that will help.  And like i said you don't know me.  You don't know what i do or who i help or how i do it or anything about it AND you never will know. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Steve, you are remembering the SRA Laboratory boxes. ( Science Research Associates)They started out in the 50's in reading and later went on to math. I had them as a student and used them as a teacher. They were the color coded "stories'' that had questions following them. We've talked about them on here before.  
Steve, you just don't get it and never will, I guess. You are not a typical parental ideal situation. I'm glad you made it work for you, but your style should not be everybody's. Not everybody will be asked to go to Duke. Education is not a one size fits all if ya hit the kid hard enough and often enough. I will never, ever agree to that. Also, some kids just aren't mature enough to be cut loose at 18. My own sister wasn't. She was scared of everything and didn't even learn to drive until much later.  That spooky attitude has been passed on to one niece. As far as the restaurant incident, that was the managers job, not yours. You pull that stuff around here, you can end up with holes in ya. As far as what Christ had to say...WHAT? You been into the sacramental wine again? Do unto others and all that? I'm sure I could find as least 10 biblical quotes dealing with taking care of people who are in need and not just families. I'm not a biblical scholar by any means, but I sure know what I know. Gotta go now. Have a good evening.


Steve, would you accept the educational system for your children if it was free free free??????  AND I didn't say 30 people I said 30 seconds.  You need to learn how to read the small stuff, I guess.  ::) ::) ::) :angel:

Sorry Pam, I went to a public school and didn't really learn how to subtract real well, but I try. lolololololol  I wasn't privvy to the education you get when you are home schooled by a narrow minded blowhard who has all the answers and knows how it's supposed to be done.  My family WORKED and couldn't stay home.

You know, my children might have caught an adult stateing something they disagreed with, but they were taught their manners and respect for elders and they would NOT have corrected them in public.  Instead they would have discussed the differences in private, the way it should be handled.  But then, I guess when it came time for you to HOME SCHOOL your children on manners, you just skipped over that part.


Quote from: flo on July 25, 2011, 04:46:24 PM
Steve, would you accept the educational system for your children if it was free free free??????  AND I didn't say 30 people I said 30 seconds.  You need to learn how to read the small stuff, I guess.  ::) ::) ::) :angel:
Sorry flo, myeyes aren't what they used to be.  For some reason i saw people not seconds.  BUt no i wouldn't accept school if it was free.  There is nothing for free in this world.
what i want is people to stop making excuses for those who aren't responsible.  Make them face their responsibility.

QuoteYou know, my children might have caught an adult stateing something they disagreed with, but they were taught their manners and respect for elders and they would NOT have corrected them in public.  Instead they would have discussed the differences in private, the way it should be handled.  But then, I guess when it came time for you to HOME SCHOOL your children on manners, you just skipped over that part.

I actually taught them to be respectful but i also taught them to correct them if their wrong! JUST BECAUSE Your old doesn't mean your right!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I see what you are saying. I have volunteered in many different ex activities, and my biggest pet peeve is to send your child on a trip and not send any food or money with them. But I will not make the child suffer and not eat because of that, I would pay for it. When my oldest daughter was in 6th grade they went to Neewollah. I gave her 20.00 for food and also for rides. She knows that she is to bring money home, too. One parent didn't send any money with their child for even food and she and another girl gave him money to eat. I had a problem with this, and it was because the childs guardians just didn't because they knew that someone would foot the bill. The guardians are know cattle theives. Sorry, but they charged with the crime. Like I explained to her, they are known or charged with stealing cattle. We raise cattle, and to think that they could steal money from a farmer just isn't right. Steve, I see what you are saying about people raising their children. But it is still not always the children't fault. As someone else said, they didn't ask to be born. God created them and gave the child to their parents with the intention for the parents to raise them.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on July 25, 2011, 05:22:29 PM
I see what you are saying. I have volunteered in many different ex activities, and my biggest pet peeve is to send your child on a trip and not send any food or money with them. But I will not make the child suffer and not eat because of that, I would pay for it. When my oldest daughter was in 6th grade they went to Neewollah. I gave her 20.00 for food and also for rides. She knows that she is to bring money home, too. One parent didn't send any money with their child for even food and she and another girl gave him money to eat. I had a problem with this, and it was because the childs guardians just didn't because they knew that someone would foot the bill. The guardians are know cattle theives. Sorry, but they charged with the crime. Like I explained to her, they are known or charged with stealing cattle. We raise cattle, and to think that they could steal money from a farmer just isn't right. Steve, I see what you are saying about people raising their children. But it is still not always the children't fault. As someone else said, they didn't ask to be born. God created them and gave the child to their parents with the intention for the parents to raise them.
hmm i think i know who your talking about. UNFORTUNATELY those children don't have an advocate for them.  THeir parents if they are who i think they are are beyond help.  Thieves, and about as low as you can go.  This is a situation IMO and i despise and loathe SRS with a passion, but the kids would be better off in another home.  Unfortunately the damage is done with them.  You see if you don't teach a child the right way before they are 7 years old their personalities have formed and nothing will alter that course unfortunately.   

Like i said before if i ever help someone, no one will know it.  I prefer to let others take the credit.  I've got a curmudgeon image to uphold you know...
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on July 25, 2011, 04:50:52 PM
.  There is nothing for free in this world.

Then I guess Teresa can do away with the catagotry of free, trade, etc., right? cause you PAY your own way. 

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