Corrupters of the Constitution

Started by redcliffsw, July 19, 2011, 05:38:06 AM

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Diane Amberg

Red, you have asked me that question several times before and I have always answered you. Don't you read what I say or are you expecting a different answer?. For the last time, I'm a moderate Independent. I look at all sides of an issue before I decide what I think is right. I am especially interested in the long term effects of what congress does,especially the delegates who seem to spend all their time running for the next time. I believe in term limits, always have. I have known Joe Biden for years, as Al used to work with him at new Castle County. I consider him a friend but that doesn't mean I automatically agree with all of his politics.  Like I said, there are things I can't, and don't talk about. On the forum, for the sake of discussion I may throw out an apparent opposing idea because it often gets people to expand on their knowledge basis or consider another way of looking at things. I'm not a liberal but i am very flexible. When I vote, I never pull the Party lever. I always consider the individual and usually it's a real mixed bag by the time I'm done. I really do read what you post on here and I often find something I agree with, or at least partly. BUT they better have their facts straight.  I do not like opinions paraded as fact. Have an opinion, but let it be known that it is opinion.
  Steve, why do you think Lincoln had a hand in writing the constitution? He wasn't born until 1809.  ;D The rest I agree with. I'm a great believer in states rights as long as it doesn't restrict a particular group or hold back natural progress.


I believe Steve might be referring to Benjamin Lincoln, then Secretary of War.

I believe Steve put Lincoln's name in his post without differentiating which Lincoln, as bait to see if anyone would respond to it.

I believe I am posting in Politics when I said I wouldn't!


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Why hell Larry, we need a good "Doc" here probably more often than one is needed elsewhere. Stand by for casualties. :)


Sorry, Jarhead, I was only trained to patch up bodies and give unnecessary immunizations to MP's who harassed me when I was out and about in the village.  That only happened once.  After that, no problemo, senor!  But that's another story........

I wasn't trained to be a pychoanalyst, well, maybe the psyco part, but not the analyst.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Quote from: redcliffsw on July 20, 2011, 05:55:39 AM
Diane, if you are not a liberal, then what do you claim to be?  You appear to be very liberal to me.

Well that's your problem! I've spoken with Diane before and she has described herself to me as a moderate liberal. And I don't have any reason not to believe her.  I am the wife of a teacher. I don't like most unions, and I HATE NCLB. I don't belong to ANY political party. I'm pro life, and more than ready for a new President. And I know that not everybody is going to agree with me. I consider myself Conservative. Good enough for you? Actually, I don't really care, because it's not up to you to decide.
sorry folks, just getting tired of the few to argue just for the sake of arguing....


Diane, you can describe yourself as a "moderate independent" all you like, however you're a liberal to me.

Lincoln ignored the Constitution - like the liberals do nowadays.  How much priority do you want "particular groups" to have?
Why don't you support "individual rights" instead of particular groups?  Natural progress?  Since when have you started supporting
natural progress without gov't programs, rules, and money?  You say you are a "great believer" in states rights but you really
don't support states rights.  Looks to me like you represent liberalism quite well.

Sorry to interupt, Steve.  Go ahead.....


Diane Amberg

You are welcome to your opinion, just as I am. I just don't know why labels are so important to you.  Real Americans don't need labels IMHO. When I first joined the forum, four years ago, one of the first things that one of you demanded of me was to know my religion. Back here that is considered invasive and very rude. Why does it matter?   Besides, I haven't burned a witch in years!
  How would you feel if someone called you an ignorant hillbilly and then said you represent one very well? That's very insensitive, rude and probably isn't true, but considering how you try to misrepresent me, shall I try rude for a change? Being polite sure isn't working to my benefit. You can't possibly get a true picture of me and who I really am from an occasional post on a forum. I am very comfortable with who I am as a person. I am extremely fair, honest and incorruptible.  Who would you rather have as a friend, a cheating dishonest conservative or an honest moderate? ...and no, I don't mean conservatives are crooks, that was just an example.
(Some of my best friends are very conservative ;))
  States rights should never manipulate any legal group so they can't vote or participate in things than can affect them personally. No, it should not be just land owners who get to vote. That IS a form of individual rights.
Gotta go make a big fruit salad for a meeting tonight. Bye.

Diane Amberg

Larry, Steve was right, I did forget about B. Lincoln,  I'd have been wrong anyway, only remembered Knox. :D


Quote from: larryJ on July 20, 2011, 09:21:44 AM
I believe Steve might be referring to Benjamin Lincoln, then Secretary of War.

I believe Steve put Lincoln's name in his post without differentiating which Lincoln, as bait to see if anyone would respond to it.

I believe I am posting in Politics when I said I wouldn't!



True he had his hands all in it but i wasn't referring to that lincoln.  Abe Lincoln is also considered today as a framer of the constitution today.  He added 13, 14, 15th amendment and violated the 1st, 9th, 10th, and Several articles to achieve that. He committed treasonous acts to achieve those amendments.   

You can look at it like this, he declared war on a sovereign nation to invade not defend.  OR you can look at it like he used the Nations military against American Citizens.   Either way, he committed treason.  All through the war, he violated 1st amendment rights of the press, jailed people for speaking out, committed war atrocities through his generals AKA Sherman.  He was never known for being the great emancipator til it benefited him in the homeland propaganda he issued forth.  IN FACT he tried his damndest to get an amendment that enshrined slavery forever but he was soundly defeated every time.

SO yeah Lincoln was not the "Honest Abe" everyone today makes him out to be. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Yes Sir.  No wonder it's hard to have any faith in the Republican party.  You've just covered much of the basis of their history in that short paragraph.

As for the Democrats, they've changed over the years for the worse.  Today, most Democrats can worship Lincoln too, and
they do.

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