Ross' kind of Control and Manipulation

Started by flintauqua, July 18, 2011, 12:35:57 PM

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Quote from: Teresa on July 18, 2011, 09:36:58 PM
Yep~~ that seems to be the case in many areas...............

May seem that way, but I can handle myself in person too. I can drop someone if needed.

Breathe deep the gathering gloom,Watch lights fade from every room.Bedsitter people look back and lament,Another day's useless energy spent.Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,Lonely man cries for love and has none.New mother picks up and suckles her son,Senior citizens wish they were young.MoodyBlues


Guess we'll never know for sure~ will we.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Aw hell Teresa, I been missing all the fun on this thread. I read that little dig earlier but decided to ignore it considering the source and now you went and defended me and sounds like someone is either gonna shoot you or cold cock you--------------------let me rephrase that (considering the source again )--------whack the shit out of you !!!
Once in awhile there seems to be some that absolutely loathes anything to do with Military. I always ask myself "why do they feel that way ? Did they try to join but the DADT policy keep them out ? Did a Fly-Boy piss in their Wheaties ?' Maybe a  Army guy stole their girl friend. A sailor bitch slap them ? Most Marines believe in 'peace love--peace love' so that can't be it. Aw the mystery of it all !!


Jar, there's nothing wrong with being in the Military...I wish I had been able to fulfill the long line of service that is in my family line.  As it is...If needed, this old warhorse would still muster enough get-up-and-go to defend this nation.  I would be defending a lot...My own children, my students, my family, my way of life.  And, as far as you needing defending...LOL... :o...Uh, I don't think you're doing a bad job on your own! lol  You and I may not see eye to eye on some things but that doesn't diminish the amount of respect that I have for you.  Period.



Quote from: flintauqua on July 18, 2011, 12:35:57 PM
Interesting - The Tea Partiers have their own playbook on how to hi-jack open forums like town-hall meetings.  Could the fact that these tactics are twarted by using the type of meeting Elk Konnected has used be the reason Ross and Patriot and others are so pissed off about things like the Delphi Technique and processes that lead to decisions made by consensus, and not decisions made by the tyranny of the most vocal.

Why thank you Flintauqua I really appreciate the fact that you recognize that the organization does not actually have Community Conversations or Town Hall Meeting that is so gracious of you. It totally establishes the fact that they are a totally controlled meeting. With the circle of chairs, kindergarten colored stars on name tags, not permitted to sit with your loved ones or close friends (because you can not be trusted), and only permitted to talk about what you are told to talk about. My guess is there is a facilitator in each circle to insure all orders are followed to a "T". Isn't that right?

Sir, (and I use the term loosely) I did not attend a meeting to disrupt it. It was billed in big bold letters in the newspaper as a Community Conversation and since you pointed out that it was not, I feel I was mislead. However, when I asked the man the man from Wichita County that was facilitating our Elk County meeting to talk with him, that is to have a conversation he said, "outside" and pointed his finger indicating outside. When I asked him, "Why not in front of the community he lifted his microphone to his mouth and softly said, "Where is the sheriff". At that point I simply said, "I thought this was a Community Conversation", and I started walking towards the exit. I did not create any kind of a ruckus. I met the sheriff's deputies when I had nearly reached the exit. The deputies were very well behaved and conducted themselves as gentlemen. So anyway, why was the man from Wichita County afraid of having a conversation in front of the community? What really bothers them about having a real Conversation? You appear to be the expert on Elk Konnected so please enlighten all of us?

So it appears to me there are a couple of rules I didn't know about. So as the Elk Konnected expert I need you to clarify them for me please?

All citizens must agree with Elk Konnected on all points and sit in their circle of chairs or they are considered trouble makers and the sheriff's deputies will be called, is that right? I ask you as the expert on Elk Konnected?

Is "Freedom of Speech"  not allowed at the so called Community Conversations be another rule of the organization? Again, I ask you as the expert on Elk Konnected?

Are you an owner or admitted member of Elk Konnected? This is a very important question, would you please answer it and the other questions above if you have the intellect to do so?

Thank You.

P. S. You confuse me and the situation by continually changing threads, would you please help out an old man and stay on one thread, please? Unless of course that is your intent.
I'm going to carry this over to the Topic: Elk County Hand Out At Commissioners Meeting on 4/25,11780.0.html


Let me furnish a reasonable answer to that question, "why not in front of the crowd"?  As you said, the meeting was organized, it was being prepared in the manner that had been planned.  People were finding their places at the tables and all was going smoothly.  Why, at this point, would a facilitator take the time to disrupt the meeting to talk to someone that was not becoming one of the crowd?  Why couldn't it have been taken outside while the rest of the group continued in an orderly fashion to get in place to start the meeting?  Instead of waiting until the facilitator had a moment to accompany you outside and talk to you about your concerns, you chose to leave the meeting.  Any conversation, other than what was needed to get people settled, would have been a disruption which would have delayed the meeting.  Were your concerns of such magnitude that they couldn't wait a few minutes until the facilitator was free?  If the facilitator felt he needed to refer you to the sheriff, then you must have done or said something that caused him to think that you were a disruptive presence and the easiest way to take care of it was to ask for you to be escorted out.  I can see it.


Quote from: Wilma on July 19, 2011, 02:29:44 PM
Let me furnish a reasonable answer to that question, "why not in front of the crowd"?  As you said, the meeting was organized, it was being prepared in the manner that had been planned. 

You have no reasonable answers You were not there. Why bill it as a Community Conversation in the newspaper if that is not the intention. I don't call seating people in circles of chairs, with little kindergarten stars on name tags so you can separate them by their colored star a Community Conversation. They separated husband and wives and family members and close friends? Why, because they can not be trusted to have a conversation. B.S. It was all for control, simple. If we can have them ply musical chairs they will do anything else we ask. No problem-o. Control.

Quote from: Wilma on July 19, 2011, 02:29:44 PM
People were find in their places at the tables and all was going smoothly.
You were not there, there were no tables, just circles of chairs. And everything was going smoothly, they herded the people around like cattle in a stock pen. They performed every order they were given. There was no Community Conversation. There were circles of chairs with a facilitator from Washington County giving orders and most likely a facilitator in each circle to help control the situations, who knows.

Quote from: Wilma on July 19, 2011, 02:29:44 PM
Why, at this point, would a facilitator take the time to disrupt the meeting to talk to someone that was not becoming one of the crowd?  Why couldn't it have been taken outside while the rest of the group continued in an orderly fashion to get in place to start the meeting? 
There was no disruption for a Community Conversation. Not becoming one of the crowd you say? That's exactly what they want because a crowd is easier to control than an individual. Then you have mob mentality and can be controlled with peer group pressure. You just don't take Community Conversations outside, then the Community is not part of the Conversation. Don't you get what a Community Conversation is? It's everyone discussing and everyone hearing not a bunch of circles of chairs.

Quote from: Wilma on July 19, 2011, 02:29:44 PM
Let me furnish a reasonable answer to that question, "why not in front of the crowd"?  As you said, the meeting was organized, it was being prepared in the manner that had been planned. 
It was published on the  Front Page of the newspaper as a Community Conversation, they lied right?
What was he afraid of? Answering a few questions? Was it the handful of papers I had in my hand?

Quote from: Wilma on July 19, 2011, 02:29:44 PM
Instead of waiting until the facilitator had a moment to accompany you outside and talk to you about your concerns, you chose to leave the meeting. 

There you are wanting to take a Community Conversation outside and leaving everyone behind. Well, then it sure wouldn't be a community Conversation then would it? What did they man have to Hide? What was he afraid of tell the whole Community that he would tell me?  Well at least 140 some of the community.

Quote from: Wilma on July 19, 2011, 02:29:44 PMIf the facilitator felt he needed to refer you to the sheriff, then you must have done or said something that caused him to think that you were a disruptive presence and the easiest way to take care of it was to ask for you to be escorted out.  I can see it.
He was afraid to talk with me that's all. And he did not refer me to the sheriff. When I asked to speak with him I repeat he said outside, I simply asked why not in the Community Conversation in front of the Community. That's when he raised his microphone to his mouth and softly asked, "Where is the sheriff?"
And a gain I was not escorted out, I politely left on my own.



So, Ross . . . call your own meeting and run it your way.  :D


Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 19, 2011, 06:42:48 PM
So, Ross . . . call your own meeting and run it your way.  :D
That's not what the conversation was about. The conversation was about the Commuity Conversation, try to focus. should we call in the facilitator?

But since you broached the subject.
If I ran a meeting I wouldn't treat adults like children in a sandbox.

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