Looking out my back window today...

Started by Catwoman, June 26, 2011, 06:46:40 AM

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OK, all of you...Finish this sentence...It's a continuation of a thread that died a long time ago.  An oldie but a goodie! 

Looking out my back window today, I saw...

Tall sunflowers dancing in the breeze...Roses being tickled by honeybees...
Tomatoes ripening in the morning sun...A blue sky blanketing everyone.
I saw a world peaceful and serene...A morning custom made for someone like me!

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone!!  :)


How can anyone follow you, cat?  But I will try.

What did I see out my back window?

My backyard extended across the alley and several feet into the neighbors property because my son-in-law mows it that way. 
A peony bed that needs a tree cut out of it.
Clouds that look as if they could rain on someone and now they are raining on Fall River.
By scrunching up against the glass and looking to the north I can see the bird house where the wrens raised a family and might be starting another one.
I can also see the east end of the corn/sunflower patch where the sunflowers have outgrown the corn and the corn tassels are extending above the sunflowers just enough to make it look like the sunflowers are tasseling.
Very close to the house are the bird feeders that give us an all day continual show of birds.

Not as poetical as Cat's, but that is my backyard.  What is yours?

Diane Amberg

Let's see, out one back slider I can see my deck with big pots of herbs and a cherry tomato, my picnic table and deck chairs, the big Carolina Sweet Shrub, the gas grill and the feeder where the catbirds, cardinals and blue jays are fussing under the big magnolia. Out the other back slider I can see the tube feeders full of gold finches and hummers, a bird bath and the edge of my little vegetable garden with everything reaching up to the sun. In front of it is one of my seven flower beds that has hosta putting up it's scapes and sweet scented Peruvian Lilies in full bloom next to the autumn clematis that wants to take over the one birdhouse pole. The butterfly bushes are getting big.The peonies are finished and the yucca will bloom soon. The ever blooming abelia is budding. The other birdhouse on a pole in the vegetable garden has a busy wren family stuffing bugs into babies as fast as they can. 


I have always thought that you can tell a lot about people by what they have in their backyard...It really speaks to their personality types.


Lookin out my back window I saw Boo, my female wolf sleepin in the shade of her house. Lookin out my back window past Boo I saw the woods....cool....shady......dark and mysterious yet comfortable.....

Judy Harder

I don't have a back window, what I am seeing out my front window is my patch of garden reaching for sun.
The tomato's still haven't produced, blooms, yes, but either I planted them late and they are late bearers or there is too
much shade or I chose the wrong ones again.

Then the redbud is shading the yard where my Sassy-Dog likes to call hers....and across the sidewalk is bright sun-light and Irene's apartment and our neighbor Gene's.
Irene has lots of flower pots  with petunias and coleus and other potting plants growing in them, and a flower bed producing large sunflowers...............and elephant ears that will soon catch up with her giant sunflower.

Oh, did I say, LOTS and Lots of sunlight?!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

Out by back door, I see a wonderful huge tree that has shaded the back of our house for years. This tree was planted by Carl Criger and before he died, he used to drive our alley just to admire his handiwork.  I pray to our Lord to keep that tree safe. It is beautiful. We have a large enough back yard that Colonel can run around and get a little exercise. I also see the chairs that I just washed drying in the sun.

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