Teachers Union

Started by Maude, July 06, 2011, 06:59:43 AM

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Quote from: Catwoman on July 06, 2011, 09:58:01 PM
I wish to Heaven that more parents were like you, Steve.  You have both my admiration and my praise for your parenting skills.  You, unfortunately, aren't the norm...You are a good example of what to be. 
I'm not that great, just carried what i was taught from my parents to my kids. I'm a product of a broken abuse cycle. My dad was horribly abused, but he stood up the day he had me and vowed that he would never do what his dad did to him and his brothers.  He died with no bitterness towards his dad only love and compassion towards him.  

What we have is a society induced cycle in our schools.  The way to change it is to tolerate it no more.  I love this saying, DEMAND Excellence!  Settle for Nothing less than the Best.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

momof 2boys

I was just thinking that at $5,000 a year per student, our local district has an enrollment around 400 counting pre-K through 12, so the district would have to operate on $200,000 a year.  Ouch!  


Quote from: gina on July 06, 2011, 10:06:47 PM
Just so you know...I don't smoke, make my own coffee at home, and my driving is limited to the places I have to go.  No aimlessly cruising the city streets of Howard for me.  lol

ROTFL Well i was speaking about the general population.  BUt my point is that for 13 dollars a day you can educate your child, in a high quality school.  

Now heres the real million dollar question....
IF I can educate my child for 5,000 a year, why is it that schools are spending over 18,000 a year on education per student?  
maybe not here, but a national average states this.

Could someone tell me where the other 13,000 dollars a year goes??
OH and one more thing, the 5000 dollar a year education got my kids invited to DUKE university at the age of 12
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: gina on July 06, 2011, 10:10:35 PM
I was just thinking that at $5,000 a year per student, our local district has an enrollment around 400 counting pre-K through 12, so the district would have to operate on $200,000 a year.  Ouch!  

It can be done!  ANd you can get the highest quality education too!  Where does the rest of the money go?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

jerry wagner

Quote from: gina on July 06, 2011, 10:10:35 PM
I was just thinking that at $5,000 a year per student, our local district has an enrollment around 400 counting pre-K through 12, so the district would have to operate on $200,000 a year.  Ouch!  

Sorry.... no.  That's $2,000,000 not $200k.

momof 2boys

Oops, my bad!    :-\    I forgot to regroup my 2 to the millions place. lol

momof 2boys

Some of the expenses that come to mind are salaries, utilities, maitenance of buildings, supplies, and technology.

I'm off to bed, I am usually sound asleep at this time of night.


Quote from: gina on July 06, 2011, 10:19:01 PM
Oops, my bad!    :-\
LOL.... TOo late to be adding.

The school my boys went to had 800 students, 22 teachers 1 headmaster and office staff. teachers average pay amongst all of them was 45,000  SOme got more some less depending on what they did.  Pay was based on performance, as well as responsibilities.  
building maint fund was not that high, they kept it maintained. Part of that was classes.  The students did a lot of the maintenance to learn how.  The headmaster made 70k a year. so he was not paid outlandishlly like our government school supervisors are.  
that pretty much left about 2.8 mil for the funding of their education.  Oh and they didn't have a football stadium, they had a ball field but it didn't have fancy bleachers in fact to watch a game they took chairs out and sat and watched.

Sports were there but they were played on the kids own time.  

Had music class but the parents paid for that extra if they wanted their child to get that.  

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich link=topic=12175.msg167531#msg167531 date=1310007
Abolish the Department of Ed, and return local control to the communities with schools. 

That would be an excellent start! And get rid of No Child Left Behind!


Head Start has been around since LBJ.  What an expensive venture that one has been.

A better name for Head Start would be "False Start".  Call it what it is.

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