Corrupters of the Constitution

Started by redcliffsw, July 19, 2011, 05:38:06 AM

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........  So the question becomes, whom are you going to believe – the
men who were there and participated, or PBS and the History Channel?
-Mychal Massie

Diane Amberg

Better go back and carefully read this piece. If the constitution was written in 1787, when Jefferson was in Paris, how did he or anyone else sign it in 1776? Also Jefferson wanted the constitution rewritten every 19 years, also expressing that "the dead should not rule the living." He too wanted term limits.


Imagine Mychal Massie typing Constitution where it should be Declaration of Independence, not once but twice in the same article.  Franklin, Jefferson, and Adams are all signers of the Declaration, of the three only Franklin also signed the Constitution.  And Adams letter to his wife was in response to signing the Declaration.

Plus the body of the article is about the Constitution, not the Declaration of Independence, so just how mixed up is he?  I sure wouldn't want Mr. Massie teaching history to anyone.

I'm sure Red will chalk it up to being the result of receiving a 'government' education.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Diane, the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776 and old George was around then. ;D

On September 17, 1787, the Constitution was completed, followed by a speech given by Benjamin Franklin, who urged unanimity, although the Convention decided that only nine states were needed to ratify. The Convention submitted the Constitution to the Congress of the Confederation.

History lesson for today. 8)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

Larry, I assure you I know all that. We're the first star and all that.  It's right on our flag. December 7, 1787.The writer was saying that Thomas Jefferson signed the Constitution...not true. How someone who expects to have a loyal following and a "comment maker" like Red could screw that up is beyond me. Especially after Red's sarcastic remark about who to believe...must not have read it himself. I take no pleasure in this, but it's one reason I'm very skeptical about all those "Experts" out there in Blogland. As you can see I do read them, but....


Diane, you seem to be very concerned about Massie's errors.  Your liberals (experts with solutions) have done much damage to this country and yet you don't seem the bit concerned and to think it OK to violate the Constitution as long as a vote is taken - then call it democracy.  You're well educated (or should we say indoctinated?).


Diane Amberg

Of course I'm concerned! You aren't? Why not? Remember it took a teacher to spot it. Why didn't you? You know I am not a liberal and calling me one doesn't make it so. No you may not call me indoctrinated. I think for myself. I have huge concerns about a great many things the Gov't does, but I don't choose to lay them out for all to see, like some do. There are also things I just can't share publicly.
If I'm such a liberal explain to me why I read all those things you post? Do you look at the ads that surround them?  See who they are catering to? Speaking of sheeple!  People like Massie have a much higher responsibility to be correct because of his loyal following who believe every word. Terrible misinformation becomes "truth" because of that kind of thing, especially among people who don't have much education and don't know it's wrong. Al took Constitutional Law at UD. It was a bear of a course and I helped him study. They learned more about the ins and outs and strengths and weaknesses and potential for abuse than I thought possible. Whether I liked it or not I learned a lot too.  That document wasn't meant to be forever. Even the framers thought so. But it has become as sacred as the Bible. Jefferson knew there were weaknesses in it and said so; he wanted it rewritten every 19 years so it would be appropriate for all.  But that's another very long conversation.


Quote from: redcliffsw on July 19, 2011, 05:38:06 AM
........  So the question becomes, whom are you going to believe – the
men who were there and participated, or PBS and the History Channel?
-Mychal Massie

I have not read the article this quote came from. But I will tell you that the History Channel plays fast and loose with some of their programs. There have been many times hubby has turned the channel in disgust.  Some of the "facts" in their programs are just plain WRONG.


Diane, if you are not a liberal, then what do you claim to be?  You appear to be very liberal to me.


The constitution was in fact a rewrite of the articles of confederation of which you can bet your bippe that lincoln had his hand in it.   Jefferson did sign the articles of confederation.  And this country operated under it from day 1 til after the civil war when they suddenly decided ohh they needed to rewrite it.  Why? Because under the Articles, States had rights!  They had the right to secede from the union.  So therefore a rewrite was necessary to avoid this niggling little problem again!   

Not all of it was rewritten.  Some of it is unable to be rewritten unless you dissolve the country first through a Constitutional Convention.  That was a very brilliant move by the founders! 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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