
Started by Warph, July 16, 2011, 09:00:03 PM

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According to multiple surveys over the last several decades and from different countries: 5-7% of people have seen a UFO, and 10-15% know someone who has seen a UFO.

At least several hundred thousand UFO sightings have been documented over the last 50 years, and the total number of UFO sightings is estimated to be in the millions.  At least several thousand sightings are reported each year. Only a small percentage of those who see a UFO report the sighting.

Question:  Do you believe in Unidentified Flying Objects?  I do... whether it is Military or "whatever"... something is out there.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Definitely, I believe.  There was an unexplainable occurrence in Severy in '73 or '74 when there was a very strange wind and unexplained lights appearing here and there.  Two women south of Severy who lived about a half mile apart saw what they thought was a fire between them.  There was no fire there.  My youngest daughter was upstairs in a south window and she saw a light that she thought was a train coming from the south.  There was no train, there was no track.  It had been abandoned and torn up.  Other people in town saw lights where there shouldn't have been lights.  The next day, at work, I mentioned the wind to some people from around Howard and Moline and they said "What wind?"


Recently, the History channel (it was either that or the Discovery channel) has been discussing USO's (Unidentified Submerged Objects)...Evidently, there has been recorded sightings of UFOs coming out of the ocean, from the region of extremely deep trenches. 

I would like to think that, yes, there is something out there that is smarter than this civilization we're living in at the moment.

It gives me hope! lol


Cat, I hadn't thought of it that way.  Hope it is.  Maybe the extraterrestrials can take over Washington and get our country back on track.



I agree, Wilma and Cat.  Maybe it is time to send "Paul" to Washington and see what he can do in the cat-bird seat.... couldn't be any worse than the clown we have in there now, the Obumanator...

...and if that doesn't work out, their's always "RANGO"....
(I'm not sure but, does Rango look a little like LarryJ ???
... naw.. I'd  say more like JarHead... huh?) [/b][/font]

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


QuoteMaybe the extraterrestrials can take over Washington and get our country back on track.

YES!!! 8)  Then M & M's would be finally back in the White House!  E.T.  Phone me!   ;D

Diane Amberg

Hey! It's Reese's Pieces!  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Unless the aliens  are 'toe-tappers' , mistress hiders, embezellers; or 'think they are above the law', then we just may have a chance.

Otherwise, we won't know until they run for president, however I thinnk they  have to be a citizen of this country, which is another issue. 
I will write in ET or Howard Stern (He's for real isn't he?)   ;D

Yes, I do believe there is another force that is starting to show itself.  Call it God in a Spaceship or just plain different scientific phenomea (sp)  it is happening.

Too many sightings and too many coincidences of the government saying:  "Nah, nothing to see here...move on"
Reeces Pieces???   Now you realize, Diane you are mixing things up?    :laugh:


Earlier this morning, I spent a great deal of time (4 or 5 minutes) trying to think of a cutesy, funny, or otherwise light-hearted entry to this thread.  I had several ideas which I really wasn't happy with and in the end, decided not to comment.

UNTIL NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you must know, we have visited this planet many times.   Originally, to bring the mutant species which we cannot tolerate on our planet or any planet close to us.  There are occasions where it is necessary to turn on our craft's lights in order to make high speed turns so that we will not hit any of your really sad satellites and that big monstrosity you call a space station.  We come to check on the progress of the mutants we planted here many years ago.  Many of our scientists are studying the evolution and development of the mutant species; how they can't seem to live in peace, although they all came from one place, which is why we dumped them here in the first place.  We become concerned when it looks as if the species will wipe each other out, and why the species has not developed faster than we had hoped for.  Studies of the political systems that have been established do give us something to laugh about though.  And, watching the leaders of your countries, we believe you call them, are the best joke of the day.  

Now, it has come to our attention that some of our members have joined a forum in order to gain insight on the daily lives of the mutant species.  Someone has tried to insinuate that two very informative and unusually nice people, two of the more intelligent and thoughtful people on this forum, might be one of us.


There is, however, one of our species currently living in a place you call Arizona.  While he should be studying the mutant species and reporting what he sees, he chooses to chase a little white ball around a park type setting and then sits in a room with someone named Slappy and drinks a fermented liquid until well after your sun has moved to the other side of the planet.  He will have to be replaced soon if he doesn't watch his mouth. 8)

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


QuoteThere is, however, one of our species currently living in a place you call Arizona.  While he should be studying the mutant species and reporting what he sees, he chooses to chase a little white ball around a park type setting and then sits in a room with someone named Slappy and drinks a fermented liquid until well after your sun has moved to the other side of the planet.  He will have to be replaced soon if he doesn't watch his mouth.

Now Larry, this topic of UFO's  was started over the weekend.  It's okay to take some time to smell the golf greens, talk about old times while sipping beer until dark.   

Come Monday, the mutant research should continue.  I'll keep a headlight out for you as not to hit a station!!
(Love your sense of somewhat truthful, sarcatic humor...but I hate to tell you that we have been on this planet more than once, you see....we just can't get it right the first time.   
So, the next time you post after a new world will be DeJa Vu for me! ;D

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