Words to think on!

Started by Judy Harder, July 22, 2011, 06:26:15 AM

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aw, but cat, why would you want to sit on a big rock, fighting skeeters so big they could stand flat-footed and mate with a turkey, when all the while the flathead you are trying to get to take your bait is in one foot of water UNDER the rock you are sitting on ?


Because it's hard to catch a tan and guzzle the good stuff while up to your neck in river water, that's why! lol  Now...If we were discussing being on the side of a bass pond...All it takes to deflect those B52-size mosquitos is a deet count of 25 or higher.  I've never had much of a problem with dealing with bugs when fishing...Except for the 6'3" variety that like to lose my lures.  Then, I get extremely bugged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from sodbuster:
BTW I have to apologize to Jarhead for poking him and taking a dig at his being a Marine. He let it pass but Teresa stuck up for him and he had to say something to look like  he did not need a girl to stick up for him. Now I pissed off a Marine and someone who chews through straps or whatever it says on the bottom of her posts.  In person I am buying you guys dinner at Toots and me, Sarge, and Jarhead are running trot lines on the river at 4 in the morning.


No David, I didn't say something because I felt I had to because a girl stuck up for me. I can handle it on my own but  Teresa will have my back and I hers. That's what friends do. Do you have any friends except in your wild imagination ?
No, I won't be setting a trot line with you. You have "dug" at me since I first came on the forum and now you want to suck up to me ? Thanks but no thanks. You see sir, I have dealt with people like you before. I see you as someone that thinks they are so much better / smarter than us "Rednecks of Elk county" You think you dazzle us with your brilliance, all the while all you are doing ,in your mind, is playing little mind games with us---which by the way is not working. You just keep thinking you are the puppet master dangling the fine folks of Elk County on a string and making us dance to your whim if that's what it takes to get your rocks off. So Sonny, you go ahead and "play up the  Berkeley radical thing---just for fun" .(your words )
If I'm wrong about you, then I'm sorry---but if I'm right, then you are sorry---a sorry POS !!!
Oh yea, good luck on Sarge going fishing with you--and good luck on coming back from the fishing trip if he takes you---but who am I to speak for ol Sarge ? He's a big boy and can speak for himself---just ask him .


Jarhead----Rethink about going on the fishing trip with Sodbuster. I think that we could catch a helluva lot of flatheads with him. All we need is some extra heavy duty string and some larger hooks to put him on. ---MR. KSH




Quote from: jarhead on July 28, 2011, 08:10:47 PM

If I'm wrong about you, then I'm sorry---but if I'm right, then you are sorry---a sorry POS !!!
Oh yea, good luck on Sarge going fishing with you--and good luck on coming back from the fishing trip if he takes you---but who am I to speak for ol Sarge ? He's a big boy and can speak for himself---just ask him .

Trust me your not wrong about him.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Well, let me see....................

Jarhead, that information came straight from Wikipedia where I looked up the term "noodling" and I apologize if it is incorrect. 

Sadly, you mentioned your rubber ducky which sparked a very bad memory of when my rubber ducky and I were splashing around in the surf at the beach and it was eaten by a shark.  (On second thought.............better him than me.)

Now, I have to spend the rest of the day with the image of Catwoman working on her tan.   ::)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


QuotePam, noodling was legal in Mo. for a couple years in just a few short stretches of certain rivers but it came to a screeching halt. The all knowing higher up's said too many big "breeding size" flatheads were being taken. I have no idea what they meant by 'breeding size"  but a 4-5 lb flathead spawns and lays a hell of a lot of eggs

they had a new bill this year but dont know what happened with it....were goin to limit to five fish a season or somethin like that. Think the guys I was watchin on the news were in Texas.

guess I need to see if I can find out if it passed or not..........


Wiki is right about everything else Larry but seeing as I am KKK LLC---that would be Katfish King of Kansas (self anointed ) (just threw in that LLC crap in because it seems like something important ) I think I am the ultimate authority on flathead catfish. Now ol Sarge will probably beg to differ with my assessment but we all know he's a moron.
Oh yea---catwoman is really a morbidly obese, hairy backed, bald headed  man but you go right on fantasizing-----------------------------------OK, that's BS but I just wanted to see you shuddering like a coon dog passing a peach pit when you  got that visual.  :D

Diane Amberg


Quote from: kshillbillys on July 28, 2011, 08:23:01 PM
Jarhead----Rethink about going on the fishing trip with Sodbuster. I think that we could catch a helluva lot of flatheads with him. All we need is some extra heavy duty string and some larger hooks to put him on. ---MR. KSH

Hey  KSHB you took my idea. Sarge, Jarhead, KShillbilly, Ross, don't take things so seriously. This is a forum on the internet and when we are talking politics it is a no holds barred Karl Rove, Swift Boat moment. I have said before I will post both sides of an issue just to help flesh out the arguement. Also, I will dig someone that has done it to others themselves. Don't take me, yourself, or this forum seriously. It is just a form of entertainment, debate, arguement, sparring. That is just my point of view. Hey, Sarge and Jarhead you come out to California and I let you guys teach me how to noodle sharks and rays. I don't need to kiss your ass no benefit to me or you. Just posting this because some of you take things very seriously and that is not necessarily the same as others do. Just telling you my approach don't take me or this too seriously.

David :angel:
Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues

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